commit c4604f348a2ebc512b963345c5f2164f7a7e4db6 Author: n8fr8 Date: Thu Oct 25 23:18:40 2012 +0530
updated to latest localization from transifex --- res/values-ar/strings.xml | 47 +++-- res/values-bg/strings.xml | 172 ++++++++++++++ res/values-ca/strings.xml | 138 ++---------- res/values-cs/strings.xml | 182 +++------------ res/values-de/strings.xml | 63 ++++-- res/values-el/strings.xml | 283 +++++++++++++---------- res/values-es/strings.xml | 49 +++-- res/values-eu/strings.xml | 246 +++++++++------------ res/values-fa/strings.xml | 258 ++++++++++++--------- res/values-fr/strings.xml | 53 ++++- res/values-he/strings.xml | 91 ++++++++ res/values-hr/strings.xml | 213 +++++++++++++++++ res/values-hu/strings.xml | 39 +++- res/values-it/strings.xml | 62 ++++-- res/values-ja/strings.xml | 298 +++++++++++++------------ res/values-ko/strings.xml | 301 ++++++++++--------------- res/values-lv/strings.xml | 219 ++++++++++++++++++ res/values-mk/strings.xml | 131 ++--------- res/values-ms/strings.xml | 213 +++++++++++++++++ res/values-my/strings.xml | 214 +++++++++++++++++ res/values-nb/strings.xml | 208 ++++------------- res/values-nl/strings.xml | 56 ++++-- res/values-pl/strings.xml | 234 +++++-------------- res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml | 38 +++- res/values-pt/strings.xml | 184 +++------------- res/values-rs-rAR/strings.xml | 58 +++++ res/values-ru/strings.xml | 90 +++++--- res/values-sv/strings.xml | 223 +++++------------- res/values-tr/strings.xml | 74 ++++++ res/values-uk/strings.xml | 214 +++++++++++++++++ res/values-v11/styles.xml | 5 - res/values-v14/styles.xml | 5 - res/values-zh/strings.xml | 114 ++-------- res/values/strings.xml | 504 ++++++++++++++++++----------------------- res/values/styles.xml | 5 - 35 files changed, 3000 insertions(+), 2284 deletions(-)
diff --git a/res/values-ar/strings.xml b/res/values-ar/strings.xml index 9f07aa8..f56d446 100644 --- a/res/values-ar/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-ar/strings.xml @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ <string name="button_clear_log">مسح السجل</string> <string name="menu_verify">فحص</string> <string name="menu_exit">خروج</string> - <string name="powered_by">بدعم من مشروع تور</string> <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">عملية توكيل غير مرئية أو ضمنية (يتطلب حقوق المسؤول- Root-)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">عملية توكيل غير مرئية أو ضمنية</string> @@ -55,6 +54,7 @@ <string name="btn_finish">إنهاء</string> <string name="btn_okay">موافق</string> <string name="btn_cancel">إلغاء</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">بعض التفاصيل عن أوربوت</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">أوربوت هو تطبيق مفتوح المصدر والذي يضم تور, LibEvent وPrixovy. يعمل على توفير وكيل HTTP محلي (8118) ووكيل SOCKS (9050) إلى شبكة تور. يتوفر لدى أوربوت القدرة على إرسال جميع حركات مرور الانترنت من خلال تور على الجهاز ذات حقوق المسؤول (root). </string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">تم منح الإذن</string> @@ -73,37 +73,38 @@ <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">إعدادات الوكيل - تعلم كيفية تكوين التطبيقات لتعمل مع أوربوت</string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">إعدادات الوكيل</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">اذا كان تطبيق أندرويد الذي تستخدمه يمكن ان يدعم استخدام وكيل HTTP او SOCKS , عندها يمكنك تكوينه للإتصال بأوربوت واستخدام تور. - - - اعدادات المستضيف هي او "المستضيف المحلي". بالنسبة الى HTTP, فإن ضبط المنفذ هو 8118. بالنسبة الى SOCKS, فإن الوكيل هو 9050. يجب عليك استخدام SOCKS4A او SOCKS5 اذا امكن. - - - - يمكنك معرفة المزيد عن عملية توكيل غير مرئية للأندرويد عن طريق الأسئلة المتداولة (FAQ) في: - </string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">اذا كان تطبيق أندرويد الذي تستخدمه يمكن ان يدعم استخدام وكيل HTTP او SOCKS , عندها يمكنك تكوينه للإتصال بأوربوت واستخدام تور.\n\n\n اعدادات المستضيف هي او "المستضيف المحلي". بالنسبة الى HTTP, فإن ضبط المنفذ هو 8118. بالنسبة الى SOCKS, فإن الوكيل هو 9050. يجب عليك استخدام SOCKS4A او SOCKS5 اذا امكن.\n \n\n\n يمكنك معرفة المزيد عن عملية توكيل غير مرئية للأندرويد عن طريق الأسئلة المتداولة (FAQ) في: </string> <string name="wizard_final">أوربوت جاهز!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">مئات الآلاف من الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم يستخدمون تور لأسباب عديدة: الصحفيين والمدونين، والعاملين في مجال حقوق الإنسان، والجنود والشركات والمواطنين من الأنظمة القمعية، والمواطنين العاديين ... والآن أنت مستعد لأن تستخدمه كذلك!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time"> لقد قمت بإتصال ناجح الى شبكة تور - لكن هذا لا يعني بأن جهازك في مأمن. يمكنك استخدام خيار 'تحقق' من القائمة لإختبار المتصفح الخاص بك. - - قم بزيارتنا على او ارسل رسالة الكترونية الى لمعرفة المزيد.</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time"> لقد قمت بإتصال ناجح الى شبكة تور - لكن هذا لا يعني بأن جهازك في مأمن. يمكنك استخدام خيار 'تحقق' من القائمة لإختبار المتصفح الخاص بك. \n\n قم بزيارتنا على او ارسل رسالة الكترونية الى لمعرفة المزيد.</string> <string name="tor_check">سيؤدي هذا إلى فتح المتصفح الافتراضي الخاص بك على العنوان من اجل التحقق من تكوين أوربوت بشكل صحيح وبأنك متصل بتور.</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">خدمات خفية</string> <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> <string name="wizard_title_msg">أوربوت يجلب لك شبكة تور للأندرويد! تور يساعدك للتغلب على حجب المحتوى، فحص الاتصال، و الرقابة و التجسس على الشبكات، و التي تهدد الخصوصية و العلاقات الشخصية و المعلومات السرية. سنقوم الآن بمساعدتك لضبط أوربوت و تور على جهازك.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">تحذير</string> <string name="wizard_warning_msg">مجرد تنزيل أوربوت لن يعطيك الخصوصية. يجب عليك أيضاً اعداد أوربوت و جهازك و البرامج المستفيدة من تور.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">الصلاحيات</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">يمكنك اعطاء أوربوت صلاحية المستخدم السوبر لتشغيل المميزات المتقدمة مثل البروكسي الشفاف.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">إذا كنت تريد أن تقوم بهذا فعليك التأكد من استخدام برامج معدة لتشتغل مع أوربوت.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">لا يوجد روت أو صلاحيات خارقة على جهازك و لذلك لتستفيد من من تور عليك استخدام برامج صممت لتعمل مع أوربوت أو التي تدعم بروكسي HTTP أو SOCKS .</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="wizard_tips_title">برامج معدة لتشتغل مع أوربوت</string> <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">جيبربوت: محادثات آمنة باستخدام التشفير خارج السجل.</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (أندرويد 1.x فقط) - متصفح مصمّم للخصوصية لأوربوت </string> <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">بروكسي شفاف</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">هذه ستسمح للبرامج بالاتصال بشبكة تور تلقائياً دون اعداد مسبق.</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">اختر هذا المربع اذا كنت لا تعلم عما نتحدث عنه هنا</string> @@ -118,8 +119,9 @@ <string name="pref_entrance_node">نقاط الدخول</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">بصمات، اسماء مستعارة، البلدان و العناوين لأول نقطة اتصال</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">أدخل نقاط الدخول</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">استخدم WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">استخدم مكتبة NetFilter مغلقة المصدر و المقدمة من WhisperSystems (تحتاج لتنزيل WhisperCore)</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">بروكسي الشبكة</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">نوع البروكسي</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">البروتوكول ليستخدم مع خادم البروكسي: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">أدخل نوع البروكسي</string> @@ -155,7 +157,9 @@ <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">فقط استخدم هذه النقاط المحددة</string> <string name="bridges">الجسور</string> <string name="use_bridges">استخدم الجسور</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">الجسور المخفية</string> <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">اسمح باستخدام نقاط دخول بديلة على شبكة تور</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">تفعيل هذا الخيار اذا كانت الجسور مخفية</string> <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">عناوين الانترنت و منافذ الجسور</string> <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">أدخل عنوان الجسر</string> <string name="relays">نقاط التحويل</string> @@ -183,6 +187,11 @@ <string name="the_tor_license">رخصة استخدام تور</string> <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> <string name="third_party_software">برامج من جهات أخرى:</string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> <string name="hidden_service_request">أحد البرامج يحاول تشغيل خدمة مخفية بمنفذ %S على شبكة تور. هذه الميزة آمنة فقط اذا كنت تثق بالبرنامج</string> <string name="found_existing_tor_process">تم العثور على برنامج تور </string> <string name="something_bad_happened">حصل خطأ ما. افحص السجل</string> @@ -194,4 +203,12 @@ <string name="error_installing_binares">لم يتم تثبيت أو تحديث مكونات تور</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">ضع الأيقونة في شريط التنبيهات عندما يكون أوربوت متصلاً</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">تفعيل التنبيهات دائماً</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">تم تفعيل الجسور!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">تغيير اللغة</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">غير اللغة و الاعدادات الاقليمية لأوربوت</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">اختيار اللغة</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">اختر اللغة الافتراضية</string> + <string name="powered_by">بدعم من مشروع تور</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">حفظ الاعدادات</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-bg/strings.xml b/res/values-bg/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa92c48 --- /dev/null +++ b/res/values-bg/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> +<resources> + <string name="app_name">Орбот</string> + <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> + <string name="default_web_url"></string> + <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> + <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> + <string name="control_permission_label">спри и стопирай Тор</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Орбот стартира...</string> + <string name="status_activated">Свързан към Тор мрежата</string> + <string name="status_disabled">"Орбот е деактивиран</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Орбот се изключва</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Стартиране на Тор клиент...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">завършено.</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">изчакване.</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ВНИМАНИЕ: Трафикът Ви не е анонимен! Моля конфигурирайте приложенията си да използват HTTP proxy или SOCKS4A или SOCKS5 proxy</string> + <string name="menu_home">Начало</string> + <string name="menu_browse">Прелисти</string> + <string name="menu_settings">Настройки</string> + <string name="menu_log">Лог</string> + <string name="menu_info">Помощ</string> + <string name="menu_apps">Приложения</string> + <string name="menu_start">Старт</string> + <string name="menu_stop">Стоп</string> + <string name="menu_about">Относно</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">Помощник</string> + <string name="button_help">Помощ</string> + <string name="button_close">Затвори</string> + <string name="button_about">Относно</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">Изчисти лог</string> + <string name="menu_verify">Check</string> + <string name="menu_exit">Изход</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- за старт натисни и задръж -</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Прозрачно прокси (Изисква Root)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Прозрачно прокси</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Автоматично прекарване на приложенията през Тор</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Всичко през Тор</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Прехвърляй през Тор трафика на всички приложения</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Списък портове</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Въведи портове на прокси</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Изисквай Root достъп</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Изисквай root достъп за прозрачно прокси</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Тор е успешно инсталиран!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">Двуичните файлове на Тор не са инсталирани. Моля проверете лога и уведомете</string> + <string name="title_error">Грешка в приложението</string> + <string name="wizard_title">Орбот</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Относно Орбот</string> + <string name="btn_next">Следващ</string> + <string name="btn_back">Обратно</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Край</string> + <string name="btn_okay">ОК</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Откажи</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">Някои Орбот детайли</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Орбот (Orbot) е приложение с отворен код, което съдържа Tor, LibEvent и Privoxy. То предоставя локално HTTP прокси (8118) и SOCKS прокси (9050) до мрежата на Tor. На руутнати устройства, Орбот има възможността да прекарва целият интернет трафик през Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Правата дадени</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Отлично! Засякохме, че имате root права достъпни за Орбот. Ще използваме тази сила разумно.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Въпреки че не е задължително, Орбот може да стане по-мощно приложение ако има root достъп. Използвайте бутона долу за да дадете на Орбот суперсили!</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Ако нямате root достъп или не знаете за какво става въпрос, просто използвайте приложения направени да работят с Орбот.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Разбирам и искам да продължа без Суперпотребител</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Разреши Root за Орбот</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Орбот Ви дава възможност да прекарате всичкия трафик през Тор или да изберете приложения по отделно.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">Прекарай всички приложения през Тор</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Избери отделни приложения за Тор</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Поддържани от Орбот приложения</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Приложенията по-долу са създадени така, че да работят с Орбот. Цъкни на всеки бутон, за да инсталираш сега или може да ги намериш по-късно в Андроид маркет.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Сигурен клиент за мигновени съобщения за Андроид</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Научете как да конфигурирате приложения да работят през Орбот</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Прокси настройки</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Ако Андроид приложенията, които използвате могат да поддържат HTTP или SOCKS прокси,тогава може да ги конфигурирате да се свързват към Орбот и да ползват Тор.\n\n\n Настройките на хоста са или "localhost". За HTTP, порта е 8118. За SOCKS, порта е 9050. По-добре да използвате SOCKS4A или SOCKS5 ако е възможно.\n \n\n\n Може да научите повече за прокситата на Андроид чрез FAQ на: </string> + <string name="wizard_final">Орбот е готов!</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">Стотици хиляди хора по света използват Тор по различни причини.\n\nЖурналисти и блогъри, защитници на човешките права, служители на закона, военни, корпорации, граждани под ограничителни режими, и просто обикновени граждани... и сега и ти си готов да го направиш също!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="pref_hs_group">Скрити услуги</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Стартирай Орбот при стартиране на устройството</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Автоматично стартирай Орбот и се свържи към Тор когато твоето Андроид устройство стартира</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">Орбот дава Тор на Андроид!\n\nТор Ви помага да се защитите против филтрирането на съдържание, анализирането на трафик и наблюдението на мрежи, които заплашват личната и конфиденциална информация както и личните взаимоотношения.\n\nТози помощник ще конфигурира Орбот и Тор на Вашето устройство.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">Внимание</string> + <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Единствено инсталирането на Орбот няма автоматично да направи вашият мобилен трафик анонимен.\n\nТрябва правилно да конфигурирате Орбот, вашето устройство и други приложения, за да използвате успешно Тор.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Права</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Приложения през Орбот</string> + <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Браузър с повишена анонимност, който работи през Тор</string> + <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Прозрачно прокси</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Това позволява на приложенията Ви автоматично да използват мрежата на Тор без никаква конфигурация.</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Избери тази опция ако нямаш представа за какво става въпрос)</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Нищо</string> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">Изискай достъп на Суперпотребител</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps">Избери приложения</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Избрери приложения за използване през Тор</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Това са допълнителни настройки, които могат да намалят Вашата анонимност</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">Входящи точки</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Въведи входящи точки</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Тип прокси</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Протокол за прокси сървър: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Тип на входящо прокси</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Прокси хост</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Име на прокси сървър</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Въведи прокси хост</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Порт на прокси</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Порт на прокси сървър</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Въведи прокси порт</string> + <string name="status">Статус</string> + <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Конфигуриране на напълно прозрачно прокси...</string> + <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Конфигуриране на прозрачно прокси на база приложение...</string> + <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Прозрачно прокси АКТИВНО</string> + <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">ВНИМАНИЕ: грешка при стартиране на прозрачно проски!</string> + <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy правила изчистени</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Неуспешно стартиране на Тор процес: </string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Прокси работи на порт:</string> + <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Конфигуриране на прозрачно прокси на база порт...</string> + <string name="bridge_error">Бридж грешка</string> + <string name="bridge_requires_ip">За да използвате бридж функционалността трябва да въведете поне един IP адрес на бридж.</string> + <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Изпрати и-мейл до със съдържание "get bridges" в и-мейл от акаунт в gmail.</string> + <string name="error">Грешка</string> + <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Твоите настройки за препращане предизвикаха изключение!</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">Изходни точки</string> + <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Въведи изходни точки</string> + <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Край</string> + <string name="bridges">Бриджове</string> + <string name="use_bridges">Използвай Бриджове</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP адрес и порт на бриджове</string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Въведи адреси на бриджове</string> + <string name="reachable_addresses">Достижими адреси</string> + <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Стартирай като клиент зад firewall с рестриктивни политики</string> + <string name="reachable_ports">Достъпни портове</string> + <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Портове достъпни зад firewall с рестриктивни политики</string> + <string name="enter_ports">Въведи портове</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">Включи скрити услуги</string> + <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">стартирай сървъри достъпни през Тор мрежата</string> + <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">въведи локални портове за скрити услуги</string> + <string name="hidden_service_ports">Портове на скрити услуги</string> + <string name="project_urls"></string> + <string name="the_tor_license">Тор лиценз</string> + <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> + <string name="third_party_software">Софтуер на трети страни: </string> + <string name="tor_version">Тор v0.2.3.10:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> + <string name="hidden_service_request">Приложение иска да отвори порт на скрит сървър %S към Тор мрежата. Безопасно е да се доверите на приложението.</string> + <string name="something_bad_happened">Нещо лошо се случи. Проверете лога</string> + <string name="hidden_service_on">Скрита услуга включена:</string> + <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">не може да прочете име на скрита услуга</string> + <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Не може да стартира Тор:</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Използвай Iptables по подразбиране</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">използвай вградените двуични iptables вместо тези идващи с Orbot</string> + <string name="error_installing_binares">Двуичните файлове на Тор не бяха инсталирани или обновени.</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Винаги показвай икона в тулбара когато Орбот е свързан</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Уведомления винаги включени</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Избери местоположение</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Избери местоположение и език за Орбот</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Избери език</string> + <string name="powered_by">powered by The Tor Project </string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Запази настройки</string> +</resources> diff --git a/res/values-ca/strings.xml b/res/values-ca/strings.xml index f9e06d2..f834ccb 100644 --- a/res/values-ca/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-ca/strings.xml @@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ <string name="status_activated">Connectat a la xarxa Tor</string> <string name="status_disabled">Orbot està desactivat</string> <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot s'està aturant</string> - <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> - <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> - <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ATENCIÓ : El trànsit de la teva connexió ja no es anònim! Siusplau, configura les teves aplicacions per a usar HTTP proxy, per SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 proxy</string> <string name="menu_home">Lloc d'inici</string> <string name="menu_browse">Navega</string> @@ -31,7 +28,6 @@ <string name="button_clear_log">Esborra el registre</string> <string name="menu_verify">Prova</string> <string name="menu_exit">Surt</string> - <string name="powered_by">Funciona gràcies al Projecte Tor</string> <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Utilitza un proxy transparent (requereix accés)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Utilitza un proxy transparent</string> @@ -55,6 +51,7 @@ <string name="btn_finish">Fi</string> <string name="btn_okay">D'acord</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel·la</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Alguns detalls d'Orbot...</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot és una aplicació de codi lliure que conté Tor, LibEvent i Privoxy. Proporciona un Proxy HTTP local (8118) i un proxy SOCKS (9050) a la xarxa Tor. Orbot també té capacitat d'enviar tot el trànsit de dades d'internet a través de Tor.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permís concedit</string> @@ -69,129 +66,34 @@ <string name="wizard_configure_all">Connecta totes les aplicacions per Proxy per Tor.</string> <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Selecciona aplicacions individuals per a funcionar amb Tor</string> <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Aplicacions per a usar-se amb Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">T'animem a descarregar-te &amp; utilitza aplicacions que sàpiguen com connectar-se directament a Orbot. Fes clic als botons de sota per instal·lar.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">T'animem a descarregar-te & utilitza aplicacions que sàpiguen com connectar-se directament a Orbot. Fes clic als botons de sota per instal·lar.</string> <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Coniguració de Proxy - Aprèn a configurar aplicacions per a què funcionin amb Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Configuració de Proxy</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Si l'aplicació d'Android que estàs utilitzant admet l'ús d'un proxy HTTP o SOCKS, pots configurar-la per a connectar-se a Orbot i utilitzar Tor. - - -La configuració de l'amfitrió és o "localhost". Per a HTTP, el port actiu és 8118. Per a SOCKS, el proxy és 9050. Hauries d'utlitzar SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 si és possible. - - - -Pots aprendre més coses sobre l'ús dels proxys a Android al FAQ de: - </string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Si l'aplicació d'Android que estàs utilitzant admet l'ús d'un proxy HTTP o SOCKS, pots configurar-la per a connectar-se a Orbot i utilitzar Tor.\n\n\nLa configuració de l'amfitrió és o "localhost". Per a HTTP, el port actiu és 8118. Per a SOCKS, el proxy és 9050. Hauries d'utlitzar SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 si és possible.\n\n\n\nPots aprendre més coses sobre l'ús dels proxys a Android al FAQ de: </string> <string name="wizard_final">Orbot és a punt!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">Centenars de milers de persones arreu del món utilitzen Tor per un gran ventall de raons: periodistes i blocaires, treballadors pels drets humans, agents de l'autoritat, soldats, corporacions, ciutadans de règims opressors, i ciutadans qualssevol... I ara tu també ho pots fer!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">T'has connectat correctament a la xarxa Tor, però això NO vol dir que el teu dispositiu sigui segur. Pots utilitzar la opció 'Comprova' del menú per provar el teu navegador. - -Visita'ns a o envia'ns un correu electrònic a per a saber-ne més.</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">T'has connectat correctament a la xarxa Tor, però això NO vol dir que el teu dispositiu sigui segur. Pots utilitzar la opció 'Comprova' del menú per provar el teu navegador. \n\nVisita'ns a o envia'ns un correu electrònic a per a saber-ne més.</string> <string name="tor_check">Això obrirà el teu navegador web per defecte i es connectarà a per tal de comprovar si Orbot està configurat correctament i estàs connectat/da a Tor.</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">Serveis ocults</string> <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> - <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Només Android 1.x) - Navegador dissenyat per la privacitat &amp; per a Orbot</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <!--Warning screen--> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Només Android 1.x) - Navegador dissenyat per la privacitat & per a Orbot</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> - <string name="status">Status</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> - <string name="error">Error</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> - <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> - <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> - <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> - <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="powered_by">Funciona gràcies al Projecte Tor</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-cs/strings.xml b/res/values-cs/strings.xml index 4f20278..e335fa3 100644 --- a/res/values-cs/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-cs/strings.xml @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ <string name="status_activated">Připojen k síti Tor</string> <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot je deaktivován</string> <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot se vypíná</string> - <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> - <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> - <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Startuji Tor klienta...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">hotovo.</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">čekám.</string> <string name="not_anonymous_yet">VAROVÁNÍ: Vaše komunikace ještě není anonymní! Prosím nastavte vašim aplikacím HTTP proxy nebo SOCKS4A či SOCKS5 proxy</string> <string name="menu_home">Domů</string> <string name="menu_browse">Prohlížet</string> @@ -23,18 +23,15 @@ <string name="menu_apps">Aplikace</string> <string name="menu_start">Zapnout</string> <string name="menu_stop">Vypnout</string> - <string name="menu_about">About</string> <string name="menu_wizard">Průvodce</string> <string name="button_help">Pomoc</string> <string name="button_close">Zavřít</string> - <string name="button_about">About</string> <string name="button_clear_log">Vyčistit log</string> <string name="menu_verify">Ověřit</string> <string name="menu_exit">Konec</string> - <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> <string name="press_to_start">- podržte pro spuštění -</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparentní proxy (vyžaduje roota)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparentní proxy</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatické Torování aplikací</string> <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Torovat všechno</string> <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxynovat všechny aplikace skrz Tor</string> @@ -44,148 +41,33 @@ <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Seznam portů co proxynovat. *POUŽIJTE JEN* pokud módy 'All' nebo 'App' nefungují</string> <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Zadejte porty pro proxynování</string> <string name="pref_has_root">Vyžaduje root přístup</string> - <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string> - <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string> - <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify</string> - <string name="title_error">Application Error</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Požádat o práva roota kvůli transparentnímu proxy</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Binárky toru byly úspěšně nainstalovány!</string> + <string name="title_error">Chyba aplikace</string> <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string> - <string name="btn_next">Next</string> - <string name="btn_back">Back</string> - <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string> - <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> - <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string> - <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string> - <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n - The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible. - \n\n - You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: - </string> - <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> - <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> - <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> - <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string> - <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> - <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">O Orbotovi</string> + <string name="btn_next">Další</string> + <string name="btn_back">Zpět</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Dokončit</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Zrušit</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Práva udělena</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Nastavení Proxy</string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot je připraven!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">Varování</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> - <string name="status">Status</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> - <string name="error">Error</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> - <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> - <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> - <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> - <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="default_bridges"/> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-de/strings.xml b/res/values-de/strings.xml index a9d4b83..994a9fe 100644 --- a/res/values-de/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-de/strings.xml @@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string> <string name="menu_about">Über</string> <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> + <string name="main_layout_download">Download (Geschwindigkeit/Gesamt)</string> + <string name="main_layout_upload">Upload (Geschwindigkeit/Gesamtl)</string> <string name="button_help">Hilfe</string> <string name="button_close">Schließen</string> <string name="button_about">Über</string> <string name="button_clear_log">Log löschen</string> <string name="menu_verify">Überprüfen</string> <string name="menu_exit">Beenden</string> - <string name="powered_by">ermöglicht durch das Tor Projekt</string> <string name="press_to_start">- Zum Starten gedrückt halten -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparenter Proxy (benötigt Administratorrechte)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparenter Proxy</string> @@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ <string name="btn_finish">Fertigstellen</string> <string name="btn_okay">OK</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Abbrechen</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Nähere Informationen zu Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot ist eine quelloffene Anwendung die Tor, LibEvent und Privoxy enthält. Es stellt einen lokalen HTTP Proxy (8118) und einen SOCKS Proxy (9050) zum Tor-Netzwerk zur Verfügung. Orbot hat auf einem System mit Administrationsrechten auch die Fähigkeit, jeglichen Internetverkehr über das Tor-Netzwerk abzuwickeln.