Pier Angelo Vendrame pushed to branch tor-browser-128.1.0esr-14.0-1 at The Tor Project / Applications / Tor Browser
Commits: aaa70590 by Matthew Finkel at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 40005: [android] Modify Default toolbar menu
- - - - - 7edf1b9c by Alex Catarineu at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 40007: [android] Port external helper app prompting
Together with the corresponding fenix patch, this allows all `startActivity` that may open external apps to be replaced by `TorUtils.startActivityPrompt`.
- - - - - 955d2ea2 by Alex Catarineu at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 40002: [android] Ensure system download manager is not used
Bug 40075: Support scoped storage to enable downloads on API < 29
- in android-components!7, we blocked all usage of Scoped Storage in an attempt to block usage of Android's DownloadManager, which is known to cause proxy bypasses - as of Android API 29, downloads will not work without Scoped Storage, causing all downlaods to fail (see: fenix##40192) - here, we enable usage of scoped storage for API >= 29, but block calls to DownloadManager on API < 29
- - - - - 4e234ca0 by Alex Catarineu at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 40009: [android] Change the default search engines
This matches the search engines from desktop, that is: DDG as the default, then YouTube, Google, DDGOnion, Startpage, Twitter, Wikipedia and Yahoo.
Bug 40062: Update DuckDuckGo onion search plugin
- - - - - 3c04dba9 by Alex Catarineu at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Modify Addon support
Bug 40011: Hide option for disallowing addons in private mode
Bug 40016: Allow inheriting from AddonCollectionProvider
This will allow implementing our own AddonsProvider in fenix.
- - - - - 2db0141c by Georg Koppen at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 40013: [android] Add option do overwrite timestamp in extension version
- - - - - 4c21a948 by Alex Catarineu at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 40015: [android] Port padlock states for .onion services
- - - - - 432abbd5 by Matthew Finkel at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Modify Tracking Protection configuration
Bug 40020: Disable third-party cookies
Bug 40024: Disable tracking protection by default
- - - - - 71091f46 by Matthew Finkel at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 40023: [android] Stop PrivateNotificationService
- - - - - bb9ecb8a by Matthew Finkel at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Add support for new GeckoView interfaces
Bug 40006: Expose Security Level interface
Bug 40019: Expose spoofEnglish pref
Bug 34439: Isolate Icon loader on Android
Bug 41394: Expose privacy.prioritizeonions.enabled to Android.
- - - - - 28062b0b by Matthew Finkel at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Disable features and functionality
Bug 33594: Disable data collection by default (Glean)
Bug 40019: Adjust is disabled on Release when data collection is disabled
Bug 34338: Disable the crash reporter
Bug 40014: Neuter Google Advertising ID
Bug 40018: Disable Push service
Bug 40034: Disable PWA onboading
Bug 40072: Disable Tracking Protection
Bug 40061: Do not show "Send to device" in sharing menu
Bug 40109: Reduce requested permissions
- - - - - 34dbcd91 by Matthew Finkel at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Rename as Tor Browser
Bug 40020: Change applicationId
Bug 40020: Change app name
Bug 40020: Change deeplink scheme
Bug 40020: Change App icons
Bug 40073: Use correct branding on About page
Bug 40088: Use Tor Browser logo in migration screen
- - - - - 67ad1b1a by Georg Koppen at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Modify build system
Bug 40083: Make locale ordering in BuildConfig deterministic
Bug 40042: Add option do overwrite timestamp in extension version
Bug 40059: Use MOZ_BUILD_DATE for versionCode
At the same time we adapt MOZ_BUILD_DATE to our needs where it is actually used and not in tor-browser-build. This gives us more flexibility. See: tor-browser-build#40084.
Bug 40067: Fix reproducibility issue in classes2.dex
We make sure our MOZ_BUILD_DATE gets used as a source for showing date related information on the Fenix about page.
Bug 40071: Show only supported locales
Bug 40064: Use Gecko Beta for Nightly and Debug variants
Bug 40123: Allow building the instrumented tests apks for variants other than debug
This allows to specify the variant of the instrumented tests via a `testBuildType` gradle argument. It also applies a workaround for a R8 issue from https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/140851070.
