I'm the operator of one of the mentioned relays ( Thanks, Tim, for pointing this issue out to me. I'll try to help with this as much as I can.
So far, I have not been able to reproduce this issue. With the python script from #18688, I am getting results of approx. 0.20s.
On 01.04.2016 19:11, starlight.2016q1@binnacle.cx wrote:
These relays all appear at least somewhat overrated by BWauths and are not rate-limiting with BandwidthRate.
My server has a 100 Mbit/s interface and the options 'RelayBandwidthRate' and 'RelayBandwidthBurst' are set to 40 Mbit/s. I've reduced it to 30 Mbit/s for the time being.
DirPort performance is bad due to a saturated physical link or 'tc' bandwidth limit, so TCP congestion back-off kicks in.
I will try to do some testing next week, to see how fast/stable my network connection actually is.