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Berechtigung erteilt</string> @@ -72,39 +74,47 @@ <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Die unten aufgeführten Apps wurden für die Zusammenarbeit mit Orbot entwickelt. Klicken Sie, um das Programm jetzt zu installieren oder verwenden Sie den Android Market.</string> <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Ein sicheres Instant-Messaging Programm für Android</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy-Einstellungen - Lernen Sie Anwendungen so zu konfigurieren, dass sie mit Orbot zusammenarbeiten.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_duckgo">Duckduckgo Suchmaschinen-App</string> + <string name="duckgo_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox mir Proxy Mobile-Add-On (extra Installation im Anschluss)</string> + <string name="proxymob_setup_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_twitter">Twitter unterstützt den http proxy "localhost:8118"</string> + <string name="twitter_setup_url"></string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy-Einstellungen</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Wenn das Android-App, das Sie benutzen, die Verwendung von HTTP- oder SOCKS-Proxys unterstützt, können Sie es so konfigurieren, dass es sich mit Orbot verbindet und Tor verwendet. - - -Die Host-Einstellungen sind oder "localhost". Die Port-Einstellungen sind 8118 für HTTP und 9050 für SOCKS. Sie sollten versuchen, SOCKS4A oder SOCKS5 zu verwenden. - - - -Erfahren Sie mehr über die Verwendung von Proxys unter Android in den FAQ unter - </string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Wenn das Android-App, das Sie benutzen, die Verwendung von HTTP- oder SOCKS-Proxys unterstützt, können Sie es so konfigurieren, dass es sich mit Orbot verbindet und Tor verwendet.\n\n\nDie Host-Einstellungen sind oder "localhost". Die Port-Einstellungen sind 8118 für HTTP und 9050 für SOCKS. Sie sollten versuchen, SOCKS4A oder SOCKS5 zu verwenden.\n\n\n\nErfahren Sie mehr über die Verwendung von Proxys unter Android in den FAQ unter </string> <string name="wizard_final">Orbot ist bereit!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hunderttausende Menschen auf der ganzen Welt nutzen Tor aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen: Journalisten und Blogger, Menschenrechtsaktivisten, Strafverfolgungsbehörden, Soldaten, Unternehmen, Bürger repressiver Regime und ganz normale Menschen... und jetzt können Sie das auch!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">Sie haben sich erfolgreich mit dem Tor-Netzwerk verbunden - das bedeutet aber NICHT, dass Ihr Gerät sicher ist. Sie können die 'Überprüfen'-Option aus dem Menü benutzen, um Ihren Browser zu testen. - -Besuchen Sie oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an um mehr darüber zu erfahren.</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">Sie haben sich erfolgreich mit dem Tor-Netzwerk verbunden - das bedeutet aber NICHT, dass Ihr Gerät sicher ist. Sie können die 'Überprüfen'-Option aus dem Menü benutzen, um Ihren Browser zu testen. \n\nBesuchen Sie oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an um mehr darüber zu erfahren.</string> <string name="tor_check">Durch Bestätigen mit 'OK' wird die Seite in Ihrem Webbrowser geöffnet, sodass Sie überprüfen können, ob Orbot richtig konfiguriert ist und Sie mit Tor verbunden sind.</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">Versteckte Dienste</string> <string name="pref_general_group">Allgemein</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Orbot beim Systemstart ausführen</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatisches Starten von Orbot und Verbinden von Tor beim Start des Android-Gerätes</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot sorgt dafür, dass Sie Tor mit Android nutzen können. Tor schützt vor Filterung von Inhalten, Traffic Analysen und Netzwerk-Überwachung, die Ihre Privatsphäre, vertrauliche Informationen und persönliche Verhältnisse gefährdet. Dieser Assistent wird Ihnen dabei helfen, Orbot und Tor auf Ihrem Gerät zu konfigurieren.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warnung</string> <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Die reine Installation von Orbot wird Ihren Datenverkehr nicht anonymisieren. Tor muss korrekt konfiguriert sein, damit ihr Gerät Tor erfolgreich verwenden kann.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Rechte</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Sie können Orbot wahlweise 'Administrator'-Rechte geben, um erweiterte Optionen wie die Nutzung von transparenten Proxys zu ermöglichen.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Wenn Sie dies nicht möchten, dann verwenden Sie bitte Apps, die mit Orbot zusammen arbeiten können.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Ihr Gerät läuft im Standard-Modus und unterstützt keine Administrator-Rechte. In diesem Fall müssen Sie Apps verwenden, die von Haus aus mit Orbot zusammenarbeiten oder die HTTP bzw. SOCKS Proxy Einstellungen ermöglichen. -</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Ihr Gerät läuft im Standard-Modus und unterstützt keine Administrator-Rechte. In diesem Fall müssen Sie Apps verwenden, die von Haus aus mit Orbot zusammenarbeiten oder die HTTP bzw. SOCKS Proxy Einstellungen ermöglichen.\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="wizard_tips_title">Apps die Orbot unterstützt</string> <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Sichere Chat App mit inoffizieller Verschlüsselung</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Nur Android 1.x) - Ein für Privatsphäre &amp; Orbot entworfener Browser</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Nur Android 1.x) - Ein für Privatsphäre & Orbot entworfener Browser</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play">Finde alle Guardian Project Apss im Google Play Store</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Benutze transparenten Proxy</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Dies ermöglicht Ihnen Apps, automatisch das Tor Netzwerk zu verwenden ohne dies konfigurieren zu müssen.</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Klicken Sie dieses Kästchen an wenn Sie nicht wissen wovon wir reden)</string> @@ -119,8 +129,9 @@ Besuchen Sie oder senden Sie eine E-Mail <string name="pref_entrance_node">Eingangs-Knoten</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, Spitznamen, Land und Adressen für den ersten Punkt</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Eingangs-Knoten angeben</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Verwende WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Verwende die proprietäre NetFilter-API von WhisperSystems (benötigt ein Gerät mit installiertem WhisperCore)</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Ausgehender Netzwerk-Proxy</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy-Typ</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protokoll zur Verwendung des Proxy Servers:HTTP,HTTPS,Socks4,Socks5</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Proxy-Typ angeben</string> @@ -156,7 +167,9 @@ Besuchen Sie oder senden Sie eine E-Mail <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Benutze *ausschließlich* diese angegebenen Nodes</string> <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> <string name="use_bridges">Benutze Bridges</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Verschleierte Brücken</string> <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Benutze alternative Eingangs-Nodes in das TOR-Netzwerk</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Aktivieren, falls konfigurierte Brücken verschleierte Brücken sind.</string> <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP Adresse und Port der Bridges</string> <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Geben Sie die Bridge_Adressen ein</string> <string name="relays">Relays</string> @@ -184,7 +197,11 @@ Besuchen Sie oder senden Sie eine E-Mail <string name="the_tor_license">Die Tor Lizenz</string> <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> <string name="third_party_software">Drittanbieter-Software:</string> - + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.7-alpha:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> <string name="hidden_service_request">Eine Anwendungen möchte den Port für versteckte Dienste %S öffnen. Dies ist sicher wenn Sie der Anwendung vertrauen.</string> <string name="found_existing_tor_process">existierender Tor Prozess gefunden...</string> <string name="something_bad_happened">Etwasist schief gelaufen. Bitte Log prüfen</string> @@ -196,4 +213,12 @@ Besuchen Sie oder senden Sie eine E-Mail <string name="error_installing_binares">Die Tor-Binarys konnten nicht installiert oder aktualisiert werden.</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Behalte das Icon immer in der Benutzerleiste (Toolbar) wenn Orbot verbunden ist.</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Immer-eingeschaltet Benachrichtigungen</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Brücke aktiviert!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Gebietsschema festlegen</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Gebietsschema und Sprache wählen</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Sprache wählen</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Grundeinstellung beibehalten oder Sprache ändern</string> + <string name="powered_by">ermöglicht durch das Tor Projekt</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Einstellungen speichern</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-el/strings.xml b/res/values-el/strings.xml index 2705a38..b429371 100644 --- a/res/values-el/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-el/strings.xml @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ <string name="status_activated">Συνδέθηκε στο δίκτυο Tor</string> <string name="status_disabled">"Το Orbot είναι Απενεργοποιημένο</string> <string name="status_shutting_down">Το Orbot θα τερματίσει</string> - <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> - <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> - <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Εκκίνηση του πελάτη Tor...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">ολοκληρώθηκε...</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">αναμονή</string> <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ: Η κυκλοφορία σας δεν είναι ακόμη ανώνυμη! Ρυθμίστε τις εφαρμογές σας ώστε να χρησιμοποιούν ως πληρεξούσιο HTTP ή SOCKS5</string> <string name="menu_home">Αρχική</string> <string name="menu_browse">Περιήγηση</string> @@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ <string name="menu_stop">Διακοπή</string> <string name="menu_about">Σχετικά</string> <string name="menu_wizard">Μάγος</string> + <string name="main_layout_download">Λήψη (ταχύτητα/σύνολο)</string> + <string name="main_layout_upload">Αποστολή (ταχύτητα/σύνολο)</string> <string name="button_help">Βοήθεια</string> <string name="button_close">Κλείσιμο</string> <string name="button_about">Σχετικά</string> <string name="button_clear_log">Διαγραφή Καταγραφής</string> <string name="menu_verify">Έλεγχος</string> <string name="menu_exit">Έξοδος</string> - <string name="powered_by">με την δύναμη το Tor Project</string> <string name="press_to_start">-για να εκκινήσει κρατήστε το πατημένο-</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Διαφανής Πληρεξούσιος Διακομηστής (Απαιτεί διαχείριση root)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Διαφανής Πληρεξούσιος Διακομηστής</string> @@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ <string name="btn_finish">Τέλος</string> <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Άκυρο</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Μερικές λεπτομέρειες για το Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">Το Orbot είναι μια εφαρμογή ανοικτού λογισμικού που περιέχει τα Tor, LibEvent και Privoxy. Διαθέτει τοπικούς πληρεξούσιους διακομιστές (proxies) HTTP (8118) και SOCKS (9050) για το δίκτυο Tor. Σε συσκευές που έχουν διαμορφωθεί για ριζική χρήση (rooted devices), το Orbot μπορεί να μεταδίδει όλη την διαδυκτιακή κυκλοφορία μέσω Tor.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Η άδεια παραχωρήθηκε</string> @@ -63,129 +65,160 @@ <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Αν και δεν είναι απαραίτητο, το Orbot μπορεί να γίνει ισχυρότερο όταν η συσκευή σας έχει διαμορφωθεί για πρόσβαση υπερχρήστη. Πατήστε το πιο κάτω κουμπί για να δώσετε αυξημένα δικαιώματα στο Orbot! </string> <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Αν δεν διαθέτετε πρόσβαση υπερχήστη ή δεν καταλαβαίνετε τι εννοούμε, απλώς χρησιμοποιείτε εφαρμογές που φτιάχτηκαν για να συνεργάζονται με το Orbot.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Καταλαβαίνω και θέλω να συνεχίσω ως Υπερχρήστης</string> - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n - The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible. - \n\n - You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: - </string> - <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> - <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> - <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> - <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string> - <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Απόδοση Διαχειρισης στο Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">Ρύθμιση Torification</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Το Orbot σας επιτρέπει να κατευθύνετε όλη την κυκλοφορία κάποιας εφαρμογής προς το Tor ή να επιλέξετε κάθε μια εφαρμογή ξεχωριστά.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">Το Tor να γίνει ενδιάμεσος διακομιστής Proxy για όλες τις εφαρμογές</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Επιλογή μεμονωμένων εφαρμογών για το Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Εφαρμογές συμβατές για Orbont</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Οι παρακάτω εφαρμογές αναπτύχθηκαν ώστε να λειτουργούν με το Orbot. Πατήστε σε κάθε κουμπί για να εγκατασταθεί τώρα ή μπορείτε να τις βρείτε αργότερα στο Android Market</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Ασφαλές πρόγραμμα-πελάτης άμεσων μηνυμάτων για το Android</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Ρυθμίσεις proxy: Μάθετε πώς θα ρυθμίσετε τις εφαρμογές ώστε να λειτουργούν με το Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_duckgo">Εφαρμογή Μηχανής Αναζήτησης Duckduckgo</string> + <string name="duckgo_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox με το πρόσθετο Proxy Mobile</string> + <string name="proxymob_setup_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_twitter">Το Twitter υποστηρίζει http proxy localhost:8118</string> + <string name="twitter_setup_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Ρυθμίσεις proxy</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Αν η εφαρμογή Android που χρησιμοποιείτε υποστηρίζει διακομιστή μεσολάβησης proxy τύπου HTTP ή SOCKS, τότε μπορείτε να την ρυθμίσετε να συνδέετε με το Orbot και να χρησιμοποιεί το Tor.\n\n\nΟι ρυθμίσεις για τον υπολογιστή που φιλοξενεί το πρόγραμμα πελάτη είναι ή "localhost". Για ΗΤΤΡ οι ρυθμίσεις θύρας είναι 8118. Για SOCKS η θύρα είναι 9050. Εάν αυτό είναι εφικτό, πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείτε SOCKS4A ή SOCKS5.\n\n\nΜπορείτε να μάθετε περισσότερα για την διαδικασία proxy σε περιβάλλον Android μέσω του FAQ:</string> + <string name="wizard_final">Το Orbot είναι έτοιμο!</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">Εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες ανθρώπων παγκοσμίως χρησιμοποιούν το Tor για πολλούς λόγους.\n\nΟι δημοσιογράφοι και οι bloggers, οι υπερασπιστές των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου, οι δυνάμεις εφαρμογής του Νόμου, οι στρατιωτικοί, οι εταιρίες, οι πολίτες καταπιεστικών καθεστώτων αλλά και συνηθισμένοι πολίτες... Και τώρα ΕΣΕΙΣ είστε έτοιμος ή έτοιμη να το χρησιμοποιήσετε, επίσης!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">Συνδεθήκατε με επιτυχία στο δίκτυο Tor - αυτό όμως δεν σημαίνει ότι η συσκευή σας είναι ασφαλής. Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε την επιλογή 'Check' από το μενού για να ελέγξετε τον περιηγητή σας.\n\nΓια να μάθετε περισσότερα, επισκεφθείτε μας στην σελίδα ή στείλτε ένα μήνυμα στην διεύθυνση</string> + <string name="tor_check">Θα ανοίξει ο περιηγητής δικτύου στην σελίδα για να διαπιστώσετε αν το Orbot είναι σωστά ρυθμισμένο και ότι είστε συνδεδεμένος/η στο Tor.</string> + <string name="pref_hs_group">Φιλοξενία κρυφών υπηρεσιών</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">Γενικά</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Έναρξη του Orbot κατά την εκκίνηση</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Αυτόματη έναρξη του Orbot και σύνδεση στο Tor όταν ξεκινά η Android συσκευή σας</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">Το Orbot φέρνει το Tor στο Android!\n\nΤο Tor επιτρέπει την άμυνα απέναντι σε φιλτράρισμα περιεχομένου, ανάλυση κυκλοφορίας και δικτυακή επιτήρηση που απειλούν την ιδιωτικότητα, τις εμπιστευτικές πληροφορίες και τις προσωπικές σχέσεις.\n\nΟ οδηγός αυτός θα σας βοηθήσει να ρυθμίσετε τα Orbot και Tor της συσκευής σας.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">Προειδοποίηση</string> + <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Εγκαθιστώντας απλώς το Orbot δεν θα καταστήσει ανώνυμη την κυκλοφορία της κινητής συσκευής σας.\n\nπΓια να χρησιμοποιήσετε με επιτυχία το Tor Πρέπει να ρυθμίσετε σωστά το Orbot, την συσκευή σας και άλλες εφαρμογές.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Άδειες</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Αν θέλετε, μπορεί να δώσετε στο Orbot πρόσβαση 'Υπερχρήστη' ώστε να ενεργοποιήσετε τα προχωρημένα χαρακτηριστικά, όπως το Transparent Proxying.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Αν δεν θέλετε κάτι τέτοιο, βεβαιωθείτε ότι χρησιμοποιείτε εφαρμογές που συνεργάζονται με το Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Φαίνεται ότι η συσκευή σας δεν έχει διαμόρφωση υπερχρήστη (rooted) ή δεν παρέχει πρόσβαση 'Υπερχρήστη'.\n\nΑν επιθυμείτε να επωφεληθείτε από το Tor θα πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσετε εφαρμογές που συνεργάζονται με το Orbot ή υποστηρίζουν ρυθμίσεις διακομιστή διαμεσολάβησης HTTP ή SOCKS.</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Εφαρμογές συμβατές με Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Ασφαλής εφαρμογής συζήτησης με ανεπίσημη κρυπτογράφηση</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb - Περιηγητής ιστού με ενισχυμένη ασφάλεια που είναι συμβατό με Tor</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> - <string name="status">Status</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> - <string name="error">Error</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> - <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play">Βρες όλες τις εφαρμογές Guardian Project στο Google Play</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Διαφανής μεσολάβηση διακομιστή</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Το στοιχείο αυτό επιτρέπει στις εφαρμογές σας να λειτουργούν μέσω του δικτύου Tor χωρίς κάποια ρύθμιση.</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Επιλέξτε αυτό το τετράγωνο αν δεν καταλαβαίνετε για τι πράγμα μιλάμε)</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Καμία</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Διασύνδεση Tor</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Ενεργοποίηση της Διαφανούς μεσολάβησης διακομιστή για συσκευές με WiFi και διασύνδεση USB (απαιτεί επανεκκίνηση)</string> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">Αίτημα Πρόσβασης Υπερχρήστη</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps">Επιλογή εφαρμογών</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Επιλέξτε τις εφαρμογές που θα διέλθουν μέσω Tor</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration">Ρύθμιση κόμβου</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Οι ρυθμίσεις αυτές είναι προχωρημένες και μπορούν να μειώσουν την ανωνυμία σας.</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">Κόμβοι εισόδου</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Αποτυπώματα, ψευδώνυμα, χώρες και διευθύνσεις για την πρώτη σύνδεση</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Εισάγετε κόμβους εισαγωγής</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Διακομιστής μεσολάβησης εξερχομένων δεδομένων</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Τύπος του διακομιστή μεσολάβησης εξερχομένων δεδομένων</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Πρωτόκολλο του διακομιστή μεσολάβησης: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Εισάγετε τύπο διακομιστή μεσολάβησης</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Διακομιστής μεσολάβησης εξερχόμενων δεδομένων</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Hostname για τον διακομιστή μεσολάβησης</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Εισάγετε τον υπολογιστή για τον διακομιστή μεσολάβησης</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Θύρα εξερχομένων του διακομιστή μεσολάβησης</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Θύρα του διακομιστή μεσολάβησης</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Εισάγετε την θύρα του διακομιστή μεσολάβησης</string> + <string name="status">Κατάσταση</string> + <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Ρύθμιση </string> + <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Ρύθμιση της διαφανούς μεσολάβησης διακομιστή</string> + <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Η διαφανής μεσολάβηση διακομιστή ΕΝΕΡΓΟΠΟΙΗΘΗΚΕ</string> + <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">Το TransProxy ενεργοποιήθηκε για την διασύνδεση - Tethering</string> + <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ: σφάλμα κατά την εκκίνηση της διαφανούς μεσολάβησης διακομιστή!</string> + <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">Οι ρυθμίσεις του TransProxy απομακρύνθηκαν</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Αδυναμία εκκίνησης της διεργασίας Tor:</string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Το privoxy εκτελείται στην θύρα:</string> + <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Ρύθμιση της διαφανούς μεσολάβησης διακομιστή κατά θύρα...</string> + <string name="bridge_error">Σφάλμα γέφυρας</string> + <string name="bridge_requires_ip">Για να χρησιμοποιήσετε το στοιχείο γέφυρας, πρέπει να εισάγετε την διεύθυνση ΙΡ τουλάχιστον μιας γέφυρας.</string> + <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Μέσω ενός λογαριασμού gmai στείλτε ένα μήνυμα στην διεύθυνση με την φαση "get bridges" μόνη της στο σώμα το μηνύματος.</string> + <string name="error">Σφάλμα</string> + <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Οι ρυθμίσεις ReachableAddresses προκάλεσαν μια εξαίρεση!</string> + <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Οι ρυθμίσεις αναμεταδότη σας προκάλεσαν μια εξαίρεση!</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">Κόμβοι εξόδου</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Αποτυπώματα, ψευδώνυμα, χώρες και διευθύνσεις της τελευταίας σύνδεσης</string> + <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Εισάγετε κόμβους εξόδου</string> + <string name="exclude_nodes">Εξαιρετέοι κόμβοι</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Αποτυπώματα, ψευδώνυμα, χώρες και διευθύνσεις προς εξαίρεση</string> + <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Εισάγετε Εξαιρετέους κόμβους</string> + <string name="strict_nodes">Αποκλειστικοί κόμβοι</string> + <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Χρήση *μόνον* αυτών των συγκεκριμένων κόμβων</string> + <string name="bridges">Γέφυρες</string> + <string name="use_bridges">Χρήση γεφυρών</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Κρυφές γέφυρες</string> + <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Ενεργοποίηση εναλλακτικών κόμβων εισόδου στο δίκτυο Tor</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Ενεργοποιήστε το αν οι ρυθμισμένες γέφυρες είναι κρυφές</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">Διεύθυνση ΙΡ και θύρα των γεφυρών</string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Εισάγετε την διεύθυνση της γέφυρας</string> + <string name="relays">Αναμεταδότες</string> + <string name="relaying">Γίνεται αναμετάδοση</string> + <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Μετατρέψτε την συσκευή σας σε ένα αναμεταδότη μη-εξόδου</string> + <string name="relay_port">Θύρα αναμετάδοσης</string> + <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Θύρα ακρόασης για τον αναμεταδότη σας</string> + <string name="enter_or_port">Εισάγετε την θύρα OR</string> + <string name="relay_nickname">Ψευδώνυμο του αναμεταδότη</string> + <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">Το ψευδώνυμο του αναμεταδότη σας Tor</string> + <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Εισάγετε ένα προτιμώμενο ψευδώνυμο αναμεταδότη</string> + <string name="reachable_addresses">Προσιτές διευθύνσεις</string> + <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Εκτέλεση ως πελάτη πίσω από τοίχος προστασίας με περιοριστικές πολιτικές</string> + <string name="reachable_ports">Προσιτές θύρες</string> + <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Προσιτές θύρες πίσω από περιοριστικό τοίχος προστασίας</string> + <string name="enter_ports">Εισάγετε θύρες</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">Φιλοξενία κρυφών υπηρεσιών</string> + <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">να επιτρέπετε στον διακομιστή της συσκευής να είναι προσβάσιμος μέσω του δικτύου Tor</string> + <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">εισάγετε τις θύρες κρυφών υπηρεσιών του localhost</string> + <string name="hidden_service_ports">Θύρες κρυφών υπηρεσιών</string> + <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">το όνομα προσπέλασης για τις κρυφές υπηρεσίες σας (παράγεται αυτόματα)</string> + <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">ενεργοποίηση καταγραφών αποσφαλμάτωσης (για την προβολή τους απαιτείται χρήση adb ή aLogCat)</string> + <string name="project_home">Ιστοσελίδες του έργου:</string> <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> + <string name="the_tor_license">Η Άδεια Tor</string> <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> - <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="third_party_software">Λογισμικό τρίτων:</string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.17:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v2.1:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v0.9.8h:</string> + <string name="hidden_service_request">Κάποια εφαρμογή προσπαθεί να ανοίξει την κρυφή θύρα διακομιστή %S στο δίκτυο Tor. Πρόκειται για ασφαλή ενέργεια, εφόσον γνωρίζετε την εφαρμογή.</string> + <string name="found_existing_tor_process">αναζήτηση διεργασιών Tor...</string> + <string name="something_bad_happened">Κάτι κακό συνέβη. Ελέγξτε τις καταγραφές</string> + <string name="hidden_service_on">ενεργοποιημένη κρυφή υπηρεσία:</string> + <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">αδυναμία ανάγνωσης του ονόματος της κρυφής υπηρεσίας</string> + <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Αδυναμία εκκίνησης του Tor:</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Χρήση αρχικού iptables</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">χρήση του ενσωματωμένου iptables αντί για εκείνων του πακέτου Orbot</string> + <string name="error_installing_binares">Τα αρχεία Tor δεν μπόρεσαν να εγκατασταθούν ή να αναβαθμιστούν.</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Να διατηρείται πάντοτε το εικονίδιο στην γραμμή εργαλείων όταν το Orbot συνδέεται</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Ειδοποιήσεις διαρκούς σύνδεσης</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Οι γέφυρες ενεργοποιήθηκαν!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Ορισμός τοπικών προσαρμογών</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Επιλέξτε ρυθμίσεις τοπικότητας και γλώσσας για το Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Επιλέξτε γλώσσα</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Παραμείνετε στην αρχική ή αλλάξτε την τρέχουσα γλώσσα</string> + <string name="powered_by">με την δύναμη το Tor Project</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Αποθήκευση ρυθμίσεων</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-es/strings.xml b/res/values-es/strings.xml index 28fa0a1..876434e 100644 --- a/res/values-es/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-es/strings.xml @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ <string name="button_clear_log">Limpiar Historial</string> <string name="menu_verify">Comprobar</string> <string name="menu_exit">Salir</string> - <string name="powered_by">potenciado por Tor Project</string> <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxy transparente (Requiere ser Administrador)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxy transparente</string> @@ -55,6 +54,7 @@ <string name="btn_finish">Finalizar</string> <string name="btn_okay">OK</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Cancelar</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Algunos detalles de Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot es una aplicación de código abierto que contiene Tor, LibEvent y Privoxy. Provee un Proxy HTTP local (8118) y un Proxy SOCKS (9050) en la red Tor. Orbot también tiene la habilidad, en un dispositivo enrutador, de enviar todo el tráfico de Internet a través de Tor.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permiso Concedido</string> @@ -73,37 +73,38 @@ <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Configuraciones Proxy - Aprenda cómo configurar aplicaciones para que trabajen con Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Configuraciones Proxy</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Si la aplicación Android que está utilizando puede soportar el uso de un Proxy HTTP o SOCKS, entonces puede configurarla para conectar a Orbot y utilizar Tor. - - -La configuración del dominio es o "localhost". Para HTTP, la configuración del puerto es 8118. Para SOCKS, el proxy es 9050. Puede utilizar SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 si es posible. - - - -Puede aprender más acerca de los proxys en Android a través de las Preguntas Frecuentes ubicadas en: - </string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Si la aplicación Android que está utilizando puede soportar el uso de un Proxy HTTP o SOCKS, entonces puede configurarla para conectar a Orbot y utilizar Tor.\n\n\nLa configuración del dominio es o "localhost". Para HTTP, la configuración del puerto es 8118. Para SOCKS, el proxy es 9050. Puede utilizar SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 si es posible.\n\n\n\nPuede aprender más acerca de los proxys en Android a través de las Preguntas Frecuentes ubicadas en: </string> <string name="wizard_final">¡Orbot está listo!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">Cientos de miles de personas alrededor del mundo usan Tor por una amplia variedad de razones: periodistas y bloggers, trabajadores de los derechos humanos, oficiales de policía, soldados, corporaciones, ciudadanos de regímenes represivos y ciudadanos ordinarios... ¡y ahora también lo estás!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">Se ha conectado con éxito a la red Tor, pero eso NO significa que su dispositivo es seguro. Puede utilizar la opción 'Comprobar' desde el menú para probar su navegador. - -Visítenos en o envíenos un correo electrónico a para aprender más.</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">Se ha conectado con éxito a la red Tor, pero eso NO significa que su dispositivo es seguro. Puede utilizar la opción 'Comprobar' desde el menú para probar su navegador.\n\nVisítenos en o envíenos un correo electrónico a para aprender más.</string> <string name="tor_check">Esto abrirá en su navegador predeterminado con el fin de comprobar si Orbot está configurado y si está conectado a Tor.</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">Servicios Ocultados</string> <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot activa el acceso a la red Tor, en su Android! \n\nTor le ayuda a defenderse del filtrado de contenido, análisis de tráfico y la vigilancia que amenaza su privacidad, su información confidencial y sus relaciones personales. \n\nEste asistente le ayudará a configurar Orbot y Tor en su dispositivo Android.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">Advertencia</string> <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simplemente instalando Orbort, no automatiza de por si, la proteccion anonima del trafico generado por su dispositivo \n\nPara anonimizar su trafico con garantias, debe configurar adecuadamente Orbot, el dispositivo y las aplicaciones que utilize en su conexion.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permisos</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Si lo desea, puede conceder acceso 'superusuario' a Orbot para habilitar las características avanzadas de configuracion y acceso a la red Tor, tales como los proxys transparentes.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Si no desea habilitar esta opcion, por favor asegúrese de utilizar aplicaciones compatibles con Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Su dispositivo se esta ejecutando en modo estándar, y no admite el acceso root o "superusuario".\n\nPara que pueda beneficiarse de todo el potencial de Tor, tendrá que utilizar aplicaciones creadas para trabajar con Orbot, o compatibles con la configuracion proxy basada en los protocolos HTTP o SOCKS\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="wizard_tips_title">Aplicaciones habilitadas para utilizar con Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Asegure su aplicación de chat con nuestro sistema de cifrado </string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Sólo Android 1.x) - Navegador diseñado para la privacidad y para Orbot</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">conexion proxy transparente activada </string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Esto permite que sus aplicaciones se ejecuten automáticamente a través de la red Tor sin necesidad de realizar ninguna configuración.