On 22 Jul 2015, at 22:58 , rl1987 rl1987@sdf.lonestar.org wrote:
- Changes to external tools
This is the big one. We need a relatively comprehensive list of tools we can break with the above changes. Anything that refers to relays by SHA1(RSA1024_id) will need to be able to remember and use an Ed25519 key instead.
What does "remember and" mean here? Do you mean "remember to use Ed25519 and"?
I think it means "remember Ed25519 key and use it instead".
Thanks, my English parser was confused by the line break.
Once I read your explanation, I can't see how I could have missed it.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com pgp ABFED1AC https://gist.github.com/teor2345/d033b8ce0a99adbc89c5
teor at blah dot im OTR D5BE4EC2 255D7585 F3874930 DB130265 7C9EBBC7