On 20/09/16 17:46, Lunar wrote:
Karsten Loesing:
If you feel that's interesting enough, would it be possible to also add the number of download of cryptographic signatures to the graph?
Sure, added.
Thanks! These are interesting datapoints regarding the “but nobody ever checks the signature” that I hear now and then.
That is something I'd like to add very soon, but I'd first want to discuss whether the absolute numbers make sense before breaking them down by operating system, release channel, and locale.
I'll bring the database with me to Seattle. Maybe we can sit down and run some queries on it together? This was fun last weekend together with Georg and Nicolas, and it would for sure be fun with you and other interested folks in Seattle.
Sure! :)
Ah well, I found some time to make a graph for this and also found this to be a good excuse to prototype R Markdown files:
Enjoy! And please let me know how to make that graph even more useful! (Keep in mind that this is a prototype and that the version on Tor Metrics is likely going to provide fewer options to examine the data; but we should use this prototype to learn which are the most important things we want to have on Tor Metrics.)
If we're going to get such graphs running as a way to measure the amount of Tor Browser users, I wonder if we should not also try to work with Tails' people to add their boot statistics, and maybe other projects who include Tor Browser without using the automated update mechanism.
Good idea, added to the list.
All the best, Karsten