</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Si no tiene idea de lo que estamos hablando, marque esta casilla ;o)</string> @@ -118,8 +119,9 @@ Visítenos en o envíenos un correo elec <string name="pref_entrance_node">Los nodos de entrada</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Las llaves publicas, apodos, países y direcciones para el primer salto, o nodo (primer servidor que se conectara para acceder a la red Tor)</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Introduzca los nodos de entrada</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Utilizar plataforma de seguridad WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Utilizar las API de NetFilter proporcionada por WhisperSystems (es necesario que su dispositivo tenga WhisperCore instalado)</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Proxy de Red Saliente</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Tipo de proxy</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocolo que se utilizará para la configuracion del servidor proxy: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Introduzca el Tipo de Proxy</string> @@ -155,7 +157,9 @@ Visítenos en o envíenos un correo elec <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Usar * sólamente * los nodos especificados</string> <string name="bridges">Puentes/Bridges</string> <string name="use_bridges">Utilizar Puentes/Bridges</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Puentes ofuscados</string> <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Activar nodos de entrada alternativos en la red Tor</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Habilitar si puentes configurados estan ofuscados</string> <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">Dirección IP y el puerto del puente/Bridge</string> <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Introduzca la dirección del puente/Bridge</string> <string name="relays">Retransmisores de trafico</string> @@ -183,6 +187,11 @@ Visítenos en o envíenos un correo elec <string name="the_tor_license">Licencia de uso Tor</string> <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> <string name="third_party_software">Software de terceras partes</string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.7-alfa:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">Libevent v1.4.13: ~ provos / libevent /</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> <string name="hidden_service_request">Una aplicación esta intentando abrir el siguiente puerto %S a la red Tor. Esto es seguro, si confía en la aplicación, que lo esta intentando abrir.</string> <string name="found_existing_tor_process">Se ha encontrado proceso activo de Tor ...</string> <string name="something_bad_happened">Algo ha ocurrido con el normal funcionamiento de la aplicacion. Compruebe el log de registro del sistema Tor</string> @@ -190,8 +199,16 @@ Visítenos en o envíenos un correo elec <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">No se puede leer el nombre del servicio oculto</string> <string name="unable_to_start_tor">ADVERTENCIA: No Puedo iniciar la Red Tor:</string> <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Usar Iptables por defecto</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">Usar built-in iptables binario en lugar del paquete con Orbot</string> <string name="error_installing_binares">Los binario de Tor no se pudieron instalar o actualizar</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Mantener siempre el icono de Orbot en la barra de tareas cuando esté conectado</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Notificaciones siempre encendidas</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Puentes activados!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Establecer configuración regional</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Elija la configuración regional y de idioma para Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Escoja lenguaje\n</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Dejar por defecto o cambiar el lenguaje actual</string> + <string name="powered_by">potenciado por Tor Project</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Guardar configuración</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-eu/strings.xml b/res/values-eu/strings.xml index 678af25..613218b 100644 --- a/res/values-eu/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-eu/strings.xml @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ <string name="status_activated">Tor sarera konektatuta</string> <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot desaktibatuta dago</string> <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot itzaltzen ari da</string> - <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> - <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> - <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> - <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Tor bezeroa hasten...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">eginda.</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">itxaroten.</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ABISUA: Zure trafikoa ez da anonimoa oraindik! Mesedez konfigura itzazu zure aplikazioak HTTP proxya edo SOCKS4 edo SOCKS5 proxyak erabiltzeko</string> <string name="menu_home">Etxea</string> <string name="menu_browse">Arakatu</string> <string name="menu_settings">Ezarpenak</string> @@ -31,161 +31,121 @@ <string name="button_clear_log">Zerrenda Garbitu</string> <string name="menu_verify">Egiaztatu</string> <string name="menu_exit">Irten</string> - <string name="powered_by">Tor Projectek indartua</string> <string name="press_to_start">- sakatu luze hasteko -</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxyatze Gardena (Root behar du)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxyatze Gardena</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Aplikazioen Torifikatze Automatikoa</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor-tu Dena</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Aplikazio guztien trafikoa Tor bidez proxyatu</string> <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Portu Zerrenda</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string> - <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string> - <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Sartu proxyatzeko portuak</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Root sarrera eskatu</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Root sarrera eskatu proxyatze gardenarentzat</string> <string name="status_install_success">Tor bitarrak zuzen instalatuta!</string> - <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">Tor fitxategi bitarrak ezin izan dira instalatu. Mesedez ikusi erregistroa eta jakinarazi</string> <string name="title_error">Aplikazio Akatsa</string> <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Orboti buruz</string> <string name="btn_next">Hurrengoa</string> <string name="btn_back">Atzera</string> <string name="btn_finish">Amaitu</string> - <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> - <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string> - <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string> - <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n - The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible. - \n\n - You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: - </string> - <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> - <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> - <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> - <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string> - <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> + <string name="btn_okay">Ados</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Utzi</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">Orbot xehetasun batzuk</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Baimena Emanda</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Baimenak</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Bikain! Orbotentzako root baimenak gaituta dituzula detektatu dugu.</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Root Orboti eman</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">Torifikazioa Konfiguratu</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">Aplikazio gustiak Tor bidez proxyatu</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Hautatu Banakako Aplikazioak Torentzat</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-gaitutako Aplikazioak</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Andriodrentzako berehalako mezulari bezero ziurra</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Ezarpenak - Ikasi zure aplikazioak Orbotekin funtziona dezaten nola konfiguratu</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Ezarpenak</string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot prest dago!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="pref_hs_group">Ezkutuko Zerbitzuak</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">Orokorra</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Hasi Orbot Abiarazterakoan</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatikoki Orbot hasi eta Tor konektatu zure Android gailua abiarazterakoan</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">Abisua</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Baimenak</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Gaitutako Aplikazioak</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb - Tor bidez lan egiten duen pribatutasun-hobetua duen nabigatzailea</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Proxyatze Gardena</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Bat ere ez</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">Supererabiltzaile sarrera eskatu</string> <string name="pref_select_apps">Aplikazioak hautatu</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration">Nodo Konfigurazioa</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">Sarrera Nodoak</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Sartu Sarrera Nodoak</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy mota</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Proxy zerbitzariarentzako erabiltzeko protokoloak: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Sartu Proxy Mota</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Ostalaria</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy zerbitzari ostalaria</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Sartu Proxy Ostalaria</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Portua</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy zerbitzari portua</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Sartu Proxy portua</string> <string name="status">Egoera</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> - <string name="error">Error</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> - <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> + <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Proxyatze gardena GAITUTA</string> + <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">ABISUA: akatsa proxyatze gardena hasterakoan!</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Ezin izan da Tor prozesua hasi:</string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy hurrengo portua exekutatzen ari da:</string> + <string name="bridge_error">Zubi Akatsa</string> + <string name="error">Akatsa</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">Irteera Nodoak</string> + <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Irteera Nodoak sartu</string> + <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">*Bakarrik* zehaztutako nodo hauek erabili</string> + <string name="bridges">Zubiak</string> + <string name="use_bridges">Zubiak erabili</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Nahasitako Zubiak</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Gaitu konfiguratutako zubiak nahasitako zubiak badira</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP helbidea eta zubien portua</string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Sartu Zubi Helbideak</string> + <string name="relays">Erreleak</string> + <string name="relaying">Erreleatzea</string> + <string name="relay_port">Errele Portua</string> + <string name="enter_or_port">Sartu OR portua</string> + <string name="relay_nickname">Errele ezizena</string> + <string name="enter_ports">Portuak sartu</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">Ezkutuko Zerbitzuak Gaitu</string> + <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">sartu localhost portuak ezkutuko zerbitzuentzat</string> + <string name="hidden_service_ports">Ezkutuko Zerbitzu Portuak</string> <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> + <string name="the_tor_license">Tor Lizentzia</string> <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> - <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="third_party_software">3.-Ataleko-Softwarea:</string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> + <string name="hidden_service_on">ezkutuko zerbitzua hemen:</string> + <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Ezin izan da Tor hasi:</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Lehenetsitako Iptables erabili</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Zubiak gaituta!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Lokala ezarri</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Aukeratu Orbotentzako lokala eta hizkuntza</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Hizkuntza aukeratu</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Lehenetsia utzi edo uneko hizkuntzara aldatu</string> + <string name="powered_by">Tor Projectek indartua</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-fa/strings.xml b/res/values-fa/strings.xml index 1bdbfa2..7afc086 100644 --- a/res/values-fa/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-fa/strings.xml @@ -1,192 +1,224 @@ <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <resources> - <string name="app_name">اوربات</string> - <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> - <string name="default_web_url"></string> - <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> + <string name="app_name">ربات پیازی</string> + <string name="internal_web_url"></string> + <string name="default_web_url"></string> + <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> - <string name="control_permission_label">شروع و پایان Tor</string> - <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">سرويس پروكسي تُر</string> - <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot آغاز می شود..</string> - <string name="status_activated">پیوسته به شبکه ی Tor</string> - <string name="status_disabled">اوربات غیرفعال شده است.</string> - <string name="status_shutting_down">اوربات در حال بسته شدن است.</string> + <string name="control_permission_label">شروع و پایان تور</string> + <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">سرويس پروکسی تور</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">ربات پیازی درحال آغاز است...</string> + <string name="status_activated">پیوسته به شبکه تور</string> + <string name="status_disabled">ربات پیازی غیرفعال شده است.</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">ربات پیازی در حال بسته شدن است.</string> <string name="tor_process_starting">شروع کلاینت تور...</string> <string name="tor_process_complete">تمام.</string> <string name="tor_process_waiting">در حال انتظار.</string> <string name="not_anonymous_yet">هشدار: فعالیت شما هنوز "گمنام" نیست! لطفن اپلیکیشن خود را تنظیم کنید تا از HTTP پروکسی و یا SOCKS4A و یا SOCKS5 پروکسی 127.0.01:9050 استفاده کند.</string> <string name="menu_home">خانه</string> - <string name="menu_browse">جستجو</string> + <string name="menu_browse">مرور</string> <string name="menu_settings">تنظیمات</string> <string name="menu_log">ورود</string> <string name="menu_info">کمک</string> - <string name="menu_apps">واژ ه نامه</string> + <string name="menu_apps">برنامه ها</string> <string name="menu_start">آغاز</string> <string name="menu_stop">ایست</string> <string name="menu_about">درباره</string> <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> + <string name="main_layout_download">دانلود</string> + <string name="main_layout_upload">آپلود</string> <string name="button_help">کمک</string> <string name="button_close">بسته</string> <string name="button_about">درباره</string> - <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">پاکسازی گزارش</string> <string name="menu_verify">بررسی</string> <string name="menu_exit">خروج</string> - <string name="powered_by">فعال شده توسط Tor Project</string> <string name="press_to_start">- نگهدارید برای شروع -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">پروکسیدن شفاف (نیاز به Root دارد)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">پروکسیدن شفاف</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Tori-نمایی اتوماتیک اپلیکیشن ها</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">تور-نمایی اتوماتیک اپلیکیشن ها</string> <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">شامل همه</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">فعالیت همه اپلیکیشن ها را از طریق Tor پروکسی کنید.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">فعالیت همه اپلیکیشن ها را از طریق تور پروکسی کنید.</string> <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">قطع پروکسی پورت</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">فهرست پرتها</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">فهرست پرتها به پروکسی. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">ورود پرت به پروکسی</string> - <string name="pref_has_root">root درخواست دسترسی به </string> - <string name="pref_has_root_summary"> برای پروکسی کردن شفاف rootدرخواست دسترسی به </string> - <string name="status_install_success">دوتایی های Tor با موفقیت نصب شدند!</string> - <string name="status_install_fail">نصب فایل های دوتایی Tor ممکن نبود. لطفن قطعه را وارسی کنید و به اطلاع دهید.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">هشدار: پورتهای رایج دور زدن (80, 444, غیره). *فقط در شرایطی استفاده کنید* که حالت های 'همه' یا 'اپلیکیشن' کار نمیکند.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">فهرست پورتها</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">فهرست پرتها به پروکسی.*فقط در شرایطی استفاده کنید* که حالت های 'همه' یا 'اپلیکیشن' کار نمیکند.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">ورود پورت به پروکسی</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">درخواست دسترسی root</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary"> درخواست دسترسی رون برای پروکسی کردن شفاف </string> + <string name="status_install_success">باینری های تور با موفقیت نصب شدند!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">نصب فایل های دوتایی تور ممکن نبود. لطفن قطعه را وارسی کنید و به اطلاع دهید.</string> <string name="title_error">خطای اپلیکیشین</string> - <string name="wizard_title">به اوربات خوش آمدید</string> - <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">درباره اوربات</string> + <string name="wizard_title">به ربات پیازی خوش آمدید</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">درباره ربات پیازی</string> <string name="btn_next">بعدی</string> <string name="btn_back">بازگشت</string> <string name="btn_finish">پایان</string> - <string name="btn_okay">لغو</string> + <string name="btn_okay">قبول</string> <string name="btn_cancel">لغو</string> - <string name="wizard_details">برخی جزئیات در مورد اوربات</string> - <string name="wizard_details_msg">اوربات اپلیکیشنی با متن-باز است که شامل Tor, LibEvent و Privoxy. این اپلیکیشن، HTTP پروکسی (8118) محلی و SOCKS پروکسی (9050) را در شبکه Tor در دسترس قرار می دهد. اوربات همچنین قادر است بر روی ابزار root شده، تمام ترافیک اینترنت را از Tor ارسال کند.</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">برخی جزییات درباره ربات پیازی</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">ربات پیازی اپلیکیشنی با متن-باز است که شامل تور, LibEvent و Privoxy میشود. این اپلیکیشن، HTTP پروکسی (8118) محلی و SOCKS پروکسی (9050) را در شبکه Tor در دسترس قرار می دهد. ربات پیازی همچنین قادر است بر روی ابزار root شده، تمام ترافیک اینترنت را از Tor ارسال کند.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">مجوز صادر گردید</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">مجوزهای اوربات</string> - <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">بسیار عالی! اینطور که معلوم است شما دارای مجوز root برای فعال کردن اوربات هستید. این امکان را بخوبی مورد استفاده قرار خواهیم داد.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">هرچند ضرورت ندارد اما اگر سیستم شما دارای دسترسی root باشد اوربات با ظرفیت بسیار بیشتری عمل خواهد کرد. دکمه زیر را فشار دهید تا اوربات دارای ظرفیت حداکثری بشود.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">اگر سیستم شما دارای دسترسی root نیست و یا اصلن چیزی از این عبارت متوجه نمی شوید، حتمن سعی کنید از اپلکیشن هایی استفاده کنید که ویژه اوربات تهیه شده اند.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">مجوزهای ربات پیازی</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">بسیار عالی! اینطور که معلوم است شما دارای مجوز root برای فعال کردن ربات پیازی هستید. این امکان را بخوبی مورد استفاده قرار خواهیم داد.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">هرچند ضرورت ندارد اما اگر سیستم شما دارای دسترسی root باشد ربات پیازی با ظرفیت بسیار بیشتری عمل خواهد کرد. دکمه زیر را فشار دهید تا ربات پیازی دارای ظرفیت حداکثری بشود.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">اگر سیستم شما دارای دسترسی root نیست و یا اصلا چیزی از این عبارت متوجه نمی شوید، حتما سعی کنید از اپلکیشن هایی استفاده کنید که ویژه ربات پیازی تهیه شده اند.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">متوجه هستم و ترجیح می دهم بدون root ادامه بدهم.</string> - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">واگذاری root برای اوربات</string> - <string name="wizard_configure">تنظیمات تبدیل به Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_msg">اوربات به شما امکان می دهد که تمام اپلیکشین ها را از طریق Tor منتقل کنید و یا اپلیکیشن مورد نظر خود را شخصن انتخاب کنید.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_all">تمام اپلیکیشن ها را از طریق Tor منتقل کنید.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">اپلیکیشن های منفرد برای Tor انتخاب کنید.</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">اپلیکیشن هایی که برای اوربات تنظیم شده اند</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">توصیه می کنیم داون لود و فعال کنید؛ اپلیکیشن هایی را استفاده کنید که مستقیم به اوربات وصل می شوند. دکمه های زیر را فشار دهید تا نصب شود.</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">تنظیمات پروکسی - یادگیری تنظیم اپلیکیشن ها برای کار با اوربات</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">واگذاری دسترسی root برای ربات پیازی</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">تنظیمات تبدیل به تور</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">ربات پیازی به شما امکان می دهد که تمام اپلیکشین ها را از طریق توز منتقل کنید و یا اپلیکیشن مورد نظر خود را شخصن انتخاب کنید.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">تمام اپلیکیشن ها را از طریق تور منتقل کنید.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">اپلیکیشن های منفرد برای تور انتخاب کنید.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">اپلیکیشن هایی که برای ربات پیازی تنظیم شده اند</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">توصیه می کنیم داونلود و فعال کنید؛ اپلیکیشن هایی را استفاده کنید که مستقیم به ربات پیازی وصل می شوند. دکمه های زیر را فشار دهید تا نصب شود.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">ربات پرچونه - کلاینت گفتگوی امن برای اندروید</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">تنظیمات پروکسی - یادگیری تنظیم اپلیکیشن ها برای کار با ربات پیازی</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_duckgo">اپلیکیشن موتور جستجوی داک داک گو</string> + <string name="duckgo_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Proxy Mobile add-on for Firefox (</string> + <string name="proxymob_setup_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_twitter">توییتر از "http proxy "localhost:8118 پشتیبانی می کند</string> + <string name="twitter_setup_url"></string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">تنظیمات پروکسی</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">اگر اپلیکشین آندرونوید مورد استفاده شما قابلیت کار با HTTP و یا SOCKS پروکسی دارد می توانید تنظیمش کنید تا به اوربات وصل شود و از Tor استفاده کند. تنظیمات سرویس دهنده و یا "سرویس-ده محلی" است. برای HTTP تنظیمات درگاه (port) 8118 است. برای SOCKS، پروکسی مناسب، 9050 است. شما می بایست SOCKS4A و یا در صورت امکان از socks5 استفاده کنید. در صورت نیاز به اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد انتقالده آندروید، می توانید به FAQ (سوالهای معمول) در مراجعه کنید.</string> - <string name="wizard_final">اوربات آماده استفاده میباشد!</string> - <string name="wizard_final_msg">صدها هزار نفر در سراسر جهان به دلایل گوناگون از Tor استفاده می کنند: روزنامه نویسها و بلاگرها، کارکنان حقوق بشر، ماموران انتظامی، سربازان، شرکتها، شهروندان دولتهای سرکوبگر، و شهروندان عادی، و حالا شما نیز آماده استفاده از آن هستید!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">اکنون با موفقیت به شبکه Tor وصل شده اید اما به آن معنا نیست که سیستم شما ایمن است. می توانید از منیو گزینه /"Check/" را برای آزمایش مرورگر انتخاب کنید. به ما در صفحه مراجعه کنید و به آدرس ایمیلی بفرستید تا اطلاعات بیشتری دریافت کنید.</string> - <string name="tor_check">با این قدم پیشفرض مرورگر وب شما به صفحه باز می شود تا شما مشاهده کنید آیا اوربات تنظیم شده است و آیا شما به Tor وصل شده اید یا نه.</string> - <string name="pref_hs_group">سرويس هاي مخفي</string> - <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">! را به اندروید می آورد tor قدرت orbot - به شما کمک میکند تا در مقابل سانسور مطالب، آنالیز ترافیک و نظارت بر شبکه که حریم خصوصی افراد، اطلاعات محرمانه و روابط خصوصیتان را تهدید می کند از خود دفاع کنید. Tor -را بر روی دستگاه خودتان انجام دهید Tor و orbot این راهنما به شما کمک میکند تا تنظیمات</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">اگر اپلیکشین آندروید مورد استفاده شما قابلیت کار با HTTP و یا SOCKS پروکسی دارد می توانید تنظیمش کنید تا به ربات پیازی وصل شود و از تور استفاده کند. تنظیمات سرویس دهنده و یا "سرویس-ده محلی" است. برای HTTP تنظیمات پورت 8118 است. برای SOCKS، پروکسی مناسب، 9050 است. شما می بایست SOCKS4A و یا در صورت امکان از socks5 استفاده کنید. در صورت نیاز به اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد انتقالده اندروید، می توانید به FAQ (سوالهای معمول) در مراجعه کنید.</string> + <string name="wizard_final">ربات پیازی آماده استفاده میباشد!</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">صدها هزار نفر در سراسر جهان به دلایل گوناگون از تور استفاده می کنند: روزنامه نویسها و بلاگرها، کارکنان حقوق بشر، ماموران انتظامی، سربازان، شرکتها، شهروندان دولتهای سرکوبگر، و شهروندان عادی، و حالا شما نیز آماده استفاده از آن هستید!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">اکنون با موفقیت به شبکه تور وصل شده اید اما به آن معنا نیست که سیستم شما ایمن است. می توانید از منیو گزینه /"Check/" را برای آزمایش مرورگر انتخاب کنید. به ما در صفحه مراجعه کنید و به آدرس ایمیلی بفرستید تا اطلاعات بیشتری دریافت کنید.</string> + <string name="tor_check">با این قدم پیشفرض مرورگر وب شما به صفحه باز می شود تا شما مشاهده کنید آیا ربات پیازی تنظیم شده است و آیا شما به تور وصل شده اید یا نه.</string> + <string name="pref_hs_group">سرويس های مخفی</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">کلی</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">ربات پیازی را همزمان با بوت آغاز کن</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">وقتی اندروید بوت شد، بصورت خودکار ربات پیازی را اجرا و آن را به شبکه تور متصل کن</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">ربات پیازی قدرت تور را به اندروید می آورد \n\n\n تور به شما کمک میکند تا در مقابل سانسور مطالب، آنالیز ترافیک و نظارت بر شبکه که حریم خصوصی افراد، اطلاعات محرمانه و روابط خصوصیتان را تهدید می کند از خود دفاع کنید. \n\nاین راهنما به شما کمک میکند تا تنظیمات تور و ربات پیازی را بر روی دستگاه خودتان انجام دهید </string> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">هشدار</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg"> را نصب کنید بطور خودکار نمی تواند جریان اطلاعات موبایل شما را بصورت گمنام درآورد -Orbot اگر فقط -باید آنرا به درستی تنظیم کنید، همچنین تنظیمات را بر روی دستگاه خودتان و دیگر برنامه هایی که از استفاده کنیدTor اینترنت استفاده میکنند انجام دهید تا بتوانید با موفقیت از </string> + <string name="wizard_warning_msg">اگر فقط ربات پیازی را نصب کنید بطور خودکار نمی تواند جریان اطلاعات موبایل شما را بصورت گمنام درآورد.\n \nباید آنرا به درستی تنظیم کنید، همچنین تنظیمات را بر روی دستگاه خودتان و دیگر برنامه هایی که از تور استفاده میکنند انجام دهید تا بتوانید با موفقیت از اینترنت استفاده کنید.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">دسترسیها</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">اجازه دسترسی بدهید تا ویژگیهای پیشرفته مانند پروکسی شفاف را فعال کند Orbot اگر بخواهید میتوانید به سوپر یوزر </string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">اگر نمیخواهید این کار را انجام دهید ، لطفا مطمئن شوید که از اپلیکیشنهایی استفاده می کنید که با اوربات کار می کنند</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title"> روی آنها فعال استOrbot لیکیشنهایی که </string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">اگر بخواهید میتوانید به ربات پیازی اجازه دسترسی سوپر یوزر بدهید تا ویژگیهای پیشرفته مانند پروکسی شفاف را فعال کند </string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">اگر نمیخواهید این کار را انجام دهید ، لطفا مطمئن شوید که از اپلیکیشنهایی استفاده می کنید که با ربات پیازی کار می کنند</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">به نظر نمیرسه که دستگاه شما root شده و یا دسترسی Superuser بدهد⏎\n⏎\nبرای بهره بردن از تور، شما باید از برنامه هایی استفاده کنید که یا برای استفاده با ربات پیازی طراحی شده اند و یا از تنظیم پروکسی SOCKS یا HTTP پشتیبانی میکنند.\n\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title"> اپلیکیشنهایی که ربات پیازی روی آنها فعال است</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">ربات پرچونه: برنامه گفتگوی امن با قابلیت گفتگوی محرمانه رمزگذاری شده</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (فقط آندروید 1.x) - مرورگر طراحی شده برای حفظ حریم خصوصی و افزونساز اوربات</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">مرورگر پیازی: مرورگر طراحی شده برای حفظ حریم خصوصی و افزونساز ربات پیازی</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play">تمامي برنامه هاي Guardian Project را در Google Play پيدا كنيد.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">پروکسی کردن شفاف</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">این به برنامه ها به شما اجازه میدهد که بدون هیچ تنظیمی، بصورت خودکار از طریق شبکه تور اجرا شوند</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(اگر هیچ ایدهای ندارید که راجع به چه چیزی حرف میزنیم این گزینه را انتخاب کنید)</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">هیـچ</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor تترینگ از طریق </string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary"> - از طریق یو اس بی Tethering برای دستگاه های وای فای و Tor فعال کردن پروکسی شفاف -(به ری استارت نیاز دارند)</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title"> تترینگ از طریق تور</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">پروکسی شفاف از طریق تور را برای دستگاه هایی که با یو اس بی یا وای فای تتر شده اند مجاز کن. (به ری استارت نیاز دارند)</string> <string name="button_grant_superuser">درخواست دسترسی برای سوپریوزر</string> <string name="pref_select_apps">انتخاب برنامه ها</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Tor انتخاب اپلیکیشن برای مسیریابی از طریق </string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary"> انتخاب اپلیکیشن برای مسیریابی از طریق تور </string> <string name="pref_node_configuration">تنظیمات گره</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">اینها تنظیمات پیشرفته ای هستند که ممکن است گمنامی شما را کاهش دهند</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node">گره های ورودی</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">اثرانگشت ها، اسامی مستعار، کشورها و آدرسهای جهش اول</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">گره های ورودی را وارد کنید</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">WhisperCore استفاده از </string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">پراکسی شبکه خروجی</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">نوع پروکسی</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">پروتکل مورد استفاده برای پراکسی سرور: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">نوع پروکسی را وارد کنید</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">میزبان پروکسی</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">نام سرور میزبان پروکسی</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">نام میزبان پروکسی را وارد کنید</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">پورت پروکسی</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title"> پروکسی میزبان</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">نام سرور پروکسی میزبان </string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">نام پروکسی میزبان را وارد کنید</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">پورت پروکسی خروجی</string> <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">پورت سرور پروکسی</string> <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">پورت پروکسی را وارد کنید</string> <string name="status">وضعیت</string> <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">نصب پروکسی کاملن شفاف...</string> <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">نصب پروکسی شفاف مبتنی بر برنامه...</string> <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">پروکسی شفاف فعال است</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> + <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy برای Tethering فعال شده است!</string> <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">هشدار: خطا در هنگام راه اندازی پروکسی شفاف!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">: را آغاز کنمTor نتوانستم فرایند </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">پروکسی، روی پورت مقابل درحال اجراست:</string> + <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">قوانین TransProxy پاک شدند</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_"> تور نتواست اجرا شود:</string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">پریواکسی، روی پورت مقابل درحال اجراست:</string> <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">نصب پروکسی شفاف مبتنی بر پورت...</string> <string name="bridge_error">خطای پل</string> <string name="bridge_requires_ip">برای استفاده از ویژگی پل، باید حداقل آدرس IP یک پل را وارد کنید.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> + <string name="send_email_for_bridges">از یک حساب کاربری جیمیل، ایمیلی با متن "get bridges" به آدرس بفرستید.</string> <string name="error">خطا</string> <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">!تنظیمات شما برای آدرس قابل دسترسی باعث ایجاد خطا شده اند </string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">!