I am putting together a blog post with tips and tools for administrating a node and then I have discovered the technique of "port knocking".
I decided to experiment with it and I have created a guide that puts it together with the default configuration for iptables by torservers/moba[1a][1b].
I have searched on this list and the topic of port knocking has been discussed very rarely (last discussions in late 2014).
This is the guide I have writen: https://balist.es/blog/2016/05/03/configure-port-knocking-for-a-tor-node/
I would like to receive some feedback and I hope this can be useful for other operators.
[1a]: https://www.torservers.net/wiki/setup/server [1b]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/torservers/server-config-templates/master/...