Unlike other commands besides AUTHENTICATE
HMAC-SHA256("Tor controller-to-server cookie authenticator", CookieString)
I'm more than a little green with HMAC. Does this mean that the hmac key is that static string, so it would be implemented like...
import hmac cookie_file = open("/path/to/cookie") h = hmac.new("Tor controller-to-server cookie authenticator", cookie_file.read())
# that second wrapper, where it looks like the above is the key h = hmac.new(h.hexdigest(), server_challenge_response)
# send to the controller send_to_controller(h.hexdigest())
Also, is "HMAC-SHA256" some special hmac implementation that I need to look up? Is it part of the builtin python lib?
Speaking as someone who will need to implement the controller side of this I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do with this. Some points of clarification that are needed:
1. Is CLIENTCHALLENGE just any arbitrary client provided string used as a salt for the hash? 2. The CLIENTRESPONSE is something that I validate then discard, right? 3. What happens if a user issues a AUTHCHALLENGE, PROTOCOLINFO, then AUTHENTICATE? What about PROTOCOLINFO, AUTHCHALLENGE, AUTHENTICATE?
Personally I don't see the reason for the last handshake. The controller is proving that it should have access by providing the cookie contents. Providing both the cookie contents and SERVERCHALLENGE proves that we sent and received the AUTHCHALLENGE which isn't terribly interesting.
If we only included the AUTHCHALLENGE message and response then this would not require a new authentication method so controllers could opt into the extra cookie validation. That said, if your intent is to force controllers to do the SAFECOOKIE handshake then this makes sense.
Cheers! -Damian