it is a well known fact that MyFamily is a largely ignored setting, luckily this is not a problem in most cases because
- all relevant relays are run in a single /16 or - are only guard relays (exit probability = 0*) or - are only exit relays (guard probability = 0*)
but there is a limited number of relay groups** that have actual end-to-end correlation capabilities, meaning they are potentially chosen by tor clients for the guard _and_ exit position, even if the odds are (hopefully) not very high.
These potentially dangerous relay groups - are run in multiple /16 netblocks - have an exit _and_ guard probability of > 0 (because they run exits and guards)
Examples (generated daily): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ornetstats/stats/master/o/potentially_dang... (see CC)
How could the risk for tor clients be reduced? (options after enough dir auths came to the conclusion that these relays are in fact operated by a single entity)
1) try to contact the operators and give them time to fix it I've done that multiple times but haven't been successful [1]
2) build tools to easily/automatically manage MyFamily done[2], but it is unlikely to be used
3) assign them the badexit flag since exits are a scarce resource, not very wise
4) assign them the badguard flag there is no such thing ;)
5) blacklist the entry guards (that are outside the configured family)
6) change tor's path selection algorithm to never choose more than one relay with a given non-empty non-default contact string? This would basically turn the ContactInfo field into the PoS token mentioned by Mike in [3]. Since there are a few common contactInfo strings this is probably not the best option without excluding them.
[1] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2016-November/010965.html [2] https://github.com/nusenu/ansible-relayor [3] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5565 * if we can assume onionoo's values to be accurate and realistic ** they are considered to be operated by a single group due to their contactInfo descriptor field. This string is not verified in any way and can therefore result in false-positives.