Dear all,
Andrey Uzunov's Master's thesis on "Speeding Up Tor with SPDY" is now available at
My personal conclusions are that SPDY PUSH should not be used with Tor, and that modest performance gains with SPDY are attainable for typical websites. Aside from deployment considerations (how to detect exits supporting SPDY2HTTP translation), a major area for further work will be adding HTTP pipelining support to the SPDY2HTTP proxy to avoid performance regressions seen with some sites.
For those that prefer watching over reading, we'll post the defense talk on once we've finished the conversion.
Feedback is of course welcome. However, as Andrey is now finished with his thesis and looking for work (hire him!) -- and as I don't have any funding to support further work on this now -- it is unlikely that we'll be doing any further major implementation work on this in the near future. Naturally, the existing code is freely available (and does work, if one is willing to go through the pains to set it up properly).
Happy hacking!