Hi *,
The first two weeks of working on my GSoC project[0], which has been dubbed "EvilGenius", are nearly over. and I just wanted to share a bit of the experience I made during that time.
EvilGenius is a tool that - much like Descartes' idea of an "evil genius", it "presents a complete illusion of an external world, including other minds, to Descartes' senses, where in fact there is no such external world in existence." (Source: Wikipedia), it distorts the guests' view of the real internet, in short, it creates a virtual environment that simulates censorship in order to verify OONI's nettest modules.
So, after getting started with vagrant, the virtualization abstraction layer used for my project, i started simulating a virtual netwotrk and configuring the hosts to act as if they were connected to each other and the rest of the internet through a router that is part of the simulated environment.
the "precise32" box is used as base image for all nodes, and I created scripts that configure the network and packed it up in a nice vagrantfile.
Then I began deploying ooniprobe and oonibackend and executed the first successful tests.
Next week, I will begin working on censoring environments.
Have a nice weekend everyone!