تنظیمات رله شما موجب خطا شده اند</string> + <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">تنظیمات رله شما موجب خطا شده اند</string> <string name="exit_nodes">گره های خروجی</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">hop اثر انگشتها ، اسامی مستعار ، کشورها و آدرسها برای آخرین </string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes"> وارد کردن گره های خروجی</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">مستثنا کردن گره ها</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">اثر انگشتها، اسامی مستعار ، کشورها و آدرسها بمنظور مستثنی شدن</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">وارد کردن گره های مستثنی</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">اثر انگشتها ، اسامی مستعار ، کشورها و آدرسها برای آخرین جهش </string> + <string name="enter_exit_nodes"> گره های خروجی را وارد کنید</string> + <string name="exclude_nodes">این گره ها را استفاده نکن</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">اثر انگشتها، اسامی مستعار ، کشورها و آدرسهایی که نباید استفاده شوند</string> + <string name="enter_exclude_nodes"> گره هایی که نباید استفاده شوند</string> <string name="strict_nodes">گره های محدود</string> <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">فقط * از این گره های مشخص شده استفاده کنید* </string> <string name="bridges">پل ها</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> + <string name="use_bridges">از پل استفاده کن</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">پل های گیج کننده</string> + <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">گره ورودی متناوب به شبکه تور را فعال کنید</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">اگر پلهای تنظیم شده پلهای مربوط به پروکسی گیج کننده هستند این گزینه را فعال کنید</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">آدرس آی پی و پورتِ پل ها</string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">آدرس پل ها را وارد کنید</string> <string name="relays">بازپخش کننده ها</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> + <string name="relaying">درحال بازپخش</string> + <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">دستگاه خود را برای یک بازپخش کننده غیر-خروجی فعال کنید</string> + <string name="relay_port">پورت بازپخش کننده</string> + <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay"> پورت شنونده برای باز پخش تور</string> + <string name="enter_or_port">پورت OR را وارد کنید</string> + <string name="relay_nickname">نام مستعار بازپخش کننده</string> <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">نام مستعار بازپخش کننده شما</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> + <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">یک نام مستعار دلخواه برای بازپخش کننده وارد کنید</string> <string name="reachable_addresses">آدرس های قابل دسترس</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> + <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">بعنوان یک کاربر پشت دیواره آتش با سیاست های محدود کننده اجرا کنید</string> <string name="reachable_ports">پورتهای قابل دسترس</string> <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">پورتهای قابل دسترس پشت یک فایروال محدودکننده</string> <string name="enter_ports">پورتها را وارد کنید</string> <string name="enable_hidden_services">سرویسهای مخفی را فعال کن</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> + <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">اجازه بده سرورهای روی دستگاه از طریق شبکه تور قابل دسترسی باشند</string> + <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">پورت های لوکال هاست را برای سرویس مخفی وارد کنید</string> <string name="hidden_service_ports">پورتهای سرویس مخفی</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> + <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">نام نشانی پذیر برای سرویس مخفی شما (بصورت خودکار تولید شده است)</string> + <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">ثبت گزارش اشکال زدایی را به خروجی فعال کن (برای نمایش باید از adb یا aLogCat استفاده کنید)</string> + <string name="project_home">صفحه (های) اصلی پروژه:</string> <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> + <string name="the_tor_license">گواهی تور</string> <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> + <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software:</string> + <string name="tor_version">تور v0.2.3.10:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> + <string name="hidden_service_request">یک اپلیکیشن میخواهد پورت %S سرویس مخفی را به شبکه تور باز کند. اگر به این اپلیکیشن اعتماد دارید این بی خطر است.</string> + <string name="found_existing_tor_process">یک تور درحال اجرا پیدا شد...</string> <string name="something_bad_happened">اتفاق بدی افتاد. وقایع ثبت شده را چک کنید</string> <string name="hidden_service_on">سرویس مخفی روی:</string> <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">ناتوان در خواندن نام سرویس مخفی</string> <string name="unable_to_start_tor">ناتوان در راه اندازی تور:</string> <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">از Iptables پیشفرض استفاده کن</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">به جای چیزی که با ربات پیازی اومده، از باینری آی پی تیبلز داخلی استفاده کن</string> + <string name="error_installing_binares">فایلهای باینری تور قادر به نصب و یا ارتقا نبودند</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">وقتی ربات پیازی متصل است، همیشه آیکون مربوط را در نوار ابزار نگه دار.</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">آگاهسازی همیشه روشن</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">پل ها فعال شدند!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">زبان محلی را مشخص کنید</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">زبان محلی ربات پیازی را انتخاب کنید</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">انتخاب زبان</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">زبان کنونی را تعویض و یا به شکل پیشفرض رهایش کنید</string> + <string name="powered_by">نیرو گرفته از پروژه تور</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">ذخیره تنظیمات</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/res/values-fr/strings.xml index 98b07b5..3807707 100644 --- a/res/values-fr/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-fr/strings.xml @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ <string name="tor_process_starting">Lancement du client Tor</string> <string name="tor_process_complete">Terminé</string> <string name="tor_process_waiting">Attente...</string> - <string name="not_anonymous_yet">AVERTISSEMENT: Votre traffic n'est pas encore anonyme ! Veuillez configurer vos applications pour qu'elles utilisent le proxy HTTP à ou le proxy SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5 à</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">AVERTISSEMENT: Votre trafic n'est pas encore anonyme ! Veuillez configurer vos applications pour qu'elles utilisent le proxy HTTP à ou le proxy SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5 à</string> <string name="menu_home">Accueil</string> <string name="menu_browse">Parcourir</string> <string name="menu_settings">Paramètres</string> @@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ <string name="menu_stop">Arrêter</string> <string name="menu_about">À propos</string> <string name="menu_wizard">Assistant</string> + <string name="main_layout_download">Téléchargement (vitesse/total)</string> + <string name="main_layout_upload">Envoi (vitesse/total)</string> <string name="button_help">Aide</string> <string name="button_close">Fermer</string> <string name="button_about">À propos</string> <string name="button_clear_log">Effacer le journal</string> <string name="menu_verify">Vérifier</string> <string name="menu_exit">Sortie</string> - <string name="powered_by">propulsé par le Projet Tor </string> <string name="press_to_start">- appuyez longtemps pour démarrer -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxy transparent (accès privilégié requis) </string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxy transparent</string> @@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ <string name="btn_finish">Fin</string> <string name="btn_okay">Valider</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Annuler</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Quelques détails sur Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot est une application logicielle libre qui contient Tor, LibEvent et Privoxy. Il fournit un proxy local HTTP (8118) et un proxy SOCKS (9050) dans le réseau Tor. Orbot a aussi la capacité, avec les droits administrateurs, d'envoyer tout le trafic Internet à travers Tor.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission accordée</string> @@ -69,36 +71,45 @@ <string name="wizard_configure_all">Toutes les applications par Tor</string> <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Choisir les applications utilisant Tor</string> <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Applications avec Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Nous vous encouragons à télécharger &amp; utiliser les applications conçues pour se connecter directement à Orbot. Cliquez sur les boutons ci-dessous pour installer.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Nous vous encouragons à télécharger & utiliser les applications conçues pour se connecter directement à Orbot. Cliquez sur les boutons ci-dessous pour installer.</string> <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Client de messagerie instantanée pour Android</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Configuration du proxy - Apprendre comment configurer les applications pour qu'elles fonctionnent avec Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_duckgo">Application DuckDuckgo Search Engine</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox avec le plugin Proxy Mobile (installation complémentaire)</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_twitter">Twitter supporte le proxy http "localhost:8118"</string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Configuration du proxy</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Si l'application Android que vous utilisez peut supporter un proxy HTTP ou un proxy SOCKS, vous pouvez la configurer pour se connecter à Orbot et utiliser Tor./n/n - La configuration de l'hôte est ou "localhost". Pour le HTTP, le port utilisé est le 8118. Pour SOCKS, le port utilisé est 9050. Vous devriez, si possible, utiliser SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5. - /n/n - Vous pouvez en apprendre plus sur la configuration de proxy sous Android sur la FAQ à : - </string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Si l'application Android que vous utilisez peut supporter un proxy HTTP ou un proxy SOCKS, vous pouvez la configurer pour se connecter à Orbot et utiliser Tor./n/n\n La configuration de l'hôte est ou "localhost". Pour le HTTP, le port utilisé est le 8118. Pour SOCKS, le port utilisé est 9050. Vous devriez, si possible, utiliser SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5.\n /n/n\n Vous pouvez en apprendre plus sur la configuration de proxy sous Android sur la FAQ à : </string> <string name="wizard_final">Orbot est prêt!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">Des milliers de personnes dans le monde utilisent Tor pour une grande variétés de raisons : journalistes et bloggers, défenseurs des droits de l'homme, policiers, soldats, entreprises, les citoyens de régimes répressifs, et aussi de simples citoyens ... et maintenant vous êtes prêts aussi !</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="connect_first_time"> Vous êtes connectés avec succès au réseau Tor - mais cela ne signifie PAS que votre appareil est sécurisé. Vous pouvez utiliser l'option 'Vérifier' du menu pour vérifier avec votre navigateur. \n\nAllez à la page ou envoyez un courriel à pour en savoir plus.</string> <string name="tor_check">Ceci va ouvrir la page avec le navigateur web par défaut pour vérifier si Orbot est suffisamment configuré pour vous connecter à Tor.</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">Services cachés</string> <string name="pref_general_group">Général</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Exécuter Orbot automatiquement</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Démarrer automatiquement Orbot et se connecter à Tor quand votre périphérique Android démarre</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot, c'est Tor sur Android !\n\n Tor vous aide à vous protéger du filtrage de contenu, de l'analyse de trafic et de la surveillance des réseaux qui menacent la vie privée, les informations confidentielles et les relations interpersonnelles.\n\nCe assistant vous aidera à configurer Orbot et Tor sur votre appareil.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">Attention</string> <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Installer Orbot ne suffit pas à anonymiser automatiquement le trafic de votre mobile.\n\nVous devez configurer correctement Orbot, votre appareil et d'autres applications pour utiliser adéquatement Tor.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Vous pouvez aussi, optionnellement donner l'accès "Super Utilisateur" à Orbot pour activer les options avancées, comme le Proxy Transparent</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Si vous ne voulez pas faire ça, merci de vous assurer que les applications que vous utilisez ont été faites pour fonctionner avec Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Votre appareil est en mode standard et ne supporte pas l'accès root ou «super-utilisateur».\n\nPour bénéficier de Tor, vous avez besoin d'utiliser des applications conçues pour fonctionner avec Orbot ou permettant de définir un proxy de type HTTP ou SOCKS.\n\n -</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Votre appareil est en mode standard et ne supporte pas l'accès root ou «super-utilisateur».\n\nPour bénéficier de Tor, vous avez besoin d'utiliser des applications conçues pour fonctionner avec Orbot ou permettant de définir un proxy de type HTTP ou SOCKS.\n\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="wizard_tips_title">Applications Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: application de clavardage sécurisé avec chiffrement Off-the-Record</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Android 1.x seulement) - navigateur créé pour protéger votre vie privée &amp; pour Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Android 1.x seulement) - navigateur créé pour protéger votre vie privée & pour Orbot</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Proxy transparent</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Cela permet à vos applications d'utiliser automatiquement le réseau Tor sans aucune configuration.</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Cochez cette case si vous n'avez aucune idée de ce dont nous parlons)</string> @@ -113,8 +124,9 @@ <string name="pref_entrance_node">Nœuds d'entrée</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Empreintes, pseudos, pays et adresses pour le premier saut</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Entrez les nœuds d'entrée</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Utilisez WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Utilisez les API propriétaires fournis par Netfilter WhisperSystems (dispositif nécessaire avec WhisperCore installé)</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Proxy sortant</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Type de proxy</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocole à utiliser pour le serveur proxy : HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Entrez le type de proxy</string> @@ -150,7 +162,9 @@ <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Utiliser * uniquement * les nœuds spécifiés</string> <string name="bridges">Ponts</string> <string name="use_bridges">Utiliser des ponts</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Ponts Obscurci</string> <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Activer des nœuds alternatifs d'entrée dans le réseau Tor</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Activer si les ponts configurés sont des ponts obscurcies</string> <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">Adresse IP et port des ponts</string> <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Entrez les adresses de passerelle</string> <string name="relays">Relais</string> @@ -178,6 +192,11 @@ <string name="the_tor_license">La licence de Tor</string> <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> <string name="third_party_software">Logiciels tierce-partie :</string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.7-alpha:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">Libevent v1.4.13 :</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12 :</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7 :</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> <string name="hidden_service_request">Une application veut ouvrir le port %S du serveur caché sur le réseau Tor. C'est sécuritaire si vous faites confiance à l'application.</string> <string name="found_existing_tor_process">trouvé un processus existant de Tor ...</string> <string name="something_bad_happened">Quelque chose d'incorrect s'est passé. Vérifiez le journal</string> @@ -189,4 +208,12 @@ <string name="error_installing_binares">Les fichiers binaires de Tor n'ont pas pu être installé ou mis à jour.</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Toujours conserver l'icône dans la barre des tâches quand Orbot est connecté.</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Toujours activé les Notifications</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Les ponts sont activés!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Fixer le Lieu</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Choisir le lieu and la langue pour Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Choisir la langue</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Laisser aux défaut ou changer la langue actuel</string> + <string name="powered_by">propulsé par le Projet Tor </string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Sauver les Paramètres</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-he/strings.xml b/res/values-he/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..002f24e --- /dev/null +++ b/res/values-he/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> +<resources> + <string name="app_name">Orbot</string> + <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> + <string name="default_web_url"></string> + <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> + <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> + <string name="control_permission_label">התחל ועצור את Tor</string> + <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">שירות הפרוקסי של Tor</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot מתחיל</string> + <string name="status_activated">מחובר לרשת Tor</string> + <string name="status_disabled">Orbot כבוי</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot בתהליך כיבוי</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">מתחיל את Tor...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">הושלם</string> + <string name="menu_home">בית</string> + <string name="menu_browse">דפדף</string> + <string name="menu_settings">הגדרות</string> + <string name="menu_log">רישום</string> + <string name="menu_info">עזרה</string> + <string name="menu_apps">יישומים</string> + <string name="menu_start">התחל</string> + <string name="menu_stop">עצור</string> + <string name="menu_about">אודות</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">אשף</string> + <string name="button_help">עזרה</string> + <string name="button_close">סגור</string> + <string name="button_about">אודות</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">נקה רישום</string> + <string name="menu_verify">בדיקה</string> + <string name="menu_exit">צא</string> + <string name="press_to_start">-נגיעה ארוכה להתחלה-</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">הכל דרך Tor</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">רשימת פורטים</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">דרוש רוט</string> + <string name="title_error">שגיאת יישום</string> + <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">אודות Orbot</string> + <string name="btn_next">הבא</string> + <string name="btn_back">הקודם</string> + <string name="btn_finish">סיים</string> + <string name="btn_okay">OK.</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">סגור</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">הבנתי ואני מעדיף להמשיך בלי Superuser</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">הגדרות פרוקסי- למד איך להגדיר אפליקציות לעבוד עם Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">הגדרות פרוקסי</string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot מוכן!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="pref_hs_group">איחסון שירותים נסתרים</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">כללי</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">התחל את Orbot בהדלקת המכשיר</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">התחל את Orbot והתחבר ל-Tor אוטומטית כהמכשיר נדלק</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <!--Warning screen--> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">אם אתה לא רוצה לעשות את זה, אנא הקפד להשתמש ביישומים שנעשו כדי לעבוד עם Orbot</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot - יישומים מופעלים</string> + <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">זה מאפשר ליישומים שלך להפעיל באופן אוטומטי דרך רשת Tor ללא כל תצורה.</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(סמן תיבה זו אם אין לך מושג על מה אנחנו מדברים)</string> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">דרוש אישור Superuser</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps">בחר אפלקציות</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">בחר אפלקציות</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">סוג הפרוקסי:</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">פורט השרת של הפרוקסי</string> + <string name="status">סטטוס</string> + <string name="bridge_error">שגיאת גשר</string> + <string name="error">שגיאה</string> + <string name="bridges">גשרים</string> + <string name="use_bridges">השתמש בגשרים</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">גשרים מעורפלים</string> + <string name="relays">ממסרים</string> + <string name="relaying">ממסור</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">אחסון שירותים נסתרים</string> + <string name="hidden_service_ports">פורט השירותים הנסתרים</string> + <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">בחר שפה</string> + <string name="powered_by">מופעל על ידי Tor Project</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">שמירת הגדרות</string> +</resources> diff --git a/res/values-hr/strings.xml b/res/values-hr/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..520215c --- /dev/null +++ b/res/values-hr/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> +<resources> + <string name="app_name">Orbot</string> + <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> + <string name="default_web_url"></string> + <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> + <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> + <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string> + <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot is starting...</string> + <string name="status_activated">Connected to the Tor network</string> + <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot is Deactivated</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot is shutting down</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string> + <string name="menu_home">Home</string> + <string name="menu_browse">Browse</string> + <string name="menu_settings">Settings</string> + <string name="menu_log">Log</string> + <string name="menu_info">Help</string> + <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string> + <string name="menu_start">Start</string> + <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string> + <string name="menu_about">About</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> + <string name="button_help">Help</string> + <string name="button_close">Close</string> + <string name="button_about">About</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string> + <string name="menu_verify">Check</string> + <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify</string> + <string name="title_error">Application Error</string> + <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string> + <string name="btn_next">Next</string> + <string name="btn_back">Back</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string> + <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n\n The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.\n \n\n\n You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: </string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> + <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> + <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> + <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> + <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> + <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> + <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> + <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> + <string name="status">Status</string> + <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> + <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> + <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> + <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> + <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> + <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> + <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> + <string name="error">Error</string> + <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> + <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> + <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> + <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> + <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> + <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> + <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> + <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> + <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Obfuscated Bridges</string> + <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Enable if configured bridges are obfuscated bridges</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> + <string name="relays">Relays</string> + <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> + <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> + <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> + <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> + <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> + <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> + <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> + <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> + <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> + <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> + <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> + <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> + <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> + <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> + <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> + <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> + <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> + <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> + <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> + <string name="project_urls"></string> + <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> + <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> + <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> + <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> + <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> + <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> + <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> + <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> + <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> + <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Bridges enabled!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Set Locale</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Choose the locale and language for Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Choose Language</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Leave default or switch the current language</string> + <string name="powered_by">powered by The Tor Project </string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Save Settings</string> +</resources> diff --git a/res/values-hu/strings.xml b/res/values-hu/strings.xml index 0579883..67a4883 100644 --- a/res/values-hu/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-hu/strings.xml @@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ <string name="menu_stop">Leállítás</string> <string name="menu_about">Névjegy</string> <string name="menu_wizard">Varázsló</string> + <string name="main_layout_download">Letöltés (sebesség/összes)</string> + <string name="main_layout_upload">Feltöltés (sebesség/összes)</string> <string name="button_help">Súgó</string> <string name="button_close">Bezár</string> <string name="button_about">Névjegy</string> <string name="button_clear_log">Log ürítése</string> <string name="menu_verify">Ellenőrzés</string> <string name="menu_exit">Kilépés</string> - <string name="powered_by">a Tor Project által gondozva</string> <string name="press_to_start">- hosszan nyomja az indítást -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Átlátszó Proxy használat (Root-olás szükséges)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Átlátszó Proxy használat</string> @@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ <string name="btn_finish">Befejezés</string> <string name="btn_okay">OK</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Mégsem</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Néhány Orbot Tudnivaló</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">Az Orbot egy nyílt forrás alkalmazás, ami a Tor, a LibEvent és Privoxy csomagot tartalmazza. Szolgáltatása egy helyi HTTP proxy (8118) és egy SOCKS proxy (9050) a Tor hálózat felé. Az Orbot további tulajdonsága, hogy rootolt készülék esetén képes a teljes internet forgalom Tor hálózaton keresztül küldésére.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Jogosultság megadva</string> @@ -72,32 +74,42 @@ <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Javasoljuk, hogy töltsön le és használjon olyan alkalmazásokat, amelyek tudják, hogyna kell közvetlenül kapcsolódni az Orbot-hoz. Kattintson az gombokra alább a telepítéshez.</string> <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Biztonságos azonnali üzenetküldő kliens Android-ra</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy beállítások - Tanulja meg, hogyan állíthatja be alkalmazásait, hogy együttműködjenek az Orbot-tal</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_duckgo">Duckduckgo keresőgép alkalmazás</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox Proxy Mobile kiegészítővel (külön telepítés utána)</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_twitter">A Twitter támogatja a "localhost:8118" http proxyt</string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy beállítások</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Ha az Android alkalmazás, amit használ képes a HTTP vagy SOCKS proxy-k használatára, akkor be tudja állítani, hogy csatlakozzon az Orbot-hoz és használj a Tor-t.\n\n - A host beállítás vagy "localhost". A HTTP-hez a port értéke 8118. A SOCKS esetében a proxy port értéke 9050. SOCKS4A vagy SOCKS5 proxy javasolt használnia, ha lehetséges. - \n\n - További információkat talál a proxyzásról Android készülékne a FAQ szekcióban az alábbi oldalon: - </string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Ha az Android alkalmazás, amit használ képes a HTTP vagy SOCKS proxy-k használatára, akkor be tudja állítani, hogy csatlakozzon az Orbot-hoz és használj a Tor-t.\n\n\n A host beállítás vagy "localhost". A HTTP-hez a port értéke 8118. A SOCKS esetében a proxy port értéke 9050. SOCKS4A vagy SOCKS5 proxy javasolt használnia, ha lehetséges.\n \n\n\n További információkat talál a proxyzásról Android készülékne a FAQ szekcióban az alábbi oldalon: </string> <string name="wizard_final">Az Orbot kész!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">Több száezren használják szerte a világon a Tor-t különböző okokból: újságírók, bloggerek, emberi jogi aktivisták, rendvédelmi szervek dolgozói, katonák, vállalatok, elnyomó rezsimek polgárai, vagy csak egyszerű polgárok... és most készen áll erre Ön is!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="connect_first_time"> Sikeresen csatlakozott a Tor hálózathoz - de ez NEM azt jelenti, hogy a készüléke biztonságos. Ellenőrizze az 'Ellenőrzés' opcióval a menüből a böngészőjét.\n\nLátogassa meg a oldalt vagy küldjön emailt a címre a további információkért.</string> <string name="tor_check">Ez megnyitja az alapértelmezett böngészőt, és elnavigálja a https://check.torproject.orgoldalra, hogy ellenőrizze, hogy az Orbot helyesen konfigurált-e, és hogy csatlakozott-e a Tor hálózathoz.</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">Rejtett szolgáltatások</string> <string name="pref_general_group">Általános</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Az Orbot indítása bekapcsoláskor</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatikusan elindítja az Orbot-ot, és csatlakozik a hálózathoz, amikor az Android eszköz elindul</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> <string name="wizard_title_msg">Az Orbot elhozta a Tor-t Androidra!\n\n\A Tor megvédi a tartalomszűréstől, forgalomelemzéstől és hálózatanalízistól, amely a sértheti magánéletét, titkos üzleti információt vagy személyes kapcsolatait.\n\nEz a varázsló segít az Orbot és a Tor bekonfigurálásában az eszközén.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">Figyelem</string> <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Az Orbot telepítése nem fogja automatikusan névtelenné tenni a mobil forgalmát.\n\nMegfelelően konfigurálnia kell az Orbot-ot az eszközt és az alkalmazásokat a sikeres Tor használathoz.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Jogosultságok</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Opcionálisan adhat az Orbot részére 'Superuser' hozzáférést, amellyel bekapcsolhatja az olyan speciális szolgáltatásokat, mint például az Átlátszó Proxyzás.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Ha nem szeretné ezt, akkor legen biztos abban, hogy olyan alkalmazásokat használ, amiket az Orbot-tal együttműködésre terveztek.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Az eszköze alap módban fut, nem támogatja a root vagy 'Superuser' hozzáférést.\n\nAhhoz, hogy részesüljön a Tor előnyeiből, olyan alkalmazást kell használnia, amely úgy készült, hogy együtt használható legyen az Orbot-tal, vagy legyen lehetőség HTTP vagy SOCKS proxy beállítására.\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-engedélyezett Alkalmazások</string> <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Biztonságos csevegő alkalmazás Off-the-Record titkosítással</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (csak Android 1.x) - Böngésző, kifejezetten adatvédelemre és az Orbot-hoz</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Átlátszó proxyzás</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Ez lehetővé teszi az alkalmazások számára a Tor-on keresztül kommunikálást, bármilyen konfiguráció nélkül.</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Jelölje ezt négyzetet, ha halvány lila fogalma sincs miről van itt szó.)</string> @@ -112,8 +124,9 @@ <string name="pref_entrance_node">Belépő csomópontok</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Ujjlenyomatok, becenevek, országok és címek az első ugráshoz</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Belépő csomópontok megadása</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">WhisperCore használata</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Az eredeti NetFilter API használata amit a WhisperSystems biztosít (olyan eszköz szükséges, amire WhisperCore van telepítve)</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Kimenő hálózati proxy</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy típus</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">A Proxy szerver által használandó protokoll: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Adja meg a Proxy típust</string> @@ -149,7 +162,9 @@ <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">*Csak * a megadott csomópontok használata</string> <string name="bridges">Hidak</string> <string name="use_bridges">Hidak használata</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Fedőhidak</string> <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Alternatív belépési pontok engedélyezése a Tor hálózatba</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Bekapcsolva, ha a hidak Fedőhidak.