Hello !
I am doing really very boosted webserach in the last month. I am using the tor-bundle, if I am searching in several different and sensitiv areas, like wiki-leaks etc.
From my long term experience with all other search engines,
beside google, they really dont allow you to continue, if the browser crashes. But this happens in minimum 10 times a day :-(
So I want to use google to search, without allowing them to track me. This is why I use the tor-bundle. Using tor for simple webpages is usually slow. What would beome best for me, is, to use the tor-bundle together with the google search engine, but then, have a context menue (right click) to open another browser for a given search result item. The other browser then, is not configured to use the tor network.
Does anyone has an information, how I, as an end-user, can exceed the context menue in the tor-bundles browser?
Thanks anyway and best regards,