Ian Goldberg transcribed 1.2K bytes:
There may need to be a maximum sum length of the X- entries. This is left to the developers. I propose a maximum sum length of 5 kilobytes.
A couple questions:
0. Does this proposal include adding these additional `X-*` fields to the `@type bridge-server-descriptor`s as well? Or only to the non-bridge server-descriptors?
I ask because there have been times where BridgeDB appeared to be receiving around 17,000,000 bridge descriptors from Tonga (the BridgeAuth) per half hour. BridgeDB needs to parse all of these.
While the parsers can obviously skip any `X-*` lines, if, by some error somewhere in the network, BridgeDB were to start receiving seventeen million bridge descriptors again, except that now each descriptor contains your proposed maximum of 5KB extra text, that adds approximately 81GB every half hour. The previous case where the seventeen-million-bridge-descriptor bug happened nearly OOMed BridgeDB's machine continuously for two whole days, it ran out of disk space several times, and required constant babysitting from both me and sysrqb. If every bridge, or meerly a few hundred malicious bridges, were to send their `@type bridge-server-descriptor` every second with 5KB extra text, it would wreak havoc on several machines critical to the network's infrastructure.
Don't get me wrong, I like this proposal. I just don't want to say okay to something that'll wind up with me waking up to the Nagios instance screaming at me that BridgeDB's machine is down.
Which brings me to my next question:
1. Why 5KB?
Are we planning on allowing people to use Tor's consensus to pass encrypted emails around? I understand the desire to enable relays to be able to store *anything* in these fields, but this seems kind of crazy. Couldn't we specify the maximum length per line to something smaller? I also think that Ian's suggestion below to have an upper bound on the number of individual keys is a good idea.
Should there be an upper bound for individual keys, values, or key/value pairs?
Additionally, you might want to add something to the spec which states that duplicate keys aren't allowed, or that only the last such key will be parsed as valid, or they all get parsed, or however you want the parsers to behave.