</string> <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">A Hidek IP címe és portja</string> <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Adja meg a híd címet</string> <string name="relays">Elosztók</string> @@ -193,4 +208,12 @@ <string name="error_installing_binares">A Tor binárisok nem telepíthetők, vagy frissíthetők.</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Mindig legyen látható az ikon az eszköztáron, ha az Orbot csatlakozott állapotú.</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Mindig bekapcsolt értesítések</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Hidak engedélyezve!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Hely beállítása</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Adja meg a helyi és nyelvi beállításokat</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Válasszon nyelvet</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Maradjon alapértelmezetten vagy váltson az aktuális nyelvre</string> + <string name="powered_by">a Tor Project által gondozva</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Beállítások mentése</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-it/strings.xml b/res/values-it/strings.xml index 4e50aa2..72fe3ab 100644 --- a/res/values-it/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-it/strings.xml @@ -25,18 +25,19 @@ <string name="menu_stop">Ferma</string> <string name="menu_about">About</string> <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> + <string name="main_layout_download">Download (velocità/totale)</string> + <string name="main_layout_upload">Upload (velocità/totale)</string> <string name="button_help">Aiuto</string> <string name="button_close">Chiudi</string> <string name="button_about">About</string> <string name="button_clear_log">Cancella log</string> <string name="menu_verify">Controlla</string> <string name="menu_exit">Esci</string> - <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> - <string name="press_to_start">-pressione prolungata per avviare-</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- tieni premuto per avviare -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxying trasparente (Richiede root)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxying trasparente</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Torifying automatico delle app</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor ovunqe</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor ovunque</string> <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Traffico proxy di tutte le app attraverso Tor</string> <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Fallback porte proxy</string> <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">ATTENZIONE: Aggira le porte comuni (80, 443, ecc). *USARE SOLO* se le modalità 'All' o 'App' non funzionano.</string> @@ -55,51 +56,65 @@ <string name="btn_finish">Fine</string> <string name="btn_okay">Ok</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Annulla</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Alcuni dettagli su Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot è un' applicazione open-source che contiene Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. Fornisce un proxy HTTP locale (8118) e un proxy SOCKS (9050) verso la rete Tor. Orbot ha anche la capacità, su dispositivi con root, di far passare tutto il traffico internet attraverso Tor.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permesso concesso</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Permessi Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Eccellente! Abbiamo rilevato la presenza dei permessi di root attivati per Orbot. Useremo questi poteri con saggezza.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Anche se non è richiesto, Orbot può diventare uno strumento ancora più potente se il dispositivo ha accesso come root. Utilizza il pulsante qui sotto per concedere i superpoteri a Orbot!</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Se non hai i permessi root o non hai idea di cosa siano, tanto per essere sicuro di utilizzare le applicazioni fatte per lavorare con Orbot.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Se non hai i permessi root o non hai idea di cosa siano, assicurati solamente di utilizzare applicazioni fatte per lavorare con Orbot.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Ho capito e desidero continuare senza il root</string> <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Concedi permessi root a Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_configure">Configura Torification</string> <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot dà la possibilità di instradare tutto il traffico delle applicazioni tramite Tor o scegliere le applicazioni singolarmente.</string> <string name="wizard_configure_all">Usa Tor come proxy per tutte le applicazioni.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Seleziona singole app per Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Seleziona singole App per Tor</string> <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">App abilitate per Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Ti invitiamo a scaricare &amp; usare app che possono connettersi direttamente a Orbot. Fai click sui pulsanti qui sotto per installare.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Ti invitiamo a scaricare & usare app che possono connettersi direttamente a Orbot. Fai click sui pulsanti qui sotto per installare.</string> <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Client sicuro di instant messaging per Android</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Impostazioni proxy - Ulteriori informazioni su come configurare le app per funzionare con Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_duckgo">App del motore di ricerca Duckduckgo</string> + <string name="duckgo_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox con l'add-on Proxy Mobile (richiete installazione addizionale)</string> + <string name="proxymob_setup_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_twitter">Twitter supporta il proxy http "localhost:8118"</string> + <string name="twitter_setup_url"></string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Impostazioni proxy</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Se la versione di Android che stai utilizzando supporta l'utilizzo di un proxy HTTP o SOCKS allora puoi utilizzarla per connetterti a Orbot e utilizzare Tor.\n\n -L'impostazione dell' host è o "localhost". La porta HTTP è 8118. Per i SOCKS, il proxy è 9050. Si dovrebbe utilizzare SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 se possibile. -\n\n -Ulteriori informazioni sul proxying per Android nelle FAQ all' indirizzo: - </string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Se la versione di Android che stai utilizzando supporta l'utilizzo di un proxy HTTP o SOCKS allora puoi utilizzarla per connetterti a Orbot e utilizzare Tor.\n\n\nL'impostazione dell' host è o "localhost". La porta HTTP è 8118. Per i SOCKS, il proxy è 9050. Si dovrebbe utilizzare SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 se possibile.\n\n\n\nUlteriori informazioni sul proxying per Android nelle FAQ all' indirizzo: </string> <string name="wizard_final">Orbot è pronto!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">Centinaia di migliaia di persone nel mondo usano Tor per una varietà di motivi: giornalisti e bloggers, lavoratori per i diritti umani, ufficiali delle forze dell'ordine, soldati, aziende, cittadini di paesi repressivi, e anche cittadini qualunque... e ora sei pronto a farlo anche tu!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">Ti sei collegato correttamente alla rete Tor - ma questo NON significa che il dispositivo è sicuro. È possibile utilizzare l'opzione 'Controlla' dal menù per testare il browser. \n\n -Visita il nostro sito web o invia una mail a per saperne di più.</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">Ti sei collegato correttamente alla rete Tor - ma questo NON significa che il dispositivo è sicuro. È possibile utilizzare l'opzione 'Controlla' dal menù per testare il browser. \n\n\nVisita il nostro sito web o invia una mail a per saperne di più.</string> <string name="tor_check">Si aprirà il browser web predefinito per per controllare se Orbot probabilmente è configurato e si è connessi a Tor.</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">Servizi nascosti</string> <string name="pref_general_group">Generale</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Avvia Orbot al boot</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Avvia automaticamente Orbot e connetti Tor quando il dispositivo Android viene avviato</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot porta Tor su Android!\n\nTor ti aiuta a difenderti da filtraggio di contenuti, analisi del traffico e sorveglianza della rete che minacciano la privacy, informazioni personali e relazioni personali.\n\nQuesta procedura guidata ti aiuterà a configurare Orbot e Tor sul tuo dispositivo.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">Attenzione</string> <string name="wizard_warning_msg">La semplice installazione di Orbot non renderà anonimo il tuo traffico di rete mobile.\n\nDevi configurare correttamente Orbot, il tuo dispositivo e le altre applicazioni per usare Tor.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permessi</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Opzionalmente, è possibile concedere ad Orbot l'accesso da superutente per abilitare funzionalità avanzate come il proxying trasparente.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Se non si vuole intraprendere questa scelta, ci si assicuri di utilizzare applicazioni fatte per funzionare con Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Il vostro dispositivo non sembra essere rooted o fornire accesso da superutente.\n\nAl fine di beneficiare dell'uso di Tor, sarà necessario utilizzare applicazioni costruite per funzionare con Orbot, o che supportino configurazioni proxy HTTP o SOCKS.\n\n -</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Il vostro dispositivo non sembra essere rooted o fornire accesso da superutente.\n\nAl fine di beneficiare dell'uso di Tor, sarà necessario utilizzare applicazioni costruite per funzionare con Orbot, o che supportino configurazioni proxy HTTP o SOCKS.\n\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-App abilitate</string> <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: un applicazione per chat sicura con crittografia Off-the-Record</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Solo Android 1.x) - Browser progettato per la privacy e Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb - Browser progettato per la privacy e Orbot</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play">Cerca tutte le app del Guardian Project su Google Play</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Proxying trasparente</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Questo permette alle tue applicazioni di passare automaticamente attraverso la rete Tor senza necessità di ulteriore configurazione.</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Seleziona questa casella se non hai idea di quello di cui stiamo parlando)</string> @@ -114,8 +129,9 @@ Visita il nostro sito web o invia una ma <string name="pref_entrance_node">Nodi di entrata</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Identificativi, nicknames, paesi ed indirizzi del primo hop</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Inserisci nodi di entrata</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Usa WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Utilizza le API proprietarie NetFilter fornite da WhisperSystems (è richiesto che sul dispositivo sia installato WhisperCore)</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Proxy di rete in uscita</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Tipo proxy</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocolli da utilizzare per i server proxy: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Inserisci tipo proxy</string> @@ -151,7 +167,9 @@ Visita il nostro sito web o invia una ma <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Utilizza *solo* i nodi specificati</string> <string name="bridges">Ponti</string> <string name="use_bridges">Utilizza i bridge</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Bridge mascherati</string> <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Abilita nodi alternati in entrata nella rete Tor</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Attiva se i Bridge configurati sono mascherati</string> <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">Indirizzo IP e porta dei bridge</string> <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Inserire gli indirizzi dei bridge</string> <string name="relays">Relays</string> @@ -195,4 +213,12 @@ Visita il nostro sito web o invia una ma <string name="error_installing_binares">Non è stato possibile installare o aggiornare i binari di Tor.</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Mantieni sempre l'icona nella barra degli strumenti quando Orbot è connesso.</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Notifiche sempre attive</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Bridge attivati!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Configura le impostazioni internazionali.</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Scegli le impostazioni internazionali e la lingua di Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Scegli Lingua</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Lasciare la predefinita o cambiare la lingua corrente</string> + <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Salva impostazioni</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/res/values-ja/strings.xml index 9b6d746..9ebb63f 100644 --- a/res/values-ja/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-ja/strings.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ <string name="default_web_url"></string> <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> - <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string> + <string name="control_permission_label">Torを起動・停止する</string> <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">Torプロクシサービス</string> <string name="status_starting_up">Orbotが開始されています...</string> <string name="status_activated">Torネットワークに接続しています</string> @@ -13,184 +13,202 @@ <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbotが終了しています</string> <string name="tor_process_starting">Torクライエントを開始しています...</string> <string name="tor_process_complete">完了</string> - <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> - <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">お待ちください</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">警告:この通信はまだ匿名化されていません! HTTP proxy か、 SOCKS4A または SOCKS5 proxy を利用するようにアプリケーション側で設定してください</string> <string name="menu_home">ホーム</string> <string name="menu_browse">閲覧</string> <string name="menu_settings">設定</string> <string name="menu_log">履歴</string> <string name="menu_info">ヘルプ</string> - <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string> + <string name="menu_apps">アプリ</string> <string name="menu_start">スタート</string> <string name="menu_stop">停止</string> - <string name="menu_about">About</string> + <string name="menu_about">情報</string> <string name="menu_wizard">ウィザード</string> <string name="button_help">ヘルプ</string> <string name="button_close">閉じる</string> <string name="button_about">について</string> <string name="button_clear_log">ログを削除する</string> - <string name="menu_verify">Check</string> - <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string> - <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> - <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string> + <string name="menu_verify">確認</string> + <string name="menu_exit">終了</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- 長押しして起動 -</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">透過プロキシ (要root)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">透過プロキシ</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">アプリの自動Tor化中</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">全てをTor化</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">全てのアプリをTor経由で使う</string> <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">警告:通常のポート(80,443等)を迂回。「全て」か「指定アプリ」モードが動作しない場合にのみ使用してください。</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">ポート一覧</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">プロキシを通すポート *警告* 「全て」か「指定アプリ」が動作しない場合にのみ使用してください。</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">プロキシのポート番号を入力</string> <string name="pref_has_root">ルートアクセスの許可を要求します</string> - <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">透過プロキシのためにroot権限が必要です</string> <string name="status_install_success">Torバイナリインストールが成功しました</string> <string name="status_install_fail">Torバイナリファイルがインストールできませんでした。ログを調べて、通知をtor-assistants@torproject.orgに送信してください。</string> - <string name="title_error">Application Error</string> + <string name="title_error">アプリケーションエラー</string> <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Orbotについて</string> <string name="btn_next">次</string> - <string name="btn_back">Back</string> + <string name="btn_back">戻る</string> <string name="btn_finish">終了</string> - <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> + <string name="btn_okay">OK</string> <string name="btn_cancel">キャンセル</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Orbot詳細</string> - <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot はTor、LibEvent 、Privoxyを含むオープンソースアプリです。 local HTTP proxy (8118) と SOCKS proxy (9050) をTor接続します。root化された端末ではOrbotは全ての通信をTorを通して行うこともできます。</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">権限を取得完了</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbotの権限</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Orbotがroot権限を取得したことを確認しました。全ての機能が利用できます。</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Orbotはroot化された端末では全ての機能を活用できます。下のボタンを押してOrbotに管理者権限を与えてください。</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">root化していなかったり、そもそもroot化が何のことだかわからない方は、Orbot上で動作確認が取れているアプリだけを使用してください。</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Superuserを利用せずに続行</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Orbotにroot権限を与える</string> <string name="wizard_configure">Torをソフトウェアに使用する設定</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbotでは全てのアプリにTorプロキシを通すか、Torアプリを使う個々のアプリを指定できます。</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">全てのアプリにTorプロキシを通す</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">指定したアプリだけにTorプロキシを通す</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbotが有効化されたアプリ</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">以下のアプリはOrbot用に作られています。それぞれのボタンを押すと今すぐインストールできます。Google Playからも同じものが探せます。</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - 安全なインスタントメッセージアプリ</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Orbotでアプリを動かすための手順書</string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">プロキシ設定</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n - The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible. - \n\n - You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: - </string> - <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> - <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> - <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">AndroidアプリがHTTPかSOCKSプロキシを利用できる場合、Orbotを使ってTor接続をすることが可能です。\n\n\n ホスト設定は127.0.0.1またはlocalhostです。HTTPでは使用ポートは8118です。SOCKSでは9050です。可能であればSOCKS4AかSOCKS5の利用を推奨します。\n \n\n\n Android上のプロキシについて学びたい場合は </string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbotの準備が完了しました</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">世界中で数十万人が様々な理由でTorを利用しています。\n\nジャーナリストやブロガー、人権団体、法的機関、軍隊、企業、独裁国家の市民、普通の国の小市民も。。。そしてあなたも!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">Torネットワークに接続成功 - しかしあなたのデバイスが安全だとは限りません。メニューの「チェック」オプションを選択してあなたのブラウザのテストができます。 \n\n疑問がある場合は を閲覧するか、help@guardianproject.infoに問い合わせメールを英語で送信してください。</string> + <string name="tor_check">ブラウザを開いて にTor接続し、Orbotの設定が成功したかを試します。</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string> - <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">一般</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">起動時にOrbotを実行する</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Android端末の起動時にOrbotを自動実行</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">AndroidでもOrbotでTorが使えます!\n\nフィルタリングや通信の検閲から個人情報等を守るためにTorは使われています。\n\nこのウィザードではOrbotとTorの設定ができます。</string> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">注意</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Orbotをインストールしただけでは通信は匿名化されません。\n\nOrbot、Android端末、アプリの全てを正しく設定しないとTorは使えません。</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">許可</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">オプションとしてOrbotにスーパーユーザー権限を与えることで透過プロキシなどの追加機能が使えます。</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">これを実行しない場合、Orbot用に作られたアプリだけを使ってください。</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">あなたの端末はroot化されていないようです。\n\nTorで通信をする場合、Orbot用のアプリを使うか、HTTPまたはSOCKSプロクシが設定できるアプリを使う必要があります。\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbotが有効化されたアプリ</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: 安全なチャットアプリ</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Torを使う匿名インターネットブラウザ</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">透過プロキシ</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">これはあなたのアプリを自動的にTor経由で通信させます。</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(何を言っているのかわからないときはここをチェックしてください)</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">無し</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Torテザリング</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Tor透過プロクシをWifiかUSBテザリングされたデバイスに対して有効化(再起動が必要)</string> <string name="button_grant_superuser">管理許可アクセスを要求します</string> <string name="pref_select_apps">アプリケーションを選択します</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Torを経由させるアプリを選択</string> <string name="pref_node_configuration">ノード設定</string> <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">ご注意、先進設定が匿名レベルを縮小します</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> - <string name="status">Status</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> - <string name="error">Error</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> - <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">入り口ノード</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">最初のホップのためのデジタル指紋、ニックネーム、国とIPアドレス</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">入り口ノードを入力</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">外方向ネットワークプロキシ</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">外方向プロキシの種類</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">HTTP,HTTPS,Socks4,Socks5で使用するプロトコル</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">プロキシの種類を入力してください</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">外方向プロキシのホスト</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">プロキシサーバのホスト名</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">プロクシ ホストを入力</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">外方向プロキシのポート</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">プロキシサーバ ポート</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">プロキシのポートを入力してください</string> + <string name="status">状態</string> + <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">完全な透過プロキシをセットアップ中...</string> + <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">アプリベースの透過プロキシをセットアップ中...</string> + <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">透過プロキシ 有効</string> + <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">テザリングでの透過プロキシ有効</string> + <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">警告: 透過プロキシの開始時にエラー発生</string> + <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">透過プロキシ ルール 消去完了</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Torプロセスの起動に失敗:</string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxyが実行中のポート:</string> + <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">ポートベースの透過プロキシをセットアップ中...</string> + <string name="bridge_error">ブリッジ エラー</string> + <string name="bridge_requires_ip">ブリッジ機能を利用するには、最低一つのブリッジIPアドレスの入力が必要です。</string> + <string name="send_email_for_bridges">gmailを使って、本文に「get bridges」と書いたメールをbridges@torproject.orgに送信してください。</string> + <string name="error">エラー</string> + <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">あなたのReachableAddresses設定により例外が発生しました!</string> + <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">あなたのリレー設定により例外が発生しました!</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">出口ノード</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">最後のホップのためのデジタル指紋、ニックネーム、国とIPアドレス</string> + <string name="enter_exit_nodes">出口ノードを入力</string> + <string name="exclude_nodes">除外ノード</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">除外するデジタル指紋、ニックネーム、国とIPアドレス</string> + <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">除外ノードを入力</string> + <string name="strict_nodes">Strictノード</string> + <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">ここに指定したノードのみを使用</string> + <string name="bridges">ブリッジ</string> + <string name="use_bridges">ブリッジを使う</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Obfus化されたブリッジ</string> + <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">代替入り口ノードを有効化</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">設定したブリッジがObfus化されたブリッジであれば有効</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">ブリッジのIPアドレスとポート</string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">ブリッジのアドレスを入力</string> + <string name="relays">リレー</string> + <string name="relaying">リレー中</string> + <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">この端末を非出口リレーにする</string> + <string name="relay_port">リレー ポート</string> + <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">このTorリレーのリスニングポート</string> + <string name="enter_or_port">ORポートを入力</string> + <string name="relay_nickname">リレーのニックネーム</string> + <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">このTorリレーのニックネーム</string> + <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">リレーのカスタムニックネームを入力</string> + <string name="reachable_addresses">到達可能アドレス</string> + <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">制限設定のファイアウォールを通してクライアントとして実行</string> + <string name="reachable_ports">到達可能ポート</string> + <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">制限設定のファイアウォールを通して到達可能なポート</string> + <string name="enter_ports">ポートを入力</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">Hidden Serviceのホスティング</string> + <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">デバイス上のサーバーをTor経由でアクセス可能にする</string> + <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">Hidden Service用のlocalhostのポートを入力</string> + <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Serviceのポート</string> + <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">あなたのHidden Serviceのアドレス(自動生成されます)</string> + <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">デバッグログの出力を有効化(閲覧にはadbかaLogCatが必要)</string> + <string name="project_home">プロジェクトのホーム:</string> <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> + <string name="the_tor_license">Tor ライセンス文書</string> <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> + <string name="third_party_software">第三者製のソフトウェア</string> <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10:</string> <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> - <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v0.9.8h:</string> + <string name="hidden_service_request">アプリがhidden serverの port %S をTorネットワークに開放しようとしています。信頼できるアプリであればこれは安全です。</string> + <string name="found_existing_tor_process">Torプロセスを発見</string> + <string name="something_bad_happened">何かが起こりました。ログを確認してください。</string> + <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service 有効:</string> + <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">hidden serviceの名前読込不能</string> <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Torを実行できませんでした</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">デフォルトのlptablesを使う</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">Orbotバンドル版ではなく内蔵のiptablesを使う</string> + <string name="error_installing_binares">Torバイナリのインストールまたはアップグレードは不可能でした。</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Orbotが接続中はアイコンを常にツールバーに表示</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">通知を常に有効化</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">ブリッジが有効です!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">地域を選択</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Orbotの地域と言語を選択</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">言語を選択</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">今の言語を変更するか、そのままにする</string> + <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">設定を保存</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/res/values-ko/strings.xml index 144db09..c39f433 100644 --- a/res/values-ko/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-ko/strings.xml @@ -5,192 +5,129 @@ <string name="default_web_url"></string> <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> - <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string> - <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string> - <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot is starting...</string> - <string name="status_activated">Connected to the Tor network</string> - <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot is Deactivated</string> - <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot is shutting down</string> - <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> - <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> - <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> - <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string> - <string name="menu_home">Home</string> - <string name="menu_browse">Browse</string> - <string name="menu_settings">Settings</string> - <string name="menu_log">Log</string> - <string name="menu_info">Help</string> - <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string> - <string name="menu_start">Start</string> - <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string> - <string name="menu_about">About</string> - <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> - <string name="button_help">Help</string> - <string name="button_close">Close</string> - <string name="button_about">About</string> - <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string> - <string name="menu_verify">Check</string> - <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string> - <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> - <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string> - <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string> - <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string> - <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string> - <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify</string> - <string name="title_error">Application Error</string> + <string name="control_permission_label">토르 시작 및 중지</string> + <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">토르 프록시 서비스</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot이 시작중...</string> + <string name="status_activated">Tor 네트워크에 연결됨</string> + <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot가 비활성화되어 있습니다</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot를 종료합니다</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Tor 클라이언트 시작중...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">완료.</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">대기.</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">경고: 귀하의 트래픽이 아직 익명이 아닙니다! HTTP 프록시 또는 SOCKS4A 또는 SOCKS5 프록시을 사용하여 응용 프로그램을 구성하십시오</string> + <string name="menu_home">홈</string> + <string name="menu_browse">탐색</string> + <string name="menu_settings">설정</string> + <string name="menu_log">로그</string> + <string name="menu_info">도움말</string> + <string name="menu_apps">응용 프로그램</string> + <string name="menu_start">시작</string> + <string name="menu_stop">중지</string> + <string name="menu_about">정보</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">마법사</string> + <string name="button_help">도움말</string> + <string name="button_close">닫기</string> + <string name="button_about">정보</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">로그 지우기</string> + <string name="menu_verify">확인</string> + <string name="menu_exit">종료</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- 시작하려면 오래 누르기 -</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">투명한 프록시 (루트 필요)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">투명한 프록시</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">앱의 자동 Torifying</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">토르의 모든 것</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">토르를 통한 모든 응용 프로그램에 대한 프록시 트래픽</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">포트 프록시 대체</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">포트 목록</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">루트 권한에 대한 접근 필요</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">명백한 프록시를 위해 루트 권한 요구</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Tor 바이너리가 성공적으로 설치됨!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">Tor 바이너리 파일이 설치될 수 없습니다. Log를 확인해 주시고 에 알려 주십시오.</string> + <string name="title_error">애플리케이션 오류</string> <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string> - <string name="btn_next">Next</string> - <string name="btn_back">Back</string> - <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string> - <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> - <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string> - <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string> - <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n - The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible. - \n\n - You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: - </string> - <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> - <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> - <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> - <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string> - <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Orbot 정보</string> + <string name="btn_next">다음</string> + <string name="btn_back">뒤로</string> + <string name="btn_finish">마침</string> + <string name="btn_okay">확인</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">취소</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">사용 권한 부여</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot 사용 권한</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">완벽합니다! Orbot을 위해 루트 권한이 활성화된것을 감지했습니다. 우리는 이 힘을 현명하게 사용할 것입니다.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">루트 권한을 가지고 있지 않거나 이것이 무엇을 말하시는지 모르겠다면, Orbot으로 만들어진 애플리케이션만을 사용하십시오.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">이해하였고, 수퍼유저 권한 없이 계속합니다.</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Orbot을 위하 루트 허가</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">Torification 설정</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot은 모든 애플리케이션 또는 선택된 애플리케이션을 Tor를 통해 통신하도록 할 수 있습니다.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">모든 App이 Tor를 사용하기</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Tor를 위해 각각의 앱 선택</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot이 활성화된 앱</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - 안드로이드를 위한 보안 인스턴트 메시징 클라이언트</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Orbot이 작동하도록 앱을 설정하는 방법을 배우기</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">프록시 설정</string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot이 준비됨!