Damian Johnson:
I fear this thread goes unanswered and someone willing to contribute gets lost because of unresponsiveness.
Does torproject have a problem to reach decisions?
Agreed that we should be more responsive to potential volunteers. However, be aware that we have over 26 different projects going on right now and far fewer than 26 active developers. We can't cover everything as well as we'd like - help wanted!
Someone already offered help: ficus.
I've discussed this with ficus at length. We have some exciting plans lined up.
Runa and Jake are maintaining Torouter, but each of them also juggle numerous other projects.
Are they authorized to make decisions regarding the Torrouter project?
Uh, I guess as much as anyone?
(I mean decisions like "We do (not) want the transparent proxy feature.", "This design is ok.", "This Torrouter image is good, ok let's call it official stable 1.0.".)
Yep. I opened nearly all of the Torouter tickets with these kinds of discussions in mind - until Ficus had popped up, we'd had nearly no active discussions. I think the best way to work out these issues is on trac where we can discuss them issue by issue and keep track of the conversations.
Sounds like you're volunteering to become a new maintainer of the project, adrelanos?
ficus's thread "[tor-dev] torrouter development)" may be seen as application to become maintainer for Torrouter. Not me.
We've already discussed working on it together. Chill.
All the best, Jacob