Bug 40143: Use deterministic date in Test apk
The build config was using Date() when generating the Test apk's versionName.
- - - - - 8610d720 by Matthew Finkel at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 40185: [android] Use NimbusDisabled
- - - - - afdddf09 by Matthew Finkel at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Add Tor integration and UI
Bug 40001: Start Tor as part of the Fenix initialization
Bug 40028: Implement Tor Service controller
Bug 40028: Integrate Tor Controller into HomeFragment
Bug 40028: Implement Tor connect and logger screens
Bug 40028: Implement Tor Onboarding
Bug 40028: Implement new home screen
Bug 40028: Define bootstrapping events and Quick Start
Bug 40041: Implement Tor Network Settings
Bug 40041: Integrate Tor Network Settings
Bug 40179: Show Snowflake bridge option on Release
Bug 40176: Re-render Home fragment on resume
Bug 41394: Implement a setting to always prioritize Onion sites.
- - - - - 8eefc5d6 by Alex Catarineu at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Modify UI/UX
Bug 40015: Modify Home menu
Bug 40016: Hide unwanted Settings
Bug 40016: Modify Default toolbar menu
Bug 40016: Add Donate settings button
Bug 40016: Move Allow Screenshots under Advanced
Bug 40016: Don't install WebCompat webext
Bug 40016: Don't onboard Search Suggestions
Bug 40094: Do not use MasterPasswordTipProvider in HomeFragment
Bug 40095: Hide "Sign in to sync" in bookmarks
Bug 40031: Hide Mozilla-specific items on About page
Bug 40032: Set usesCleartextTraffic as false
Bug 40063: Do not sort search engines alphabetically
Bug 34378: Port external helper app prompting
With the corresponding android-components patch, this allows all `startActivity` that may open external apps to be replaced by `TorUtils.startActivityPrompt`.
Bug 34403: Disable Normal mode by default
Bug 40087: Implement a switch for english locale spoofing
Bug 40144: Hide Download Manager
Bug 40141: Hide EME site permission
Bug 40166: Hide "Normal" tab (again) and Sync tab in TabTray
Bug 40167: Hide "Save to Collection" in menu
Bug 40172: Find the Quit button
Bug 40186: Hide Credit Cards in Settings
Bug 40198: Spoof English toggle now overlaps with locale list
- - - - - 3e0389a4 by hackademix at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Modify add-on support
Bug 41160: One-time ultimate switch Tor Browser Android to HTTPS-Only. Bug 41159: Remove HTTPS-Everywhere extension from Tor Browser Android.
Bug 41094: Enable HTTPS-Only Mode by default in Tor Browser Android.
Turn shouldUseHttpsOnly's default to true.
Bug 40225: Bundled extensions don't get updated with Android Tor Browser updates.
Bug 40030: Install NoScript addon on startup.
Also 40070: Consider storing the list of recommended addons
This implements our own AddonsProvider, which loads the list of available addons from assets instead of fetching it from an endpoint.
Also, we hide the uninstall button for builtin addons.
Bug 40058: Hide option for disallowing addon in private mode
- - - - - 03ed4b1a by Dan Ballard at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Add Security Level UI
Bug 40026: Implement Security Level settings
Bug 40026: Integrate Security Level settings
- - - - - a864747d by Dan Ballard at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 41972: [android] Disable mozilla onboarding
- - - - - 7736d90a by Dan Ballard at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 41878: [android] Add standalone Tor Bootstrap
- - - - - 8dd002bf by clairehurst at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 42089: [android] Remove ability to submit site support requests
- - - - - 2531128c by clairehurst at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] fixup! Modify UI/UX and Remove ability to submit site support requests
- - - - - f18a9e93 by clairehurst at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Enable the connect assist experiments on alpha
- - - - - 4439403a by hackademix at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 42191: [android] Temporary StrictMode relaxation to clear the thumbnail cache.