</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">전세계에서 수백만명의 사람들이 다양한 이유로 Tor를 사용합니다.\n\n언론인과 블로거, 인권 운동가, 법 집행 임원, 군인, 기업, 억압하는 정권의 국민, 그리고 평범한 시민 ... 그리고 지금 당신은 준비하고 있습니다!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">Tor 네트워크에 성공적으로 연결되었습니다. 하지만 이것은 귀하의 장치가 안전하다는 의미가 아닙니다. 귀하의 브라우저를 테스트하기 위해 메뉴에서 '확인' 옵션을 사용할 수 있습니다.\n\n더 많은 정보가 필요하시면, 을 방문하시거나, help@guardianproject.info로 이메일을 보내주십시오.</string> + <string name="tor_check">Orbot이 정상적으로 설정되었고 Tor에 연결되었는지 확인하기 위해 이것은 을 귀하의 웹 브라우져에 열리게 할 것입니다.</string> + <string name="pref_hs_group">히든 서비스 호스팅</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">일반</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">부트 시 Orbot 시작</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">안드로이드 장치가 시작할 때 자동적으로 Orbot을 시작하고 Tor에 연결</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot은 Tor를 안드로이드로 가져옵니다!\n\nTor는 컨텐츠 필터링, 트래픽 분석, 기밀 정보와 개인 관계, 사행활을 위협하는 네트워크 감시에 대항하도록 해 줍니다.\n\n이 마법사는 Orbot과 Tor를 귀하의 장치에 설정하는 것을 도와줄 것입니다.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">경고</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_title">권한</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot이 활성화된 장치</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Tor를 통해 작동하는 보안 강화 브라우저</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> - <string name="status">Status</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> - <string name="error">Error</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> - <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">수퍼유져 권한 요청</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps">앱 </string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">귀하의 익명성을 감소시킬 수 있는 고급 설정이 있습니다.</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">프록시 서버를 위한 사용되는 프로토콜 : HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">프록시 형식 입력</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">프록시 서버 호스트네입</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">프록시 호스트 입력</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">서버 포트 입력</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">프록시 포트 입력</string> + <string name="status">상태</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Tor 프로세스 시작 불가능: </string> + <string name="bridge_error">브릿지 오류</string> + <string name="bridge_requires_ip">브릿지 기능을 사용하기 위해서, 최소한 1개 이상의 브릿지 IP 주소가 필요합니다.</string> + <string name="error">오류</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">출구 노드</string> + <string name="bridges">중계서버</string> + <string name="use_bridges">중계서버 사용</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">중계서버의 IP 주소와 </string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">중게서버 주소 입력</string> + <string name="relays">중계서버</string> + <string name="relaying">중계</string> + <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">귀하의 장치를 출구가 아닌 중계서버로 활성화</string> + <string name="relay_port">중계 포트</string> + <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">귀하의 Tor 중계서버를 위한 Listening 포트</string> + <string name="relay_nickname">중계서버 별명</string> + <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">귀하의 중계서버를 위한 별명</string> + <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">임의의 중계서버 별명을 입력</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">히든 서비스 호스팅</string> <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> - <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10:</string> - <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.17:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v2.1:</string> <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> - <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> - <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v0.9.8h:</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="powered_by">토르 프로젝트에 의해 구동 </string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-lv/strings.xml b/res/values-lv/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cc58d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/res/values-lv/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> +<resources> + <string name="app_name">Orbot</string> + <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> + <string name="default_web_url"></string> + <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> + <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> + <string name="control_permission_label">startēt un apturēt Tor</string> + <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot startē...</string> + <string name="status_activated">Izveidots savienojums ar Tor tīklu</string> + <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot ir deaktivēts</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot izslēdzas</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Startē Tor klientu...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">pabeidz.</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">gaida.</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">BRĪDINĀJUMS: Jūsu datplūsma vēl nav anonīma! Lūdzu konfigurējiet savas lietotnes, lai tās izmantotu HTTP starpnieku vai SOCKS4A , vai SOCKS5 starpnieku</string> + <string name="menu_home">Mājas</string> + <string name="menu_browse">Pārlūkot</string> + <string name="menu_settings">Iestatījumi</string> + <string name="menu_log">Žurnāls</string> + <string name="menu_info">Palīdzība</string> + <string name="menu_apps">Lietotnes</string> + <string name="menu_start">Startēt</string> + <string name="menu_stop">Apturēt</string> + <string name="menu_about">Par</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">Vednis</string> + <string name="main_layout_download">Lejupielāde (ātrums/kopā)</string> + <string name="main_layout_upload">Augšupielāde (ātrums/kopā)</string> + <string name="button_help">Palīdzība</string> + <string name="button_close">Aizvērt</string> + <string name="button_about">Par</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">Notīrīt žurnālu</string> + <string name="menu_verify">Pārbaudīt</string> + <string name="menu_exit">Iziet</string> + <string name="press_to_start">Lai startētu, nospiediet ilgi</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Pārredzama starpniekošana (nepieciešamas saknes pilnvaras)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Pārredzama starpniekošana</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Lietotņu automātiska torificēšana</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor'ēt visu</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Visu lietotņu starpnieku datplūsma caur Tor</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Porta starpnieka atkāpnorāde</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">BRĪDINĀJUMS: Apiet parastos portus (80., 443., u.tml.). *IZMANTOJIET VIENĪGI* ja nestrādā 'All' vai 'App' režīmi.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Portu saraksts</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Saraksts portiem uz starpnieku. *IZMANTOJIET VIENĪGI* ja nestrādā 'All' vai 'App' režīmi.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Ievadiet portus uz starpnieku</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Pieprasīt piekļuves saknes tiesības</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Pieprasīt piekļuves saknes tiesības pārredzamai starniekošanai</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Sekmīgi instalētas Tor binārās datnes!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">Nebija iespējams instalēt Tor binārās datnes. Lūdzu pārbaudiet žurnālu, un informējiet </string> + <string name="title_error">Lietojumprogrammas kļūda</string> + <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Par Orbot</string> + <string name="btn_next">Tālāk</string> + <string name="btn_back">Atpakaļ</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Beigt</string> + <string name="btn_okay">Labi</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Atcelt</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">Vairāk informācijas par Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot ir atvērta koda lietojumprogramma, kura ietver Tor, LibEvent un Privoxy. Programma nodrošina vietēju HTTP starpnieku (8118) un SOCKS starpnieku (9050) uz Tor tīklu. Bez tam, strādājot uz saknes tiesību līmenī strādājošas ierīces, Orbot spēj pārsūtīt visu interneta datplūsmu caur Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Tiesības piešķirtas</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot tiesības</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Ļoti labi! Mēs konstatējām, ka Orbot'am ir iespējotas saknes tiesības. Mēs apdomīgi izmantosim šīs tiesības.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Lai gan tas nav obligāti, Orbot kļūst par vēl ietekmīgāku rīku, ja Jūsu ierīcei ir saknes piekļuves tiesības. Izmantojiet zemāk atrodošos pogu, lai piešķirtu Orbot'am īpašu spēku! </string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Ja Jums nav saknes piekļuves tiesību vai Jums nav nojausmas par ko te ir runa, pārliecinieties, ka izmantojat lietotnes, kuras paredzētas darbam ar Orbot.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Es saprotu un vēlos turpināt bez superlietotāja tiesībām.</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Piešķirt Orbot saknes tiesības</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">Konfigurēt torifikāciju</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot sniedz iespēju maršrutēt visu lietojumu datplūsmu caur Tor'u vai izvēlēties lietojumprogrammas tās norādot individuāli.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">Visas lietotnes izmantot starpniecības režīmā caur Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Izvēlēties individuālas lietotnes Tor'am</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-iespējotas lietotnes</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Zemāk norādītās lietotnes ir izveidotas darbam ar Orbot. Noklikšķiniet katru no pogām, lai instalētu tūliņ, vai varat tās uzmeklēt vēlāk Android Tirgū.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Drošs Android'a tūlītējās ziņojumapmaiņas klients</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Starpnieka iestatījumi - Uzzini kā konfigurēt lietotnes, lai tās strādātu ar Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_duckgo">Meklētājprogrammas Duckduckgo lietotne</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox ar Proxy Mobile pievienojumu (papildu instalēšana vēlāk)</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_twitter">Twitter atbalsta http starpnieku "localhost:8118"</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Starpnieka iestatījumi</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Ja izmantotā Android lietotne spēj nodrošināt HTTP vai SOCKS starpnieku lietošanu, tad lietotni ir ir iespējams konfigurēt lai to savienotu ar Orbot un izmantotu Tor.\n\n\n Resursdatora iestatījumi ir vai "localhost". HTTP porta iestatījums ir 8118. SOCKS'am starpnieks ir 9050. Pēc iespējas izmantojiet SOCKS4A vai SOCKS5.\n \n\n\n Vairāk uzzināt par starpniekošanu izmantojot Android var iepazīstoties ar atbildēm, kuras sagatavotas biežāk uzdotiem jautājumiem jeb Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ tīmekļa vietnē: </string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot ir gatavs darbam!</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">Simtiem tūkstošu ļaužu visā pasaulē lieto Tor dažādiem mērķiem.\n\nŽurnālisti un emuāru autori, cilvēktiesību aizstāvji, likumsargi, karavīri, korporācijas, apspiestībā dzīvojuši iedzīvotāji, un vienkārši parasti cilvēki .. un tagad arī Jūs to varatl!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">Esat sekmīgi izveidojis savienojumu ar tīklu Tor - taču tas vien NEnozīmē, ka Jūsu ierīce ir drošībā. Lai pārbaudītu savu pārlūku, no izvēlnes izraugieties izvēli 'Pārbaudīt'. \n\nApmeklējiet mūs vai sūtiet e-pastu uz , lai uzzinātu vairāk.</string> + <string name="tor_check">Šī darbība tīmekļa pārlūkā atvērs , lai redzētu vai Orbot ir konfigurēts un esat izveidojies savienojumu ar Tor.</string> + <string name="pref_hs_group">Slēptu pakalpojumu mitināšana</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">Vispārīgi</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Startēt Orbot, kad ielādējas</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automātiski startēt Orbot, un veidot savienojumu ar Tor, kad Jūsu Android ierīce ielādējas</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot ieved Tor Android'u pasaulē!\n\nTor palīdz aizsargāties pret satura filtrēšanu, datplūsmas analīzi un tīkla novērošanu, kuras apdraud privātumu, konfidenciālu informāciju un personiskas attiecības.\n\nŠis vednis palīdzēs Jūsu iekārtā nokonfigurēt Orbot'u un Tor'u.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">Brīdinājums</string> + <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Vienkārša Orbot instalēšana nepadarīs anonīmu Jūsu mobīlo datplūsmu.\n\nLai Jūsu ierīce un lietotnes sekmīgi lietotu Tor, Jums pareizi jānokonfigurē Orbot.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Tesības</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Pēc izvēles variet piešķirt Orbot'am 'Superlietotāja' piekļuves tiesības, lai iespēju lietpratīgus līdzekļus, tādus kā Transparent Proxying jeb Pārredzamā .</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Ja nevēlaties šo darīt, lūdzu, pārliecinieties, ka izmantojat lietotnes, kuras paredzētas darbam ar Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Izskatās, ka Jūsu ierīce nav ar saknes piekļuves tiesībām un nenodrošina 'Superlietotāja' piekļuves tiesības.\n\nLai gūtu labumu no Tor, Jums jāizmanto lietotnes, kuras izveidotas darbam ar Orbot, vai tādas, kuras atbalsta HTTP vai SOCKS starpnieku iestatījumus.\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot'a iespējotas lietotnes</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Drošas tērzēšanas lietotne, kura izmanto Off-the-Record šifrēšanu</string> + <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Pārlūks ar uzlabotu privātumu un kurš strādā caur Tor tīklu</string> + <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Pārredzama starpniekošana</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Šis ļauj Jūsu lietotnēm automātiski, bez jebkādas papildu konfigurācijas darboties caur Tor tīklu.</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Atzīmējiet šo kastīti gadījumā ja Jums nav ne mazākās nojausmas par to, ko mēs te runājam)</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Neviens</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor tuvapraide</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Iespējot Tor Pārredzamo starpniekošanu Wifi un USB tuvapraides ierīcēm (nepieciešams pārstartēt)</string> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">Pieprasīt superlietotāja piekļuvi</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps">Izvēlēties lietotnes</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Izvēlēties lietotnes, lai maršrutētu caur Tor</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration">Mezglu konfigurācija</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Šie it lietpratīgie iestatījumi, kuri var samazināt Jūsu anonimitāti</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">Ieejas mezgli</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Ciparvirknes, segvārdi, valstis un adreses pirmajam lēkumam</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Ievadiet ieejas mezglus</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Tīkla ārejošais starpnieks</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Ārvērstā starpnieka tips</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Starpnieka serverim izmantojamais protokols: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Ievadiet starpnieka tipu</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Ārvērstā starpnieka mitinātājs</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Starpniekservera mitinātājvārds</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Ievadiet starpnieka mitinātāju</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Ārvērstā starpnieka ports</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Starpniekservera ports</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Ievadiet starpnieka portu</string> + <string name="status">Statuss</string> + <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Iestata pilnībā pārredzamu starpniekošanu...</string> + <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Iestata lietotņu nodrošinātu starpniekošanu...</string> + <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Pārredzama starpniekošana IESPĒJOTA</string> + <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy iespējots tuvapraidei!</string> + <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">BRĪDINĀJUMS: kļūda uzsākot pārredzamu starpniekošanu!</string> + <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy kārtulas notīrītas</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Neizdevās palaist Tor'a procesu:</string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy strādā portā: </string> + <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Iestata portu nodrošinātu pārredzamu starpniekošanu...</string> + <string name="bridge_error">Tilta kļūda</string> + <string name="bridge_requires_ip">Lai izmantotu tilta līdzekli, jāievada vismaz viena tilta IP adrese.</string> + <string name="send_email_for_bridges">No Gmail konta sūtiet e-pastu uz ar rindu "get bridges" e-pasta ziņojuma korpusā.</string> + <string name="error">Kļūda</string> + <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Jūsu ReachableAddresses iestatījumi izraisīja izņēmuma stāvokli!</string> + <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Jūsu retranslatora iestatījumi izraisīja izņēmuma situāciju!</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">Izejas mezgli</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Pēdējā lēkuma ciparvirknes, segvārdi, valstis un adreses</string> + <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Ievadiet izejas mezglus</string> + <string name="exclude_nodes">Neiekļautie mezgli</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Izslēdzamās ciparvirknes, segvārdi, valstis un adreses</string> + <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Ievadīt Neiekļaujamos mezglus</string> + <string name="strict_nodes">Precīzie mezgli</string> + <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Izmantojiet *vienīgi* šos norādītos mezglus</string> + <string name="bridges">Tilti</string> + <string name="use_bridges">Lietot tiltus</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Nomaskētie tilti</string> + <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Iespējot alternatīvus tīkla Tor ieejas mezglus </string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Iespējot, ja konfigurētie tilti ir nomaskētie tilti</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">Tiltu ports un IP addrese</string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Ievadiet tiltu adreses</string> + <string name="relays">Retranslatori</string> + <string name="relaying">Retranslēšana</string> + <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Iespējot Jūsu iekārtu par bezapstājas retranslatoru</string> + <string name="relay_port">Retranslatora ports</string> + <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Jūsu Tor retranslatora klausīšanās ports</string> + <string name="enter_or_port">Ievadiet OR portu</string> + <string name="relay_nickname">Retranslatora segvārds</string> + <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">Jūsu Tor'a retranslatora segvārds</string> + <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Ievadiet brīvi izraudzītu rertranslatora segvārdu</string> + <string name="reachable_addresses">Sasniedzamās adreses</string> + <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Izpildīt kā klientprogrammu aiz ugunsmūra, kurš nodrošina ierobežojošu kārtību</string> + <string name="reachable_ports">Sasniedzamie porti</string> + <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Porti, kuri sasniedzami otrpus ierobežojoša ugunsmūra</string> + <string name="enter_ports">Ievadiet portus</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">Slēptu pakalpojumu mitināšana</string> + <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">ļaut no tīkla Tor piekļūt serverim, kurš ir ierīcē. </string> + <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">ievadiet slēpto pakalpojumu localhost portus</string> + <string name="hidden_service_ports">Slēptu pakalpojumu porti</string> + <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">Jūsu slēptā pakalpojuma adresējams vārds (tiek ģenerēts automātiski)</string> + <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">iespējot atkļūdošanas žurnālu izvadei (jālieto adb vai aLogCat , lai skatītu)</string> + <string name="project_home">Projekta mājas:</string> + <string name="project_urls"></string> + <string name="the_tor_license">Tor licence</string> + <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> + <string name="third_party_software">Trešo personu programmatūra:</string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.17:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v2.1:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v0.9.8h:</string> + <string name="hidden_service_request">Lietotne vēlas atvērt slēptu servera portu %S uz tīklu Tor. Tas ir droši, ja uzticaties lietotnei.</string> + <string name="found_existing_tor_process">Atrada esošu Tor procesu...</string> + <string name="something_bad_happened">Nav labi. Pārbaudiet žurnālu</string> + <string name="hidden_service_on">Slēpts pakalpojums uz:</string> + <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">Nespēj lasīt slēpta pakalpojuma nosaukumu</string> + <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Nevar startēt Tor:</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Izmantot noklusējuma Iptables</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">lietot iebūvēto bināro datni iptables nevis to, kura ir Orbot komplektācijā</string> + <string name="error_installing_binares">Tor binārās datnes nebija iespējams ne instalēt, ne jaunināt.</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Vienmēr paturēt ikonu rīkjoslā, kad Orbot ir savienots</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Vienmēr ieslēgtie paziņojumi</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Tilti ir iespējoti!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Iestatiet lokalizāciju</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Iestatiet Orbot lokalizāciju un valodu</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Izvēlēties valodu</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Atstājiet noklusējuma vērtības, vai pārslēdziet pašreizējo valodu.</string> + <string name="powered_by">Darbību nodrošina Tor projekts</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Saglabāt iestatījumus</string> +</resources> diff --git a/res/values-mk/strings.xml b/res/values-mk/strings.xml index 6b38f9b..ce0bcb9 100644 --- a/res/values-mk/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-mk/strings.xml @@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ <string name="status_activated">Поврзан на мрежата Тор</string> <string name="status_disabled">"Орбот е дезактивиран</string> <string name="status_shutting_down">Орбот се исклучува</string> - <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> - <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> - <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ВНИМАНИЕ: Вашиот сообраќај сеуште не е анонимен! Треба да ги конфигурирате Вашите апликации да го користат проксито за HTTP,, или проксито за SOCKS4A или SOCKS5,</string> <string name="menu_home">Дома</string> <string name="menu_browse">Прелистување</string> @@ -31,7 +28,6 @@ <string name="button_clear_log">Избриши лог</string> <string name="menu_verify">Провери</string> <string name="menu_exit">Излез</string> - <string name="powered_by">напојувано од проектот Тор</string> <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Транспарентно прокси (бара root пристап)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Транспарентно прокси</string> @@ -55,6 +51,7 @@ <string name="btn_finish">Крај</string> <string name="btn_okay">Во ред</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Откажи се</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Некои детали за Орбот</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">Орбот е апликација со отворен код којашто го содржи Тор, LibEvent и Privoxy. Таа Ви нуди локални проксиња за HTTP (порт 8118) и SOCKS (порт 9050) за поврзување со мрежата Тор. Орбот исто така нуди можност, на уреди со root пристап, целиот сообраќај да се пренасочи преку Тор.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Дозволата е издадена</string> @@ -73,124 +70,30 @@ <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Подесувања на прокси - Научете како да ги конфигурирате апликациите да работат со Орбот</string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Подесувања на прокси</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Ако апликацијата за Андроид што ја користите поддржува употреба на прокси за HTTP или SOCKS, тогаш може да ја конфигурирате да се поврзе со Орбот и да користи Тор. \n\n - Подесувањето за хост е или „localhost“. За HTTP, подесувањето на порт е 8118. За SOCKS, портот е 9050. Доколку можете, користете SOCKS4A или SOCKS5. - \n\n - Можете да научите повеќе за проксирањето на Андроид преку ЧПП на: - </string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Ако апликацијата за Андроид што ја користите поддржува употреба на прокси за HTTP или SOCKS, тогаш може да ја конфигурирате да се поврзе со Орбот и да користи Тор. \n\n\n Подесувањето за хост е или „localhost“. За HTTP, подесувањето на порт е 8118. За SOCKS, портот е 9050. Доколку можете, користете SOCKS4A или SOCKS5.\n \n\n\n Можете да научите повеќе за проксирањето на Андроид преку ЧПП на: </string> <string name="wizard_final">Орбот е спремен!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">Стотици илјади луѓе низ целиот Свет го користат Тор од многу различни причини: новинари и блогери, борци за човекови права, полицајци, војници, корпорации, граѓани на репресивни режими, и обични граѓани... а сега и Вие сте спремин да го користите!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="connect_first_time"> Успешно се поврзавте на мрежата Тор - но ова НЕ значи дека важиот уред е сигурен. За да го проверите Вашиот браусер, изберете ја опцијата „Провери“ во менито. \n\nПосетете нѐ на или испратете порака на за повеќе информации.</string> <string name="tor_check">Ова ќе ја отвори страницата во Вашиот веб браусер за да видите дали Орбот е правилно конфигуриран и дали сте поврзани на Тор.</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">Скриени сервиси </string> <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> - <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <!--Warning screen--> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (само Андроид 1.x) - Браусер дизајниран за приватност и за Орбот</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> - <string name="status">Status</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> - <string name="error">Error</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> - <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> - <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> - <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10:</string> - <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> - <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> - <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> - <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> - <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="powered_by">напојувано од проектот Тор</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-ms/strings.xml b/res/values-ms/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a16594 --- /dev/null +++ b/res/values-ms/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> +<resources> + <string name="app_name">Orbot</string> + <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> + <string name="default_web_url"></string> + <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> + <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> + <string name="control_permission_label">mula dan henti Tor</string> + <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot telah dimulakan..</string> + <string name="status_activated">Bersambung ke rangkaian Tor</string> + <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot telah dinyah-aktifkan</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot sedang ditutup</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Memulakan klien Tor..</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">selesai.</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">menunggu.</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">AMARAN: Trafik anda tidak anonymous lagi! Sila tetapkan aplikasi anda untuk menggunakan proxy HTTP atau proxy SOCKS4A atau SOCKS5</string> + <string name="menu_home">Rumah</string> + <string name="menu_browse">Carian</string> + <string name="menu_settings">Tetapan</string> + <string name="menu_log">Log</string> + <string name="menu_info">Bantuan</string> + <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string> + <string name="menu_start">Mula</string> + <string name="menu_stop">Henti</string> + <string name="menu_about">Tentang</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> + <string name="button_help">Bantuan</string> + <string name="button_close">Tutup</string> + <string name="button_about">Tentang</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">Padam Log</string> + <string name="menu_verify">Semak</string> + <string name="menu_exit">Keluar</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- Tekan lama untuk mulakan - </string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxy Telus (Memerlukan akses Root)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxy Telus</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Tetapan Automatik Tor pada Apps</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor segalanya</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Trafik proxy untuk semua aplikasi yang melalui Tor</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port proxy undur</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">AMARAN: memintasi port biasa (80, 443, dll). * CUMA GUNA * jika mod 'Semua' atau 'App' idak berfungsi.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Senarai Port</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Senarai port untuk proxy. *GUNA HANYA* jika mod 'Semua' atau 'App' tidak berfungsi</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Masukkan port untuk proxy</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Minta Akses Root</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Minta akses root untuk proxy telus</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Tor berjaya dipasang!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">Fail Tor gagal dipasang. Sila semak log dan maklumkan kepada</string> + <string name="title_error">Ralat Aplikasi</string> + <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Tentang Orbot</string> + <string name="btn_next">Seterusnya</string> + <string name="btn_back">Kembali</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Tamat</string> + <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Batal</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">Maklumat Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot merupakan aplikasi sumber terbuka yang mengandungi Tor, LibEvent dan Privoxy. Ia menyediakan seorang proksi HTTP tempatan (8118) dan proksi SOCKS (9050) ke dalam rangkaian Tor. Orbot juga mempunyai keupayaan, pada peranti berakar umbi, untuk menghantar semua trafik internet melalui Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Kebenaran disahkan</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Kebenaran Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Bagus! Kami mendapati anda ada akses root yang dibenarkan untuk Orbot. Kami akan gunakan kuasa ini dengan bijak.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Walaupun ia tidak diperlukan, Orbot boleh menjadi alat yang berguna jika peranti anda mempunyai akses root. Guna butang di bawah untuk memberi Orbot superpower!</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Jika anda tidak mempunyai akses root atau tidak tahu mengenai ini, cuma pastikan anda menggunakan aplikasi yang boleh digunakan dengan Orbot.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Saya faham dan mahu teruskan tanpa Superuser</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Beri akses Root pada Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">Konfigurasi Torification</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot memberi anda pilihan untuk menghala semua trafik aplikasi melalui Tor ATAU untuk memilih aplikasi untuk digunakan secara individual.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy Semua Aplikasi Melalui Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Pilih Aplikasi Untuk Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Aplikasi Yang Dibenar Menggunakan Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Aplikasi di bawah dibangunkan untuk digunakan bersama Orbot. Klik setiap butang untuk pasang sekarang, atau anda boleh cari nanti di Android Market.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Klien mesej ringkas selamat untuk Android</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Tetapan Proksi - Belajar bagaimana untuk mengkonfigurasi aplikasi untuk bekerja dengan Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Tetapan proxy</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Jika aplikasi Android yang anda gunakan boleh menyokong penggunaan proksi HTTP atau SOCKS, kemudian anda boleh menatarajah untuk menyambung kepada Orbot dan menggunakan Tor. ⏎\n⏎\n⏎\n Tetapan tuan rumah adalah atau "localhost". Untuk HTTP, tetapan pelabuhan 8118. Untuk SOCKS, proksi adalah 9050. Anda harus menggunakan SOCKS4A atau socks5 jika boleh. ⏎\n ⏎\n⏎\n⏎\n Anda boleh mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang proxying pada Android melalui FAQ di: ⏎</string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot sudah sedia!</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">Beratus-ratus ribu orang di seluruh dunia menggunakan Tor untuk pelbagai sebab-sebab yang luas. ⏎\n⏎\nWartawan dan blogger, pembela hak asasi manusia, pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang, tentera, perbadanan, rakyat rejim menindas, dan warganegara sahaja, biasa ... dan kini anda bersedia untuk, juga!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">Anda telah berjaya disambungkan kepada rangkaian Tor - tetapi ini bukanlah bermakna peranti anda adalah selamat. Anda boleh menggunakan pilihan 'Check' daripada menu untuk menguji pelayar anda. ⏎\n⏎\nMelawat kami pada atau menghantar e-mel ke untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut.</string> + <string name="tor_check">Ini akan membuka pelayar web anda untuk untuk melihat jika Orbot mungkin ditetapkan dan anda disambungkan kepada Tor.