Hello list,
This is an announcement/reminder that there will be an IRC meeting of the Measurement Team on
Wednesday, August 5, 2015, 14:00 UTC in #tor-project
Last week's meeting only had two participants, and while I had a really good time chatting with Philipp, I think it's safe to suggest the same agenda for this week:
- Introductions, problems, products, priorities: any feedback, remarks, comments on what we did in the previous four weeks - 1-1-1 task exchange: you get 1 minute to describe a task that would take somebody else roughly 1 hour and that they will do for you within 1 week (review a document, write some analysis code, fix a small bug, etc.; better come prepared to get the most out of this; give 1, take 1) - Misc/discussion: whatever comes up during the meeting
If you think this can be fun, please join us at the meeting!
Talk to you on Wednesday!
All the best, Karsten