Considering how closely we work with Mozilla I suspect this program is no surprise, but none the less forwarding it along since it could very well benefit some of our sub-projects.
Cheers! -Damian
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Slashdot: manishs Date: Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 7:45 AM Subject: Mozilla Will Fund Code Audits For Open Source Software To:
Reader Orome1 writes: The Mozilla Foundation has set up the Secure Open Source (SOS) Fund, whose aim is to help open source software projects get rid their code of vulnerabilities. Projects that want Mozilla's help must be open source/free software and must be actively maintained, but they have a much better probability to being chosen if their software is commonly used and is vital to the continued functioning of the Internet or the Web. Three open source projects -- PCRE, libjpeg-turbo, and phpMyAdmin -- have already gone through the process, and the result was removal of 43 vulnerabilities (including one critical).
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