</string> + <string name="pref_hs_group">Perkhidmatan tersembunyi</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">Umum</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Mulakan Orbot semasa Boot</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Mula Orbot secara automatik dan sambung Tor ketika peranti Android boot</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot membawa Tor untuk Android! ⏎\n⏎\nTor membantu anda mempertahankan terhadap penapisan kandungan, analisis dan pengawasan trafik rangkaian yang mengancam privasi, maklumat sulit dan hubungan peribadi. ⏎\n⏎\nWizard ini akan membantu anda mengkonfigurasi Orbot dan Tor pada peranti anda.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">Amaran</string> + <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Hanya memasang Orbot tidak secara automatik akan anonymize trafik mudah alih anda. ⏎\n⏎\nAnda betul mesti menatarajah Orbot, peranti anda dan aplikasi lain untuk berjaya menggunakan Tor.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_title">kebenaran</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Anda juga boleh memberikan akses Orbot 'SuperUser' untuk membolehkan ciri-ciri yang maju, seperti Proxying Telus.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Jika anda tidak mahu berbuat demikian, sila pastikan untuk menggunakan aplikasi yang dibuat untuk bekerjasama dengan Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Peranti anda tidak perlu berakar umbi atau menyediakan 'SuperUser' akses. ⏎\n⏎\nDalam untuk anda mendapat manfaat daripada Tor, anda akan perlu menggunakan aplikasi yang dibina untuk bekerja dengan Orbot, atau yang HTTP sokongan atau tetapan proksi SOCKS. ⏎\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Aplikasi yang membenarkan Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: sembang app selamat dengan Penyulitan Off-the-Rekod</string> + <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privasi ditambah penyemak imbas yang bekerja melalui Tor</string> + <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Proxy Telus</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Ini membolehkan aplikasi anda secara automatik melalui rangkaian Tor tanpa apa apa konfigurasi</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Tanda kotak ini jika anda belen)</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Tiada</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Membolehkan Proxying Telus Tor untuk Wifi dan USB Devices terikat (memerlukan restart)</string> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">Minta Akses Superuser</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps">Pilih Aplikasi</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Pilih Aplikasi untuk dihalakan melalui Tor</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration">Konfigurasi Nod</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Ini ialah tetapan lanjutan yang boleh mengurangkan kadar anonymity anda</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">Nod Kemasukan</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Cap jari, nama samaran, negara, dan alamat untuk lompatan pertama</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Masukkan Nod Kemasukan</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Jenis Proxy</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protokol untuk digunakan pada pelayan proxy: HTTP,HTTPS,Socks4,Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Masukkan Jenis Proxy</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Hos Proxy</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Nama hos pelayan proxy</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Masukkan Hos Proxy</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Port Proxy</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Port pelayan proxy</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Masukkan port Proxy</string> + <string name="status">Status</string> + <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Tetapkan proxy telus secara keseluruhan</string> + <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Tetapkan proxy telus berdasarkan aplikasi</string> + <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Proxy telus dibolehkan</string> + <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy dibolehkan untuk Tethering!</string> + <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">AMARAN: ralat semasa memulakan proxy telus!</string> + <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">Peraturan TransProxy dipadam</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Tidak boleh memulakan proses Tor:</string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy sedang berjalan pada port:</string> + <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Menetap proxy telus berdasarkan port..</string> + <string name="bridge_error">Ralat jambatan</string> + <string name="bridge_requires_ip">Untuk menggunakan ciri jambatan, anda mesti masukkan sekurang-kurangnya satu alamat IP jambatan.</string> + <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Hantar e-mel kepada dengan garisan "jambatan" dengan sendirinya dalam badan mel dari akaun gmail.</string> + <string name="error">Ralat</string> + <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Tetapan ReachableAddresses anda menyebabkan pengecualian!</string> + <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Tetapan relay anda menyebabkan pengecualian!</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">Keluar Nod</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Cap jari, nama samaran, negara, dan alamat untuk lompatan terakhir</string> + <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Masukkan Nod Keluar</string> + <string name="exclude_nodes">Keluarkan Nod</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Cap jari, nama samaran, negara dan alamat untuk dikeluarkan</string> + <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Masukkan Nod Keluar</string> + <string name="strict_nodes">Nod Ketat</string> + <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Guna *hanya* nod-nod ini</string> + <string name="bridges">Jambatan</string> + <string name="use_bridges">Guna Jambatan</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Jambatan Keliru</string> + <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Membolehkan nod pintu masuk ganti ke Rangkaian Tor</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Benarkan jika konfigurasi jambatan adalah jambatan keliru</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">Alamat IP dan pelabuhan jambatan</string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Masukkan Alamat Jambatan</string> + <string name="relays">Relays</string> + <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> + <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Membolehkan peranti anda untuk menjadi geganti bukan keluar</string> + <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> + <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Mendapatkan port untuk tetapan relay Tor anda</string> + <string name="enter_or_port">Masukkan port OR</string> + <string name="relay_nickname">Nama samaran relay</string> + <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">Nama samaran ini untuk relay Tor anda</string> + <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Masukkan nama samaran gantian untuk relay</string> + <string name="reachable_addresses">Alamat yang dapat dicapai</string> + <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Jalan sebagai klien dibelakang firewall dengan peraturan ketat</string> + <string name="reachable_ports">Port yang dapat dicapai</string> + <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Port yang dapat dicapai dibelakang firewall dengan kawalan ketat</string> + <string name="enter_ports">Masukkan port</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">Benarkan Servis Tersembunyi</string> + <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">Jalankan pelayan boleh diakses melalui rangkaian Tor</string> + <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">Masuk port localhost untuk servis tersembunyi</string> + <string name="hidden_service_ports">Port servis tersembunyi</string> + <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">Nama beralamat untuk servis tersembunyi anda (dijana secara automatik)</string> + <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">benarkan log debug pada output (mesti guna adb atau aLogCat untuk lihat)</string> + <string name="project_home">Rumah Projek(s):</string> + <string name="project_urls"></string> + <string name="the_tor_license">Lesen Tor</string> + <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> + <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> + <string name="hidden_service_request">Satu aplikasi mahu membuka port tersembunyi %S pada rangkaian Tor. Ia selamat jika anda percaya pada aplikasi itu.</string> + <string name="found_existing_tor_process">Proses Tor sedia ada ditemui..</string> + <string name="something_bad_happened">Sesuatu yang buruk berlaku. Semak log.</string> + <string name="hidden_service_on">port tersembunyi pada:</string> + <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">tidak dapat membaca nama servis tersembunyi</string> + <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Tidak dapat memulakan Tor:</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Guna default Iptables</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">Guna binari built-in iptables daripada yang didatangkan bundle dengan Orbot</string> + <string name="error_installing_binares">Tor binari tidak boleh dipasang atau dinaiktaraf</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Sentiasa biar ikon pada toolbar apabila Orbot bersambung</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Sentiasa On Notifikasi</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Jambatan dibenarkan!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Tetapan Tempatan</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Pilihan tempatan dan bahasa untuk Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Pilih Bahasa</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Biar default atau ubah ke bahasa sekarang</string> + <string name="powered_by">Dijana oleh Projek Tor</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Simpan Tetapan</string> +</resources> diff --git a/res/values-my/strings.xml b/res/values-my/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2a5e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/res/values-my/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> +<resources> + <string name="app_name">Orbot</string> + <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> + <string name="default_web_url"></string> + <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> + <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> + <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string> + <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot is starting...</string> + <string name="status_activated">Connected to the Tor network</string> + <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot is Deactivated</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot is shutting down</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string> + <string name="menu_home">Home</string> + <string name="menu_browse">Browse</string> + <string name="menu_settings">Settings</string> + <string name="menu_log">Log</string> + <string name="menu_info">Help</string> + <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string> + <string name="menu_start">Start</string> + <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string> + <string name="menu_about">About</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> + <string name="button_help">Help</string> + <string name="button_close">Close</string> + <string name="button_about">About</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string> + <string name="menu_verify">Check</string> + <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify</string> + <string name="title_error">Application Error</string> + <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string> + <string name="btn_next">Next</string> + <string name="btn_back">Back</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string> + <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n\n The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.\n \n\n\n You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: </string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> + <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> + <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Service Hosting</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> + <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> + <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> + <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Outbound Network Proxy</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Outbound Proxy Type</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Outbound Proxy Host</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Outbound Proxy Port</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> + <string name="status">Status</string> + <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> + <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> + <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> + <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> + <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> + <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> + <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> + <string name="error">Error</string> + <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> + <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> + <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> + <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> + <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> + <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> + <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> + <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> + <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Obfuscated Bridges</string> + <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Enable if configured bridges are obfuscated bridges</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> + <string name="relays">Relays</string> + <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> + <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> + <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> + <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> + <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> + <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> + <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> + <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> + <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> + <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> + <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> + <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> + <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">Hidden Service Hosting</string> + <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">allow on-device server to be accessible via the Tor network</string> + <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> + <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> + <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> + <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> + <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> + <string name="project_urls"></string> + <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> + <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> + <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.17:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v2.1:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> + <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> + <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> + <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> + <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> + <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> + <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> + <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Bridges enabled!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Set Locale</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Choose the locale and language for Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Choose Language</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Leave default or switch the current language</string> + <string name="powered_by">powered by The Tor Project </string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Save Settings</string> +</resources> diff --git a/res/values-nb/strings.xml b/res/values-nb/strings.xml index d4ccc40..c0ab256 100644 --- a/res/values-nb/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-nb/strings.xml @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ <string name="status_activated">Tilkoblet Tor-nettverket</string> <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot er deaktivert</string> <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot skrur seg av</string> - <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> - <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> - <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Starter Tor...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">ferdig.</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">venter.</string> <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ADVARSEL: Trafikken din er ikke anonym helt enda! Vær vennlig og konfigurer applikasjonene dine til å bruke HTTP proxy eller SOCKS4A eller SOCKS5 proxy</string> <string name="menu_home">Hjem</string> <string name="menu_browse">Gå til</string> @@ -28,169 +28,51 @@ <string name="button_help">Hjelp</string> <string name="button_close">Avslutt</string> <string name="button_about">Om</string> - <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">Slett Logg</string> <string name="menu_verify">Check</string> <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string> - <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> - <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor All Trafikk</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port Liste</string> <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string> - <string name="pref_has_root_summary">&gt;Request root access for transparent proxying</string> - <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string> - <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify</string> - <string name="title_error">Application Error</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">>Request root access for transparent proxying</string> <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string> - <string name="btn_next">Next</string> - <string name="btn_back">Back</string> - <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string> - <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> - <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string> - <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string> - <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n - The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible. - \n\n - You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: - </string> - <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> - <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> - <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> - <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string> - <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> - <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Om Orbot</string> + <string name="btn_next">Neste</string> + <string name="btn_back">Tilbake</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Ferdig</string> + <string name="btn_okay">Ok</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Avbryt</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot er åpen programvare som inneholder Tor, LibEvent og Privoxy. Det leverer en lokal HTTP proxy (8118) og en SOCKS proxy (9050) tilkobling til Tor nettverket. Orbot kan også, med rot-tilgang, sende all internett-trafikk gjennom Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Tilgang Innvilget</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Tilgangsnivåer</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Glimrende! Vi ser du har aktivert rot-tilgang for Orbot. Vi skal bruke disse kreftene klokt.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Selv om det ikke er påkrevd, vil Orbot være et kraftigere verktøy hvis du har rot-tilgang på apparatet ditt. Bruk knappen under for å gi Orbot superkrefter!</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Hvis du ikke har rot-tilgang (eller ikke aner hva vi snakker om), sørg ihvertfall for å bruke programmer som er kompatible med Orbot.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Jeg forstår og ønsker å fortsette uten Superbruker.</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Gi Orbot tilgang.</string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot er klar!</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundretusener av mennesker over hele verden bruker Tor til en lang rekke forskjellige formål.\n\nJournalister og bloggere, menneskerettighetsforkjempere, politietterforskere, militære, bedrifter, mennesker i undertrykkende regimer, og vanlige borgere...og nå er du klar til å bruke det også!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">Du er nå tilkoblet Tor-nettverket - men det betyr IKKE at ditt apparat er sikret. Du kan bruke "Sjekk" valget fra menyen for å sjekke din nettleser.\n\nBesøk oss på eller send en email til for å få vite mer.</string> + <string name="tor_check">Dette vil åpne din nettleser på og sjekke om Orbot er riktig innstilt og om du er koblet til Tor.</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">Generelt</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Start Orbot og Tor automatisk når din Android starter opp.</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot bringer Tor til Android!\n\nTor hjelper deg med å forsvare deg mot innholdsfiltrering, trafikkanalyse og nettverksovervåkning som kan true ditt personvern, din konfidensielle informasjon og dine personlige forhold.\n\nDenne steg-for-steg guiden hjelper deg med å konfigurere Orbot og Tor på ditt apparat.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">Advarsel</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> - <string name="status">Status</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> - <string name="error">Error</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> - <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> - <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> - <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10:</string> - <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> - <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> - <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> - <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> - <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Ingen</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="default_bridges"/> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/res/values-nl/strings.xml index 9daf30a..b49ef0a 100644 --- a/res/values-nl/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-nl/strings.xml @@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string> <string name="menu_about">Over</string> <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> + <string name="main_layout_download">Download (snelheid/totaal)</string> + <string name="main_layout_upload">Upload (snelheid/totaal)</string> <string name="button_help">Help</string> <string name="button_close">Afsluiten</string> <string name="button_about">Over</string> <string name="button_clear_log">Wis logboek</string> <string name="menu_verify">Controleer</string> <string name="menu_exit">Sluiten</string> - <string name="powered_by">mogelijk gemaakt door het Tor Project</string> <string name="press_to_start">- Lang indrukken om te starten -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparant Proxy-en (Vereist Root)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparant Proxy-en</string> @@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ <string name="btn_finish">Einde</string> <string name="btn_okay">OK</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Annuleren</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Enkele Orbot Details</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is een open-source applicatie die Tor, LibEvent en Privoxy bevat. Het creëert een lokale HTTP proxy (8118) en een SOCKS proxy (9050) naar het Tor netwerk. Orbot heeft ook de mogelijkheid om al het internet verkeer over het Tor netwerk te sturen.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Rechten toegewezen</string> @@ -72,38 +74,47 @@ <string name="wizard_tips_msg">We raden je aan om apps te downloaden die zich automatisch verbinden met Orbot. Klik op de knoppen hieronder om te installeren.</string> <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Veilige instant messaging client voor Android</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Instellingen - Leer hoe je apps te configureren voor Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_duckgo">Duckduckgo Zoekmachine app</string> + <string name="duckgo_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox met Proxy Mobile extensie (vergt extra installatie achteraf)</string> + <string name="proxymob_setup_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_twitter">Twitter ondersteunt http proxy "localhost:8118"</string> + <string name="twitter_setup_url"></string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Instellingen</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Als de Android app die je gebruikt beschikt over een HTTP of SOCKS proxy instelling, dan kun je het configureren zodat het via Orbot over het Tor netwerk gaat. - - -De host instelling is of "localhost". De poort voor SOCKS is 9050 en voor HTTP 8118. Gebruik SOCKS4A of SOCKS5 indien mogelijk. - - -Je kunt meer leren over het proxy-en op Android door naar de FAQ op te gaan - </string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Als de Android app die je gebruikt beschikt over een HTTP of SOCKS proxy instelling, dan kun je het configureren zodat het via Orbot over het Tor netwerk gaat.\n\n\nDe host instelling is of "localhost". De poort voor SOCKS is 9050 en voor HTTP 8118. Gebruik SOCKS4A of SOCKS5 indien mogelijk.\n\n\nJe kunt meer leren over het proxy-en op Android door naar de FAQ op te gaan\n </string> <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is klaar!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">Honderdduizenden verschillende mensen over de wereld gebruiken Tor, voor verschillende redenen. Zoals: journalisten, bloggers, mensen rechten medewerkers, soldaten, bedrijven, burgers met onderdrukte religies, en natuurlijk normale mensen... En nu ben jij er ook klaar voor!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">Je bent succesvol verbonden met het Tor netwerk, maar dit betekent NIET dat je apparaat volledig veilig is. Gebruik te 'Check' optie vanuit het menu om je browser te testen. - -Bezoek onze website op of stuur een email naar voor vragen.</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">Je bent succesvol verbonden met het Tor netwerk, maar dit betekent NIET dat je apparaat volledig veilig is. Gebruik te 'Check' optie vanuit het menu om je browser te testen.\n\nBezoek onze website op of stuur een email naar voor vragen.</string> <string name="tor_check">Dit opent je standaard browser naar om te controleren of Orbot succesvol is geconfigureerd om te verbinden met het Tor netwerk.</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">Verborgen diensten</string> <string name="pref_general_group">Algemeen</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot bij boot</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Start Orbot automatisch en verbind metTor wanneer je Android apparaat opstart.</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brengt Tor naar Android!\n\nTor helpt je verdedigen tegen filtering, verkeersanalyse en netwerktoezicht dat privacy, vertrouwelijke informatie en persoonlijke relaties bedreigt.\n\n Deze wizard helpt je met configureren van Orbot en Tor op jouw apparaat.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">Waarschuwing</string> <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Alleen Orbot installeren zal niet automatisch alle je mobiele verkeer anonimiseren.\n\nJe moet Orbot, je apparaat en andere apps juist instellen om succesvol Tor te gebruiken.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Rechten</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Je kan optioneeel Orbot 'superuser' toegang geven om geavanceerde functies beschikbaar te stellen, zoals Tranparante Proxy.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Als je dit niet wilt doen, zorg er dan voor dat je apps gebruikt die gemaakt zijn om te werken met Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Je apparaat draait in standaard modus en ondersteunt geen root of 'superuser' toegang.\n\nOm voordeel te hebben van Tor moet je gebruik maken van apps die gemaakt zijn om te werken met Tor, of die HTTP of SOCKS proxy instellingen ondersteunen.\n\n -</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Je apparaat draait in standaard modus en ondersteunt geen root of 'superuser' toegang.\n\nOm voordeel te hebben van Tor moet je gebruik maken van apps die gemaakt zijn om te werken met Tor, of die HTTP of SOCKS proxy instellingen ondersteunen.\n\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot geschikte Apps</string> <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Veilige chat app met Off-the-Record encryptie</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Alleen Android 1.x) - Browser gemaakt voor privacy &amp; voor Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Alleen Android 1.x) - Browser gemaakt voor privacy & voor Orbot</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play">Vind alle Guardian Project apps op Google Play</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Tranparante Proxy</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Dit maakt het mogelijk voor jouw apps om automatisch via het Tor netwerk te draaien zonder enige configuratie.</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Vink dit aan al je geen idee hebt waar we het over hebben)</string> @@ -118,8 +129,9 @@ Bezoek onze website op of stuur een emai <string name="pref_entrance_node">Toegangsnodes.</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, landen en adressen voor de eerste hop</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Voer Toegangsnode in</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Gebruik WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Gebruik de propriëtaire NetFilter APIs aangeboden door WhisperSystems (vereist een apparaat met WhisperCore geïnstaleerd)</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Uitgaande netwerk proxy</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy type</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol om te gebruiken voor proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Voer proxy type in</string> @@ -155,7 +167,9 @@ Bezoek onze website op of stuur een emai <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Gebruik *alleen* deze nodes</string> <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> <string name="use_bridges">Gebruik bridges</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Versluierde bridges</string> <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Gebruik alternatieve toegangsnodes naar het Tor Netwerk</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Schakel in als de geconfigureerde bridges versluierde bridges zijn</string> <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP-adres en poort van bridges</string> <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Voer bridge adres in</string> <string name="relays">Relays</string> @@ -199,4 +213,12 @@ Bezoek onze website op of stuur een emai <string name="error_installing_binares">De Tor binaries konden niet worden geïnstalleerd of geüpgraded.</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Houd icoon in toolbar zolang Orbot verbonden is</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Meldingen altijd aan</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Bridges ingeschakeld!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Stel landsinstellingen in</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Kies de landsinstellingen en taal voor Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Kies taal</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Laat standaard of schakel over naar huidige taal</string> + <string name="powered_by">mogelijk gemaakt door het Tor Project</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Sla instellingen op</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/res/values-pl/strings.xml index 4d3c429..3355fd6 100644 --- a/res/values-pl/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-pl/strings.xml @@ -5,17 +5,14 @@ <string name="default_web_url"></string> <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> - <string name="control_permission_label">włącz i wyłącz Tor</string> + <string name="control_permission_label">Uruchom / Zatrzymaj Tor</string> <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string> - <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot startuje...</string> - <string name="status_activated">Podłączony do sieci Tor</string> - <string name="status_disabled">Orbot wyłączony</string> - <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot wyłącza się</string> - <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> - <string name="tor_process_complete">gotowe.</string> - <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> - <string name="not_anonymous_yet">UWAGA: Twoja komunikacja nie jest jeszcze anonimowa! Proszę skonfiguruj aplikacje aby używały serwera proxy HTTP lub SOCKS4A lub SOCKS5</string> - <string name="menu_home">Start</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot uruchamia się...