morgan pushed to branch base-browser-128.2.0esr-14.0-1 at The Tor Project / Applications / Tor Browser
Commits: 24d6492f by Pier Angelo Vendrame at 2024-09-04T16:15:43+00:00 Bug 42773: Replace ~ with the original home.
In Bug 93141, Mozilla started sending users to their home when they type ~ in the URL bar. On Linux, we change $HOME for various reason, therefore you would be redirected to the spoofed home directory when typing ~. So, we check if the original home directory is known, and use that, instead.
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1 changed file:
- docshell/base/URIFixup.sys.mjs
===================================== docshell/base/URIFixup.sys.mjs ===================================== @@ -934,6 +934,10 @@ function fileURIFixup(uriString) { } else { // UNIX: Check if it starts with "/" or "~". attemptFixup = /^[~/]/.test(uriString); + const originalHome = Services.env.get("BB_ORIGINAL_HOME"); + if (originalHome && (uriString === "~" || uriString.startsWith("~/"))) { + path = originalHome + path.substring(1); + } } if (attemptFixup) { try {
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