at the moment tor.freie-re.de is mentioned as out of date. From this day on the rsync job runs again on a regularly basis. So I assume the mirror is now up to date.
On Sun, 27 May 2012 23:58:43 +0200 Jens Kubieziel maillist@kubieziel.de wrote:
at the moment tor.freie-re.de is mentioned as out of date. From this day on the rsync job runs again on a regularly basis. So I assume the mirror is now up to date.
Attempt to fetch via HTTP. Fetching possible date from: http://tor.freie-re.de/project/trace/www-master.torproject.org Result code 200 We've fetched a date 1337947815. We fetched and stored the following: 1337947815
Seems up to date now. Thanks!