I set up a new mirror for your project.
It`s a http one (https & ftp coming soon) located in Vienna / Austria. URL: http://tor.fodt.it We are syncing the mirror every 4 hours. If everything is ok, please add it to the list.
Regards Herb
On Wednesday, September 21, 2011 11:07:35 Hostmaster // FoDT.IT - hwe wrote:
I set up a new mirror for your project.
It`s a http one (https & ftp coming soon) located in Vienna / Austria. URL: http://tor.fodt.it We are syncing the mirror every 4 hours. If everything is ok, please add it to the list.
Added. Thanks for running a mirror!
Thx for adding!
Now we are using 2 diff. Hosts to mirroring the Project both are located in Vienna / Austria: & URL for both hosts is http://tor.fodt.it
ftp added: ftp://ftp.fodt.it/pub/mirror/tor/
https coming next few days
Additional: please add "FoDT.IT" into our Organisation row
Regards Herb
Am 21.09.2011 21:36, schrieb Andrew Lewman:
On Wednesday, September 21, 2011 11:07:35 Hostmaster // FoDT.IT - hwe wrote:
I set up a new mirror for your project.
It`s a http one (https & ftp coming soon) located in Vienna / Austria. URL: http://tor.fodt.it We are syncing the mirror every 4 hours. If everything is ok, please add it to the list.
Added. Thanks for running a mirror!
https added!
URLs: https://tor.fodt.it https://tor.fodt.it/dist
Regards Herb
Am 21.09.2011 23:54, schrieb Andrew Lewman:
On Wednesday, September 21, 2011 17:10:49 Hostmaster // FoDT.IT - hwe wrote:
ftp added: ftp://ftp.fodt.it/pub/mirror/tor/ Additional: please add "FoDT.IT" into our Organisation row