This is a graph of the number of simultaneous relay users for every country, one country per row. It's roughly 30 cm wide and 3 m tall.
It's basically the same as but for every country at once. I thought it might help reveal differences and similarities.
It's made with the attached R script. Run it like so:
Rscript relays-all.R
You can see a few interesting features. Most conspicuous is the Sefnit botnet in late 2013 that affected almost every country. Also look at Russia (ru) around June 2014 and Iran (ir) in August, to pick out some recent censorship-related examples.
To generate individual pages for printing and taping together, I used the pdfposter program:
pdfposter -v -p 999x1letter relays-all.pdf relays-all-paginated.pdf
David Fifield