- - - - - d9525532 by clairehurst at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Delete unused media
- - - - - 8bdd982e by clairehurst at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 42195: [android] Fix "Whats new URL"
- - - - - a7d4122e by clairehurst at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 [android] Implement Android-native Connection Assist UI
- - - - - 55314a9d by Pier Angelo Vendrame at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 Bug 42652: [android] Pass the list of supported languages to GeckoView.
It will be used to prevent leaks about regional preferences.
- - - - - 42db7798 by Dan Ballard at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 fixup! [android] Modify build system
remove newline
- - - - - 07ee8ef0 by Dan Ballard at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 fixup! [android] Enable the connect assist experiments on alpha
re private nav host
- - - - - 363300bb by Dan Ballard at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 fixup! [android] Add Tor integration and UI
remove unused java deps from TAS
- - - - - 60e4cf93 by Dan Ballard at 2024-08-14T19:35:53+00:00 fixup! Bug 41878: [android] Add standalone Tor Bootstrap
- - - - -
30 changed files:
- .gitignore - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/engine-gecko/src/main/java/mozilla/components/browser/engine/gecko/GeckoEngine.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/engine-gecko/src/main/java/mozilla/components/browser/engine/gecko/cookiebanners/GeckoCookieBannersStorage.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/engine-gecko/src/main/java/mozilla/components/browser/engine/gecko/cookiebanners/ReportSiteDomainsRepository.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/engine-gecko/src/main/java/mozilla/components/browser/engine/gecko/fetch/GeckoViewFetchClient.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/engine-gecko/src/test/java/mozilla/components/browser/engine/gecko/cookiebanners/GeckoCookieBannersStorageTest.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/engine-gecko/src/test/java/mozilla/components/browser/engine/gecko/cookiebanners/ReportSiteDomainsRepositoryTest.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/icons/src/main/java/mozilla/components/browser/icons/loader/HttpIconLoader.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/menu/src/main/java/mozilla/components/browser/menu/WebExtensionBrowserMenuBuilder.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/thumbnails/src/main/java/mozilla/components/browser/thumbnails/utils/ThumbnailDiskCache.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/toolbar/src/main/java/mozilla/components/browser/toolbar/display/DisplayToolbar.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/toolbar/src/main/java/mozilla/components/browser/toolbar/display/SiteSecurityIconView.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/toolbar/src/main/res/drawable/mozac_ic_site_security.xml - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/toolbar/src/main/res/values/attrs_browser_toolbar.xml - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/toolbar2/src/main/java/mozilla/components/browser/toolbar2/display/DisplayToolbar.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/toolbar2/src/main/java/mozilla/components/browser/toolbar2/display/SiteSecurityIconView.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/toolbar2/src/main/res/drawable/mozac_ic_site_security.xml - mobile/android/android-components/components/browser/toolbar2/src/main/res/values/attrs_browser_toolbar.xml - mobile/android/android-components/components/concept/engine/src/main/java/mozilla/components/concept/engine/EngineSession.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/concept/engine/src/main/java/mozilla/components/concept/engine/Settings.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/concept/engine/src/main/java/mozilla/components/concept/engine/cookiehandling/CookieBannersStorage.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/concept/fetch/src/main/java/mozilla/components/concept/fetch/Request.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/concept/toolbar/src/main/java/mozilla/components/concept/toolbar/Toolbar.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/addons/src/main/java/mozilla/components/feature/addons/AddonManager.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/addons/src/main/java/mozilla/components/feature/addons/amo/AMOAddonsProvider.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/addons/src/main/java/mozilla/components/feature/addons/ui/AddonsManagerAdapter.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/addons/src/main/res/layout/mozac_feature_addons_fragment_dialog_addon_installed.xml - mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/app-links/build.gradle - mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/app-links/src/main/java/mozilla/components/feature/app/links/AppLinksFeature.kt - mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/app-links/src/main/java/mozilla/components/feature/app/links/AppLinksUseCases.kt
The diff was not included because it is too large.
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/compare/597b1b6...