Hi, here are our meeting notes:
And here is our meeting pad:
Community team work meeting pad -------------------------------
Next meeting: Monday August 26 16:00 UTC
Weekly meetings, every Monday at 16:00 UTC, in #tor-meeting at OFTC (channel is logged while meetings are in progress).
Meeting 2019-08-19
Presents: * Gus * Pili * Cybelle * emmapeel * clash * kat5
== Updates ==
Name: This week: - What you worked on this week. Next week: - What you are planning to work on next week (related to community team work). Help with: - Something you may need help with.
Gus: This week: - Outreach: CCCamp prep: printing outreach materials, new donators campaign, relay and tor browser flyers. Published our activities in the blog calendar https://blog.torproject.org/events/cccamp-germany - Frontdesk: answering RT backlog + new requests last week. *This week I won't be able to answer!* - Funding: met with Tails folks to discuss new grant proposal (UX+Community) - Community Portal: Talking with community members to migrate specific wiki pages: bad-relays working group and why my relay is slow. - Documentation: #DocsHackathon ticket triage and migration to dip.tpo: - Support Portal tickets: https://dip.torproject.org/web/support/issues?label_name%5B%5D=DocsHackathon - Tor Browser Manual tickets: https://dip.torproject.org/web/manual/issues?label_name%5B%5D=DocsHackathon - Main portal tickets: https://dip.torproject.org/web/tpo/issues?label_name%5B%5D=DocsHackathon - Offline from Aug 20th to 26th.
Help with: - Frontdesk: RT backlog (blank emails) + new requests
Next week: - Sponsor9 work with partners - #DocsHackathon prep - Global South IRC Meeting - https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/global-south/2019-August/000252.html
Pili: This week: - Catching up after vacations - Docs Hackathon - Community Portal - DRL SOI for community team - Working on slides for a talk about using Tor for Web APIs - Defining a process for website updates and maintenance going forward Help with: - Docs Hackathon logistics Next week: - Try to move forward with Maggie's VPN doc
This week: - RT answering - Invite people to Global South meeting (Aug 30)
Next week: same
kat5: This week: - t-shirts Next week: - More t-shirst - Meet with Jon
emmapeel This week: - help erinm and isabela to get some numbers for localization . worked on https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/26878 - prepare the hackathon tickets . worked on the 'edit this' button for lektorz for the hackathon Next week: - make a plan to transition to deploying only reviewed translations - more hackathon preparation (triaging, etc) Help with: - more numbers and maybe user stories about how localization impacts our userbase, for the localization lab
== Discussion ==
* DocsHackathon blog post + ticket triage
- we should assign points to tickets to define effort required/contribution
* adding more users to dip (important for hackathon)