On 2017-10-25 23:51, nusenu wrote:
Hi Karsten,
Hi nusenu,
just wanted to let you know that the delta between relays_published and current time is unusually high.
{"version":"4.2", "build_revision":"bce585f", "relays_published":"2017-10-25 04:00:00",
Yes, the issue is known, but we were busy yesterday fixing CollecTor and making sure we're not losing data (we're not!). Fixing Onionoo is going to happen today.
(please let me know if you have automated monitoring/alerting so I know that these emails are not useful)
We do have monitoring in place, but that monitoring didn't spot the issue with one of the frontends being broken. Please keep sending emails if you notice any problems.
thanks, nusenu
All the best, Karsten