commit 6993cc718489b069cf7ec39cafc7521bd7f86a01 Author: Translation commit bot Date: Fri Jul 15 11:18:07 2016 +0000
Update translations for tor-messenger-ircproperties --- sk_SK/ | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sk_SK/ b/sk_SK/ index 34b41ca..a8ce4d9 100644 --- a/sk_SK/ +++ b/sk_SK/ @@ -130,73 +130,73 @@ message.unknownNick=%S je neznáma prezývka. # %1$S is the nickname of the user who changed the mode and %2$S is the new # channel key (password). message.channelKeyAdded=%1$S zmenil heslo kanála na %2$S. -message.channelKeyRemoved=%S removed the channel password. +message.channelKeyRemoved=%S odstránil heslo kanála. # This will be followed by a list of ban masks. -message.banMasks=Users connected from the following locations are banned from %S: -message.noBanMasks=There are no banned locations for %S. -message.banMaskAdded=Users connected from locations matching %1$S have been banned by %2$S. -message.banMaskRemoved=Users connected from locations matching %1$S are no longer banned by %2$S. +message.banMasks=Používatelia pripojení z nasledujúcich lokalít majú zakázaný vstup na %S: +message.noBanMasks=Pre %S nie sú zakázané lokality. +message.banMaskAdded=Používatelia pripojení z lokalít zhodných s maskou %1$S majú zakázaný vstup na %2$S. +message.banMaskRemoved=Používatelia pripojení z lokalít zhodných s maskou %1$S už nemajú zakázaný vstup na %2$S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: # %1$S is the nickname of the user or the server that was pinged. # #2 is the delay (in milliseconds). reply from %1$S in #2 millisecond.;Ping reply from %1$S in #2 milliseconds.ískanie odpovede na ping od %1$S trvalo #2 milisekundy.;Získanie odpovede na ping od %1$S trvalo #2 milisekúnd.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error.*): # These are shown as error messages in the conversation or server tab. # %S is the channel name. -error.noChannel=There is no channel: %S. -error.tooManyChannels=Cannot join %S; you've joined too many channels. +error.noChannel=Kanál %S neexistuje. +error.tooManyChannels=Nie je možné pripojiť sa ku kanálu %S. Dosiahli ste limit počtu pripojených kanálov. # %1$S is your new nick, %2$S is the kill message from the server. -error.nickCollision=Nick already in use, changing nick to %1$S [%2$S]. -error.erroneousNickname=%S is not an allowed nickname. -error.banned=You are banned from this server. -error.bannedSoon=You will soon be banned from this server. -error.mode.wrongUser=You cannot change modes for other users. +error.nickCollision=Prezývka sa už používa, mení sa na %1$S [%2$S]. +error.erroneousNickname=%S nie je povolená prezývka. +error.banned=Na tento server máte zakázaný prístup. +error.bannedSoon=Na tento server budete mať čoskoro zakázaný prístup. +error.mode.wrongUser=Nemôžete meniť režimy ostatných používateľov. # %S is the nickname or channel name that isn't available. -error.noSuchNick=%S is not online. -error.wasNoSuchNick=There was no nickname: %S -error.noSuchChannel=There is no channel: %S. -error.unavailable=%S is temporarily unavailable. +error.noSuchNick=%S nie je prítomný. +error.wasNoSuchNick=Prezývka %S neexistuje +error.noSuchChannel=Kanál %S neexistuje. +error.unavailable=%S je dočasne nedostupný. # %S is the channel name. -error.channelBanned=You have been banned from %S. -error.cannotSendToChannel=You cannot send messages to %S. -error.channelFull=The channel %S is full. -error.inviteOnly=You must be invited to join %S. -error.nonUniqueTarget=%S is not a unique user@host or shortname or you have tried to join too many channels at once. -error.notChannelOp=You are not a channel operator on %S. -error.notChannelOwner=You are not a channel owner of %S. -error.wrongKey=Cannot join %S, invalid channel password. -error.sendMessageFailed=An error occurred while sending your last message. Please try again once the connection has been reestablished. +error.channelBanned=Na kanál %S Vám bol odopretý prístup. +error.cannotSendToChannel=Nemôžete odosielať správy do %S. +error.channelFull=Kanál %S je plný. +error.inviteOnly=Ak chcete vstúpiť do kanálu %S musíte mať pozvánku. +error.nonUniqueTarget=%S nie je unikátne meno v tvare používateľ@server, alebo prezývka, alebo ste sa pokúsili pripojiť k príliš veľa kanálom naraz. +error.notChannelOp=V kanále %S nie ste operátorom. +error.notChannelOwner=Nie ste vlastníkom kanála %S. +error.wrongKey=Nie je možné sa pripojiť ku kanálu %S, heslo kanála nie je platné. +error.sendMessageFailed=Pri odosielaní poslednej správy sa vyskytla chyba. Skúste to znova po opätovnom pripojení. # %1$S is the channel the user tried to join, %2$S is the channel # he was forwarded to. -error.channelForward=You may not join %1$S, and were automatically redirected to %2$S. +error.channelForward=Nemôžete sa pripojiť ku kanálu %1$S, boli ste automaticky presmerovaný do %2$S. # %S is the mode that the user tried to set but was not recognized # by the server as a valid mode. -error.unknownMode='%S' is not a valid user mode on this server. +error.unknownMode='%S' nie je na tomto serveri platný používateľský režim.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.*): # These are the descriptions given in a tooltip with information received # from a whois response. # The human readable ("realname") description of the user. tooltip.realname=Názov -tooltip.server=Connected to +tooltip.server=Pripojený k # The username and hostname that the user connects from (usually based on the # reverse DNS of the user's IP, but often mangled by the server to # protect users). -tooltip.connectedFrom=Connected from -tooltip.registered=Registered -tooltip.registeredAs=Registered as a secure connection +tooltip.connectedFrom=Pripojený z +tooltip.registered=Registrovaný +tooltip.registeredAs=Registrovaný ako použité zabezpečené spojenie # The away message of the user -tooltip.away=Away -tooltip.ircOp=IRC Operator +tooltip.away=Preč +tooltip.ircOp=IRC Operátor -tooltip.lastActivity=Last activity +tooltip.lastActivity=Posledná aktivita # %S is the timespan elapsed since the last activity. -tooltip.timespan=%S ago -tooltip.channels=Currently on +tooltip.timespan=Pred %S +tooltip.channels=Aktuálne na
# %1$S is the server name, %2$S is some generic server information (usually a # location or the date the user was last seen).