The people that have been following Pluggable Transport development may know that I have been working on something tentatively called "obfs4" recently. It's rapidly approaching the point where I would like to open it up for review and feedback, hence the e-mail.
A quick and dirty description would be:
obfs4 is ScrambleSuit with djb crypto. Instead of obfs3 style UniformDH and CTR-AES256/HMAC-SHA256, obfs4 uses a combination of Curve25519, Elligator2, HMAC-SHA256, XSalsa20/Poly1305 and SipHash-2-4.
The feature set offered by obfs4 is comparable to ScrambleSuit with the following differences (implementation specific changes are noted as such):
* The key exchange is based on the ntor handshake, and thus authenticates the server to the client. Both obfs3 and ScrambleSuit depend on the encapsulated protocol to handle this on it's own.
* obfs4 always does a full handshake. ScrambleSuit style session ticket handshakes are not supported. Even with Elligator2 mapping taken into account, the obfs4 handshake is significantly faster, so there is less of a need for this.
* (Impl) obfs4proxy currently does not offer Inter-Arrival Time obfuscation, but this could easily be added if it is something that a lot of people want. It is worth noting that while obfsproxy and obfsclient both support IAT obfuscation, support for it is currently disabled by default as a performance tradeoff.
* (Impl) obfs4proxy is currently written in golang. Neither a clear plus or minus, it does allow people to run bridges on reserved ports significantly easier, is probably faster (native code, can use multiple cores for most things), but is more annoying to build and results in rather large binaries (the go runtime is statically linked).
* (Impl) obfs4 supports a lot of the protocol improvements made to ScrambleSuit that are pending merge (See #11271, #11203). This difference is temporary.
The code and a draft spec is at: https://github.com/Yawning/obfs4
Open questions:
* Is the base design and my implementation sane?
* Should obfs4proxy also have (disabled) IAT obfuscation? Adding it later will not require wire protocol changes.
* The handshake length mimics ScrambleSuit in terms of maximum padding (< 1500 bytes). Should this be increased to be similar to obfs3 (~8k of maximum padding)? The server side cost for this shouldn't be that high.
* Is this different enough from ScrambleSuit to be worth deploying? I would be ok with this ending up as "just a research project" and shelving it if the consensus is otherwise.
* Should I have named it ScrambleSuit 2? It's a direct descendant of ScrambleSuit and is an obfs derivative only in name at this point.
Future plans:
* Implement suggestions/improve the code/fix bugs/write more unit tests.
* Improve goptlib.
* If this is deployed in meaningful amounts, support it in obfsclient.
For the extremely brave, I am running a test bridge with the most recent snapshot of the code:
UseBridges 1 ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /path/to/obfs4proxy # Bridge line of doom, all one line. Bridge obfs4 67E72FF33D7D41BF11C569646A0A7B4B188340DF node-id=Z+cv8z19Qb8RxWlkagp7SxiDQN8= public-key=vm+w9k57aMIX/o+A9ef5C7o9xKEkhr7kRBj3N4etDn8=
As with any PT that requires per-bridge arguments, this also requires tor-0.2.5.x. The node-id in this case happens to be my bridge's fingerprint, the public key is the long term key used to validate my bridge's identity and generate M_[C,S]/MAC in the handshake (The bridge line is a bit of a UI/UX disaster unless people are copy/pasting it). Getting either of them wrong will result in handshake failures and tor not bootstrapping.
A few warnings:
* The spec assumes familiarity with ntor, ScrambleSuit and NaCl's crypto_secretbox.
* The wire protocol is not final and I *will* push builds to the bridge as I break backward compatibility without notifying people (It's been 0 days since a wire protocol change.). The test bridge will randomly be broken/rebooted/etc as I also use it for other things.
* Development was done with go1.2.x, older versions of the runtime are not supported.
* It would be a terrible idea to use obfs4proxy as anything other than a client at this point.
Questions, comments, feedback all appreciated.