Reinaldo Junior writes:
On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 7:55 AM, George Kadianakis wrote:
Chelsea Komlo writes:
Hi George,
Thanks for your help with this!
We wrote up our high-level understanding of the current Tor guard
algorithm here:
This has more than our python simulation, but less than the actual Tor implementation. For example, it is missing conditions like prioritization by uptime, capacity, etc.
If you wouldn't mind taking a look at this and letting us know anything that is missing/should change, that would be really helpful.
Your pseudocode looks pretty accurate based on what I remember from the guard algorithm and from quickly skimming the code.
One inaccuracy might be that if IIRC in RECEIVE_NEW_CONSENSUS we don't remove guards that are not listed in the latest consensus. Instead we mark them as 'bad' which rules them out of retries etc. till they reappear on the consensus. See entry_guard_set_status() and its caller for how this works.
Hmm, looks pretty good!
One note: I feel that you are hiding information behind the simple phrase "Build LIVE_GUARDS". Interesting things happen in populate_live_entry_guards() that are not documented by your algo. For example, in entry_is_live() we call entry_is_time_to_retry(), which periodically retries guards based on time:
struct guard_retry_period_s periods[] = { { 6*60*60, 60*60 }, /* For first 6 hrs., retry hourly; */ { 3*24*60*60, 4*60*60 }, /* Then retry every 4 hrs. until the 3-day mark; */ { 7*24*60*60, 18*60*60 }, /* After 3 days, retry every 18 hours until 1 week mark. */ { TIME_MAX, 36*60*60 } /* After 1 week, retry every 36 hours. */ };
Also, another function that I'm not sure if you have seen (and whether it fits with the algorithm) is entries_retry_all().
BTW, I like the way you have splitted the algo into various events (RECEIVE_NEW_CONSENSUS, BUILD_NEW_CIRCUIT, CHOOSE_A_GUARD, CONNECT_ENTRY_GUARD, etc.). We should maybe try to shape Ola's new algorithm to fit this event structure exactly since it resembles the actual Tor networking API.