Christian writes:
Hi all,
sorry for my probable newbie question.
My bridge's log file reads:
Jul 10 11:21:34.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor's uptime is 17:52 hours, with 4 circuits open. I've sent 12.55 MB and received 209.33 MB.
Is it normal to have such an unbalanced ratio or do I have to worry about something? In the past, I always used to recieve a quart more than I sent which I couldn't quite explain, but now...
Thanks for an answer.
Is that an obfuscated bridge? This assymetry usually occurs when you are using obfsproxy with your bridge; it happens because of the way that obfsproxy is integrated with tor. Don't worry about it, your bridge works fine.
This phenomenon will be fixed in the 0.2.5.x version of Tor (#4773).