Yawning Angel wrote:
Hello all,
Recently a decentralized onion-routing based Bittorrent client known as Tribler has made rounds through the clickbait garbage^w^wtech journalism sites. Since protocol design is a research interest of mine, I did some casual analysis based off the documentation and publicly available source code.
Thank you for taking the time to write this; I'm sure I speak for many when I say that your contributions are greatly appreciated :)
If this is "casual analysis", I shudder to think what you would find during office hours :-P Perhaps it could be posted on the Cryptography Coding Standard wiki [0] as an example of what not to do?
Most of the fixes require major revisions to the wire protocol. As it appears that there is no versioning, how that will be done is left as an exercise for the student.
Alternatively, rebase the system on I2P.
If they did choose to rebase on I2P, they would be able to integrate with the existing I2P torrent swarms. In case the Tribler developers are following this ML, the protocol details common to all BitTorrent clients on I2P are documented in [1].
[0] https://cryptocoding.net/ [1] https://geti2p.net/en/docs/applications/bittorrent