commit 24863a88a3789dedf330d900cfb0f5dc2cdf43c3 Author: Translation commit bot Date: Sun May 25 16:15:16 2014 +0000
Update translations for https_everywhere --- ca/ssl-observatory.dtd | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ca/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ca/ssl-observatory.dtd index a70a072..e7f5538 100644 --- a/ca/ssl-observatory.dtd +++ b/ca/ssl-observatory.dtd @@ -13,24 +13,24 @@ and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like to turn it on?">-->
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title -"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?"> +"Hauria HTTPS utilitzar a tot arreu el SSL Observatory?">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Sí">
<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1 -"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very -intrusive corporate network:"> +"Es segur permetre això, excepte si utilitza una +xarxa corporativa molt intrusiva.">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2 -"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:"> +"Segur, excepte si utilitza una xarxa corporativa amb noms secrets d'intranet.">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots -"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs"> +"Submet i comprova els certificats firmats per arrels no estàndards CAs">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip -"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority. If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce. So we leave it off by default."> +"És segur (i una bona idea) permetre aquesta opció, excepte si utilitza una xarxa corporativa d'intranet o un antivirus Kaspersky que monitoreja el teu browser amb un proxy TLS i un certificat d'autoritat d'arrel privada. Si ho permets en aquesta xarxa, aquesta opció pot publicar evidències de quins dominis https :// són visitats a través d'aquest proxy, per el seu certificat únic. Llavors ho deixem sense canvis.">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Comprovar els certificats utilitzant Tor anonimat"> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ intrusive corporate network:"> "Aquesta opció requereix que Tor estigui instal lat i en funcionament">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn -"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to"> +"Quan vegis un certificat nou avisa al Observatori al que la teva ISP estigui connectada.">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip -"This will fetch and send the "Autonomous System number" of your network. This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common."> +"Perseguirà i enviarà el "Número de Sistema Autònom" de la teva xarxa. Això ens permetrà a localitzar atacs en contra HTTPS, i determinar si detectem de xarxes en llocs com Israel o els USA d'on els atacs són comparativament mnés comuns.">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning "Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">