richard pushed to branch maint-13.0 at The Tor Project / Applications / tor-browser-build
Commits: 4ae6c26c by Pier Angelo Vendrame at 2024-01-23T10:48:57+01:00 Bug 41066: Compress the APKs more
Our APK was refused by the Play Store as too big. As a workaround, for this release we can try to compress the APK more, by extracting it and repacking it with 7-zip. The preferred and long-term solution would be to switch to Android App Bundles, but this might require some changes to our signing scripts.
- - - - -
2 changed files:
- projects/browser/ - projects/browser/config
===================================== projects/browser/ ===================================== @@ -31,13 +31,19 @@ mv $rootdir/[% c('input_files_by_name/noscript') %] "$noscript_path"
mv $rootdir/allowed_addons.json $assets_dir/allowed_addons.json
-[% c('zip', { - zip_src => [ '$assets_dir' ], - zip_args => '$apk', - }) %] +mkdir apk +pushd apk +7zz x "$apk" +cp -R ../assets ./ +find -type f -exec touch -m -t '[% USE date; date.format(pc("firefox-android", "timestamp"), format = "%Y%m%d%H%M") %]' {} ; +find -type f ! -name resources.arsc -printf '%P\n' | sort > ../files.txt +7zz a -tzip -mx9 -mtc- -spf ../repacked.apk @../files.txt +# resources.arsc must not be compressed as per the APK specifications +7zz a -tzip -mm=Copy -mtc- ../repacked.apk resources.arsc +popd
aligned_apk=$(basename $apk .apk)_aligned.apk -zipalign -vp 4 $apk $aligned_apk +zipalign -vp 4 repacked.apk $aligned_apk
# Sign a QA build. This .apk is not a debug version and doesn't contain a debug # flag in the manifest.
===================================== projects/browser/config ===================================== @@ -46,7 +46,13 @@ targets: var: verify_allowed_addons: 1 arch_deps: - - openjdk-11-jdk-headless + - 7zip + - openjdk-17-jdk-headless + container: + # 7zip is in backports in bullseye, and we can already use Java 17 for + # apksigner. + suite: bookworm + arch: amd64 torbrowser: var: prefs_file: 000-tor-browser.js
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