On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:29 AM, Karsten Loesing karsten.loesing@gmx.net wrote:
1 Using Trac features
1.1 Which of the reports (stored ticket queries) do you use most often?
I don't use the reports; in the time that it takes me to confirm that a report will actually give me the ticket that I want, I
1.2 What are typical custom queries that you run?
Look for every open ticket in a Tor milestone.
Look for every open ticket on a given non-Tor component
Look for every open ticket on Tor client, Tor server, Tor bridge, Tor directory authority, Tor hidden services.
1.3 How do you use milestones and roadmaps?
I assign Tor tickets to milestones when I'm pretty sure it'd be a good idea to do them for that milestone.
I've make a wiki page for the stuff I want to get done for 0.2.3.x.
1.4 Are you subscribed to tor-bugs and/or tor-wiki-changes, and how do you use the mails sent to these lists?
Yes; I read all the mails that are sent to those lists that pertain to components I work on.
1.5 Which wiki pages do you read/edit most often?
Currently, https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/roadmaps/Tor/023 and the various sponsor deliverable pages.
1.6 How do you search for wiki pages?
I go to the Index page and scroll or search on it.
1.7 What are typical search terms that you use when using the search features?
1.8 Do you use keywords and the tags page, and if so, what are keywords that you typically use?
1.9 How relevant are the following ticket fields for you?
1.9.1 Reported by
not really
1.9.2 Owned by
1.9.3 Priority
Within milestones and components, I frequently sort by priority.
If it's "major", it's something I *definitely* want to get done for the next release if possible. If it's "minor" or lower, it's nice to have, but could slip without severe consequence. If it is "critical" or "blocker", then I assume either that it is a crash bug that makes the network unusable for people, that it is a security bug that is compromising users, or that somebody is being melodramatic.
1.9.4 Milestone
I use milestones a lot. Stuff that is assigned to a "Tor: x-final" milestone means that it's something we should consider for backport (if the milestone is older), or stuff that we should do for an upcoming release (if the milestone is newer)
1.9.5 Component
Somewhat important, but there are so many Tor components that just refer to the software "tor" that I often find myself just looking at milestones instead.
1.9.6 Version
Relevant, though I don't believe it unless the person reporting the bug actually says "I'm using version foo" in the comments, since people often get this wrong.
1.9.7 Keywords
I assign "easy" to bugs I think are easy to fix. I don't read or search on keywords much.
1.9.8 Cc
I get all the bug mail, so I don't mess with this.
1.9.9 Parent ID
Very important; this is how I cluster related bugs and implementation steps.
1.9.10 Points 1.9.11 Actual Points
I don't use these.
1.10 How relevant are the following ticket statuses for you?
1.10.1 accepted 1.10.2 assigned 1.10.6 new 1.10.7 reopened
These are all identical from my POV. The distinction between them is not something I pay attention to.
1.10.3 closed
This is the desired end state for all bugs. Very important.
1.10.4 needs_information
This state is kinda important. It means to me, "can't do more here without feedback."
1.10.5 needs_review
Very important. I try to respond to these first.
1.11 What other features do you use in Trac?
Just the tracker and the wiki
1.12 What features are you missing in Trac?
I wish I could assign bugs to multiple milestones.
1.13 What features would you want our Trac not to offer anymore, because they're making things only more confusing for you (and for people who are new to Tor)?
I don't know what confuses others, but IMO the proliferation of components that are all "tor" doesn't help me, and makes stuff slightly harder.
2 Solving typical software development tasks
Note that the questions below don't just focus on Trac, but on any tools or communication media you use for solving a task.
2.1 How do you decide what to work on, both when fixing bugs or when implementing new features?
I skim the stuff for the relevant milestones weekly, and look at the 023 roadmap when I'm done with a major task.
2.2 How do you keep track of what things you're supposed to do for sponsors and for when?
I'm trying to use https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/roadmaps/Tor/023, and periodically consult the per-sponsors deliverable pages.
2.3 How do you memorize new ideas to work on when they come up?
I don't think I memorize ideas to work on when they come up; I open a new ticket, or ask the person who's enthusiastic about the new idea to do so.
2.4 How do you coordinate working together with someone on something?
IRC and trac tickets, usually.
2.5 How do you learn who you could work together with on something?
IRC and needs_review tickets, usually
2.6 What other software development tasks do you have that may be supported by Trac or a Trac-like system?
It would be neat to have better code review tools.