talked quite a bit about iron python for stem. Considering that you have some windows experience maybe a tutorial for making stem work with iron python and/or Visual Studio would be a good fit? I'm adding Lee to the cc in case he has some thoughts.
Interesting idea, after some light tinkering today I managed to run it with stem onboard, I'm unsure how much patching this will need (or rather how much can be done), but I'm on it.
After giving it some thought I've come up with a polished and hopefully even more appealing version of GSoC project.
The task list includes:
* connections.py (#7910, porting from arm; since I will be digging into it deep anyway, throwing netstat.exe and workaround for the anti-debugging patch (#3313) in the mix would make sense and makes it quite a meaty task.
* Migrating config utils (#8251, porting from arm)
* Extending Stem's module overview by additional horizontal submenus (#8780, the nesting gets a bit wilder but it's doable)
* Fetching descriptors independently (#8257)
* Optimizing desc queries (#8248)
* Making stem work with IronPython (there are some things in stem.process and stem.util.system that require attention from what I can tell so far, and there's probably be more to it.)
* Controller.assign_next_stream() Pretty self-explanatory, there's a bit of back and forth to make use __LeaveStreamsUnattached, it's not horrible but we can do better
Tutorials. Timewise I'm listing them as the last thing, mainly because I there's the least uncertainity involved, stem will (hopefully) undergo some changes and I (also hopefully) get much better at making the best out of the library.
There is room for setting up and managing a relay, gathering statistics, I definitely want to push controller's potential further (the more I work on #8728 the more fascinated I am by possibilites enabled by manual circuit creation and stream attachment. :-) )
Something Windows-specific will be useful to go along with making stem IronPython enabled, there's a constant problem with lack of good curses counterpart on Win, so that would mean reaching for non standard module (I'm aware of pdcurses with python bindings floating around).
That's how in the main I envision spending the summer under the Tor's flag.
I'd very much like to hear your opinon and any suggestions.
Regards, Tom