</string> + <string name="status_activated">Połączony do Sieci Tor</string> + <string name="status_disabled">Orbot jest Nieaktywny</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Ortbot wyłącza się</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">UWAGA: twój ruch w sieci nie jest jeszcze anonimowy! Skonfiguruj swoje aplikacje by używały HTTP proxy lub SOCKS4A lub SOCKS5 proxy</string> + <string name="menu_home">Strona Główna</string> <string name="menu_browse">Przeglądaj</string> <string name="menu_settings">Ustawienia</string> <string name="menu_log">Logi</string> @@ -23,174 +20,65 @@ <string name="menu_apps">Aplikacje</string> <string name="menu_start">Start</string> <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string> - <string name="menu_about">O programie</string> - <string name="menu_wizard">Kreator</string> + <string name="menu_about">Informacje</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> <string name="button_help">Pomoc</string> <string name="button_close">Zamknij</string> - <string name="button_about">O programie</string> - <string name="button_clear_log">Czyść dziennik</string> - <string name="menu_verify">Sprawdź</string> + <string name="button_about">Informacje</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">Wyczyść Logi</string> + <string name="menu_verify">Zaznacz</string> <string name="menu_exit">Wyjście</string> - <string name="powered_by">napędzane oprogramowaniem Projektu Tor</string> - <string name="press_to_start">- wciśnij na dłużej, by uruchomić -</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Przekierowanie przezroczyste (Wymaga uprawnień administratora)</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Przekierowanie przezroczyste</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatyczne toryfikowanie aplikacji</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Przepuść wszystko przez Tora</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Przekierowanie ruchu wszystkich aplikacji przez Tora</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Zapasowy Port Proxy</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">UWAGA: Unika powszechnych portów (80, 443, etc). *UŻYWAĆ TYLKO* gdy 'All' lub tryb 'App' nie działa.</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Lista Portów</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Lista portów, które przechwytywać. *UŻYWAĆ TYLKO* gdy 'All' lub tryb 'App' nie działa.</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Wpisz porty do przechwytywania</string> - <string name="pref_has_root">Żądaj dostępu administratora</string> - <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Żądaj dostępu administratora dla przezroczystego przekierowania</string> - <string name="status_install_success">Binarki Tora pomyslnie zainstalowane!</string> - <string name="status_install_fail">Nie można zainstalować plików binarnych Tora. Zajrzyj do dziennika i powiadom</string> - <string name="title_error">Błąd Aplikacji</string> - <string name="wizard_title">Witamy w Orbocie</string> - <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">O Orbocie</string> + <string name="press_to_start">-Naciśnij i przytrzymaj by uruchomić-</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparenty Proxing (wymaga ROOT'a)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparenty Proxing</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatyczne zastosowanie Tor'a do aplikacji</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Użyj Tor'a dla wszystkich aplikacji</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Ruch proxy dla wszystkich aplikacji przez Tor'a</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Lista portów</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Wprowadź porty dla proxy</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Wymaga dostępu Root'a</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Pliki binarne Tora zainstalowane poprawnie!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">Pliki binarne Tora nie mogły być zainstalowane. Sprawdź Log i skontaktuj się z nami mailowo:</string> + <string name="title_error">Błąd aplikacji</string> + <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">O aplikacji Orbot</string> <string name="btn_next">Dalej</string> - <string name="btn_back">wstecz</string> - <string name="btn_finish">Koniec</string> + <string name="btn_back">Powrót</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Zakończ</string> <string name="btn_okay">OK</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Anuluj</string> - <string name="wizard_details">Niektóre szczegóły o Orbocie</string> - <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot jest otwartą aplikacją zawierającą Tora, LibEvent i Privoxy. Dostarcza lokalnego pośrednika HTTP (8118) i SOCKS (9050) do sieci Tora. Orbot ma możliwość, na urządzeniu uruchomionym z prawami administratora, wysyłać cały ruch internetowy przez Tora.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Dostęp zezwolony</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Prawa dostepu Orbota</string> - <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Doskonale! Odkryliśmy, że masz uprawnienia administratora włączone dla Orbota. Będziemy mądrze korzystać z tej władzy.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Podczas gdy nie jest to wymagane, Orbot może stać się znacznie potężniejszym narzędziem, gdy masz prawa administratora na swoim urządzeniu. Użyj przycisku poniżej, by dać Orbotowi duży uprawnienia.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Jeśli nie masz uprawnień administratora lub nie masz pojęcia, o czym mówimy, używaj aplikacji skonfigurowanych do pracy z Orbotem.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Rozumiem i chcę kontynuować bez uprawnień administratora</string> - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Daj uprawnienia administratora Orbotowi</string> - <string name="wizard_configure">Skonfiguruj Toryfikację</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot daje Ci możliwość przekierowania całego ruchu aplikacji przez Tora ALBO wybrania aplikacji pojedynczo.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_all">Przekierowuj wszystkie aplikacje przez Tora</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Wybierz poszczególne aplikacje dla Tora</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Aplikacje skonfigurowane dla Orbota</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Zachęcamy do pobierania i używania aplikacji, które wiedzą, jak łączyć się bezpośrednio z Orbotem. Kliknij na poniższe przyciski, by zainstalować.</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Bezpieczny komunikator dla Androida</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Ustawienia Proxy - NDowiedz się, jak konfiguroać aplikacje do współpracy z Orbotem</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">Szczegóły</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot jest aplikacją open-source zawierającą Tor'a, LibEvent oraz Privoxy. Ortbot zapewnia local HTTP proxy (8118) oraz SOCKS proxy (9050) w sieci Tor. Na urządzeniach z ROOT'em możliwe jest przekierowanie całego ruchu przez TOR'a.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Pozwolenie Udzielone</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Pozwolenia Orbot'a</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Doskonale! Wykryliśmy, że posiadasz pozwolenia Root'a dla Orbot'a.\nBędziemy używać tych możliwości mądrze.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Choć nie jest to wymagane, Orbot staje się potężniejszym narzędziem, jeżeli twoje urządzenie posiada pozwolenia Root'a. Użyj poniższego przycisku by dać Orbot'owi dodatkowe możliwości.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Jeżeli nie masz pozwoleń Root'a lub nie wiesz o czym tak naprawdę jest mowa, pamiętaj tylko by używać aplikacji, które są przystosowane do pracy z Orbot'em</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Rozumiem, chcę kontynuować bez pozwoleń "Super użytkownika"</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Udostępnij pozwolenia Root'a dla Orbot'a</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot daje ci możliwość przekierowywania całęgo ruchu przez Tor'a lub przekierowywania tylko wybranych aplikacji.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">Przekieruj cały ruch przez Tor'a</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Przekieruj wybrane aplikacje przez Tor'a</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Aplikacje z działającym Orbot'em</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Poniższe aplikacje zostały stworzone do pracy z Orbot'em. Naciśnij każdy z przycisków by zainstalować aplikacje lub zrób to później wyszukując je w Android Market/Google PLAY</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - bezpieczny klient "instant messaging" dla Androida</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Ustawienia Proxy - Naucz się jak skonfigurować aplikacje by działały z Orbot'em</string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Ustawienia Proxy</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Jeśli aplikacja na Androida, której używasz ma obsługę proxy HTTP lub SOCKS, możesz skonfigurować ją do łączenia się z Orbotem i używania Tora.\n\n - Ustawienie hosta to lub "localhost". Dla HTTP, numer portu to 8118. Dla SOCKS pośrednik to 9050. Powinno się używać SOCKS4A lub SOCKS5, jeśli to możliwe. - \n\n - Możesz dowiedzieć się więcej o przekierowaniu ruchu na Androidzie z FAQ pod adresem: - </string> - <string name="wizard_final">Orbot jest gotowy!</string> - <string name="wizard_final_msg">Setki tysięcy ludzi na całym świecie używają Tora z różnych powodów: dziennikarze i blogerzy, działacze na rzecz praw człowieka, stróże prawa, żołnierze, korporacje, obywatele represyjnych reżimów i zwykli obywatele... teraz Ty też możesz!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">Pomyślnie połaczono z siecią Tora - ale to NIE oznacza, że Twoje urządzenie jest bezpieczne. Możesz użyć opcji 'Sprawdź' w menu, aby przetestować swoją przeglądarkę. \n\nOdwiedź nas na lub wyślij email na, by dowiedzieć się więcej.</string> - <string name="tor_check">To otworzy Twoją domyślną przeglądarkę na adresie w celu sprawdzenia, czy Orbot jest skonfigurowany i jest poąłczenie z Torem.</string> - <string name="pref_hs_group">Usługi ukryte</string> - <string name="pref_general_group">Ogólne</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Uruchamiaj Orbota przy starcie</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatycznie uruchamiaj Orbota i łącz się z Torem, gdy Twoje urządzenie z Androidem się uruchomi</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> - <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (tylko Android 1.x) - Przeglądarka zaprojektowana do prywatności i dla Orbota</string> - <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Typ Proxy</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Wpis Typ Proxy</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> - <string name="status">Status</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> - <string name="error">Error</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> - <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> - <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> - <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10-alpha:</string> - <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> - <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> - <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> - <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> - <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Nie można wystartować aplikacji Tor:</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <!--Warning screen--> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Przeglądarka działająca z Tor'em, posiadająca wzmocnioną ochronę prywatności.</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="powered_by">powered by The Tor Project </string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml b/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml index 42c6c8c..f7579bc 100644 --- a/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ <string name="button_clear_log">Limpar Log</string> <string name="menu_verify">Checar</string> <string name="menu_exit">Sair</string> - <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> <string name="press_to_start">- longo clique para iniciar -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxying Transparente (Requer Root)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxying Transparente</string> @@ -55,6 +54,7 @@ <string name="btn_finish">Terminar</string> <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Cancelar</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Alguns detalher do Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot é uma aplicação de código aberto que contém o Tor, LibEvent e Privoxy. Ela provê um proxy HTTP local (8118) e um proxy SOCKS (9050) dentro da rede Tor. Orbot também tem a habilidade, num dispositivo roteado, enviar todo o tráfego da Internet através do Tor</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permissão Concedida</string> @@ -73,33 +73,38 @@ <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Cliente de mensagem instantânea seguro para Android</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Configurações de Proxy - Aprenda como configurar apps para trabalhar com Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Configurações de Proxy</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Se a app Android que você está usando puder suportar o uso de proxy HTTP ou SOCKS, então você pode configurar para conectar ao Orbot e usar o Tor.\n\n - As configurações de host são ou "localhost". Para HTTP, a porta configurada é 8118. Para SOCKS, o proxy é 9050. Você deve usar SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5 se possível. - \n\n - Você pode aprender mais sobre proxy no Android através do FAQ em: - </string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Se a app Android que você está usando puder suportar o uso de proxy HTTP ou SOCKS, então você pode configurar para conectar ao Orbot e usar o Tor.\n\n\n As configurações de host são ou "localhost". Para HTTP, a porta configurada é 8118. Para SOCKS, o proxy é 9050. Você deve usar SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5 se possível.\n \n\n\n Você pode aprender mais sobre proxy no Android através do FAQ em: </string> <string name="wizard_final">Orbot está pronto!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">Centenas de milhares de pessoas ao redor do mundo usam o Tor por uma enorme variedade de razões.\n\nJornalistas e bloggers, defensores dos direitos humanos, oficiais da lei, soldados, corporações, cidadãos em regimes repressivos, e somente cidadãos comuns... e agora você está pronto para usar, também! </string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="connect_first_time">Você se conectou à rede Tor com sucesso - mas isto NÃO significa que seu dispositivo é seguro. Você pode usar a opção 'Checar' no menu para testar seu navegador.\n\nVisite-nos em ou envie um e-mail para para saber mais.</string> <string name="tor_check">Isto irá abrir seu navegador web em com o intuito de ver se o Orbot está provavelmente configurado e você está conectado ao Tor.</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">Serviços Ocultos</string> <string name="pref_general_group">Geral</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Iniciar Orbot no Boot</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automaticamente iniciar o Orbot e conectar o Tor quando seu Android bootar.</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot trouxe Tor para Android!!\n\nTor ajuda você a se defender contra filtro de conteúdo, análises de tráfego e vigilância de rede que ameaçam sua privacidade, informação confidencial e relacionamentos pessoais.\n\nEste assistente irá ajudá-lo a configurar o Orbot e Tor no seu dispositivo.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">Aviso</string> <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simplesmente instalando o Orbot não irá automaticamente anonimizar seu tráfego móvel.\n\nVocê deve configurar apropriadamente o Orbot, seu dispositivo e outras apps para usar o Tor com sucesso.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissões</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Você pode opcionalmente garantir ao Orbot acesso de 'Superusuário' para habilitar recursos avançados, como um proxy transparente.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Se você não quiser fazer isto, tenha certeza de usar apps feitas para trabalhar com o Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Seu dispositivo não parece ser roteado ou prover um acesso 'Superusuário'.\n\nDe maneira a você se beneficiar do Tor, você precisará usar apps criadas para trabalhar com o Orbot, ou que suportem configurações de proxy HTTP ou SOCKS. - -</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Seu dispositivo não parece ser roteado ou prover um acesso 'Superusuário'.\n\nDe maneira a você se beneficiar do Tor, você precisará usar apps criadas para trabalhar com o Orbot, ou que suportem configurações de proxy HTTP ou SOCKS.\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="wizard_tips_title">Apps Orbot Habilitadas</string> <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: App segura para chat com encriptação sem gravação </string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Navegador de reforço de privacidade que trabalha através do Tor</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Proxy Transparente</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Isto permite à suas apps automaticamente rodarem através da rede Tor sem nenhuma configuração.</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Selecione esta caixa se você não souber do que estamos falando)</string> @@ -114,8 +119,9 @@ <string name="pref_entrance_node">Nós de Entrada</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Impressões digitais, apelidos, países e endereços para a primeira etapa</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Insira os Nós de Entrada</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Usar WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Usar as NetFilter APIs proprietárias providas por WhisperSystems (requerido dispositivo com WhisperCore instalado)</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Proxy de Saída da Rede</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Tipo de Proxy</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocolo para usar no servidor proxy: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Insira o Tipo de Proxy</string> @@ -151,7 +157,9 @@ <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *somente* estes nós específicos</string> <string name="bridges">Pontes</string> <string name="use_bridges">Usar pontes</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Pontes Ofuscadas</string> <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Habilitar nós de entrada alternativos dentro da rede Tor</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Habilitar se pontes configuradas forem pontes ofuscadas</string> <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">Endereço IP e porta das pontes</string> <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Insira os Endereços das Pontes</string> <string name="relays">Retransmissores</string> @@ -195,4 +203,12 @@ <string name="error_installing_binares">Os binários Tor não estão disponíveis para serem instalados ou atualizados.</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Sempre manter o ícone na barra de tarefas quando o Orbot está conectado</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Notificações Sempre Ligadas</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Pontes habilitadas!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Selecionar Local</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Escolha o local e idioma para o Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Escolha o Idioma</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Deixe o padrão ou troque o idioma atual</string> + <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Salvar Configurações</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/res/values-pt/strings.xml index 60ec1ee..3e7f20a 100644 --- a/res/values-pt/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-pt/strings.xml @@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ <string name="status_activated">Ligação estabelecida à rede Tor</string> <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot está Desactivado</string> <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot a encerrar</string> - <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> - <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> - <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ATENÇÃO: A sua ligação ainda não é anónima! Por favor configure as suas aplicações para utilizarem o proxy HTTP ou o proxy SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5</string> <string name="menu_home">Início</string> <string name="menu_browse">Explorar</string> @@ -31,166 +28,43 @@ <string name="button_clear_log">Limpar relatório</string> <string name="menu_verify">Check</string> <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string> - <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> <string name="press_to_start">- aguentar pressionado para iniciar - </string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxy Transparente (necessita de root)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxy Transparente</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string> <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor em Tudo</string> <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Passar todo o tráfego das apps pelo Tor</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Lista de Portos</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Introduza portos para proxy</string> - <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string> - <string name="pref_has_root_summary">&gt;Request root access for transparent proxying</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Lista de Portas</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Introduza portas para proxy</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Pedir Acesso como Root</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string> <string name="status_install_success">Binários do Tor instalados com sucesso!</string> - <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify</string> <string name="title_error">Erro de Aplicação</string> <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Sobre o Orbot</string> <string name="btn_next">Próximo</string> - <string name="btn_back">Back</string> - <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string> - <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> - <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string> - <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string> - <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n - The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible. - \n\n - You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: - </string> - <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> - <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> - <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> - <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string> - <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> - <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> - <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> - <string name="status">Status</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> - <string name="error">Error</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> - <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> - <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> - <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10:</string> - <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> - <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> - <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> - <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> - <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="btn_back">Anterior</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Terminar</string> + <string name="btn_okay">OK</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Cancelar</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">Alguns detalhes sobre o Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Autorização concedida</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Permissões do Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Autorizar acesso Root para o Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">Configurar acesso com Tor</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <!--Warning screen--> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-rs-rAR/strings.xml b/res/values-rs-rAR/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc0d516 --- /dev/null +++ b/res/values-rs-rAR/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> +<resources> + <string name="app_name">Orbot</string> + <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> + <string name="default_web_url"></string> + <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> + <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> + <string name="control_permission_label">reiniciar Tor</string> + <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot está iniciándose...</string> + <string name="status_activated">Conectado a la red Tor</string> + <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot está Desactivado</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot se está apagando</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">Completar</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">CIUDADO: Tu tráfico no es anónimo aún! Por favor configura tus aplicaciones para que usen el HTTP proxy o SOCKS4A o el proxy SOCKS5</string> + <string name="menu_home">Inicio</string> + <string name="menu_browse">Navegar</string> + <string name="menu_settings">Configuración</string> + <string name="menu_log">Registro</string> + <string name="menu_info">Ayuda</string> + <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string> + <string name="menu_start">Iniciar</string> + <string name="menu_stop">Detener</string> + <string name="menu_about">Acerca de</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">Asistente</string> + <string name="button_help">Ayuda</string> + <string name="button_close">Cerrar</string> + <string name="button_about">Acerca de</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">Borrar Registros</string> + <string name="menu_verify">Chequear</string> + <string name="menu_exit">Salir</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxying Transparente (Requiere Root)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxying Transparente</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Torificación Automática de Aplicaciones</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Torear Todo</string> + <string name="btn_next">Siguiente</string> + <string name="btn_back">Atrás</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Finalizar</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Cancelar</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot está listo!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <!--Warning screen--> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="powered_by">potenciado por The Tor Project</string> +</resources> diff --git a/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/res/values-ru/strings.xml index ea44987..aa89294 100644 --- a/res/values-ru/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-ru/strings.xml @@ -14,57 +14,57 @@ <string name="tor_process_starting">Запускается клиент Tor...</string> <string name="tor_process_complete">завершено.</string> <string name="tor_process_waiting">ожидание.</string> - <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ВНИМАНИЕ! Ваш поток данных еще не анонимен! Пожалуйста, настройте свои приложения на использование HTTP прокси или SOCKS4A или SOCKS5 прокси</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Ваш трафик еще не анонимен! Пожалуйста, настройте свои приложения на использование HTTP прокси или же SOCKS4A или SOCKS5 прокси</string> <string name="menu_home">Домашняя страница</string> <string name="menu_browse">Просмотр</string> - <string name="menu_settings">Параметры</string> + <string name="menu_settings">Настройки</string> <string name="menu_log">Журнал</string> <string name="menu_info">Справка</string> <string name="menu_apps">Приложения</string> <string name="menu_start">Запустить</string> <string name="menu_stop">Остановить</string> <string name="menu_about">О программе</string> - <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">Мастер</string> <string name="button_help">Справка</string> <string name="button_close">Закрыть</string> <string name="button_about">О программе</string> <string name="button_clear_log">Очистить журнал</string> <string name="menu_verify">Проверка</string> <string name="menu_exit">Выход</string> - <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string> - <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Прозрачный прокси (Требуются привилегии root)</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- долгое нажатие для запуска -</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Прозрачный прокси (Требуются root)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Прозрачный прокси</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Автоматическая торификация приложений</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Автоматическая Tor-ификация Приложений</string> <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Направлять все через Tor</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Трафик всех приложений будет проходить через Tor</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Направлять трафик всех приложений через Tor</string> <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string> - <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string> - <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Обходит общие порты (80, 443, и т.д.). *ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ ТОЛЬКО* если режимы 'Всё' или 'Приложение' не работают.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Список Портов</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Список портов для проксификации. *ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ ТОЛЬКО* если режимы 'Всё' или 'Приложение' не работают.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Введите порты для проксификации</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Запросить root доступ</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Запросить root доступ для прозрачной проксификации</string> <string name="status_install_success">Программа Tor успешно установлена!</string> <string name="status_install_fail">Не удалось установить программу Tor. Пожалуйста, проверьте системный журнал и сообщите нам:</string> <string name="title_error">Ошибка приложения</string> - <string name="wizard_title">Добро пожаловать в Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Об Orbot</string> <string name="btn_next">Вперед</string> <string name="btn_back">Назад</string> <string name="btn_finish">Завершить</string> - <string name="btn_okay">Ok</string> + <string name="btn_okay">OK</string> <string name="btn_cancel">Отмена</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">Некоторые сведенья о программе Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot - это приложение с открытым кодом, которое содержит Tor, LibEvent и Privoxy. Она обеспечивает работу локального HTTP прокси (8118) и SOCKS прокси (9050) в сети Tor. Orbot также позволяет, из корня устройсва, пересылать весь интернет трафик через Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot - это приложение с открытым исходным кодом, которое содержит Tor, LibEvent и Privoxy. Оно предоставляет локальный HTTP прокси (8118) и SOCKS прокси (9050) в сеть Tor. Orbot также позволяет на устройствах с правами root пересылать весь интернет трафик через Tor.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Разрешение получено</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Разрешения Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Отлично! Мы определили, что доступ к корневому каталогу в Orbot разрешен. Мы будем использовать это с умом.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Хотя это не требуется, Orbot может быть более мощным инструментом, если доступ к корневому каталогу устройства разрешен. Нажимите на кнопку ниже и дайте Orbot суперсилу!</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Если у вас нет доступа к корневому каталогу или вы понятия не имеете о чем мы говорим, просто убедитесь, что используете приложения, разработанные для Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Я все понял, продолжу без доступа к корню</string> - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Дать доступ к корю программе Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_configure">Настроить Торификацию</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Отлично! Мы определили, что вы предоставили root права для Orbot. Мы будем использовать эту возможность с умом.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Хотя это и не требуется, Orbot может быть более мощным инструментом, если ваше устройство имеет права root. Нажмите на кнопку ниже и дайте Orbot суперсилу! </string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Если у вас нет root прав или вы не имеете представления о чем мы говорим, просто убедитесь, что используете приложения, разработанные для Orbot.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Я понимаю и хочу продолжить без прав суперпользователя</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Дать root права Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">Настроить Tor-ификацию</string> <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Программа Orbot дает вам возможность маршрутизировать трафик всех приложений через Tor ИЛИ выбрать приложения для маршрутизации самостоятельно.</string> <string name="wizard_configure_all">Маршрутизировать все приложения через Tor</string> <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Выберите приложения для маршрутизации через Tor</string> @@ -72,33 +72,42 @@ <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Мы советуем вам скачать и использовать приложения, которые умеют работать напрямую через Orbot. Нажмите на кнопки ниже, чтобы запустить процесс установки.</string> <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Настройки прокси - узнайте как настроить приложения для работы с Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_duckgo">Приложение поисковой системы Duckduckgo</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox с дополнением Proxy Mobile (после отдельной установки)</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_twitter">Twitter поддерживает http прокси "localhost:8118"</string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Настройки Прокси</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Если используемое вами приложение для Android поддерживает HTTP или SOCKS, то вы можете настоить его на подключение к Orbot и использование Tor.\n\n - Настройки хоста (или localhost) - Для HTTP, номер порта - 8118. Для SOCKS прокси - 9050. По возможности используйте SOCKS4A или SOCKS5. - \n\n - Вы можете узнать больше о работе через прокси на Android, прочитав этот FAQ: - </string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Если используемое вами приложение для Android поддерживает HTTP или SOCKS прокси, то вы можете настроить его на подключение к Orbot и использование Tor.\n\n\n Значение хоста - или "localhost". Для HTTP, номер порта - 8118. Для SOCKS прокси - 9050. По возможности используйте SOCKS4A или SOCKS5.\n\n \n Вы можете узнать больше о работе через прокси на Android, прочитав этот FAQ: </string> <string name="wizard_final">Программа Orbot готова к использованию!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">Сотни тысяч людей по всему миру используют Tor по различным причинам: журналисты и блоггеры, активисты организаций, выступающих в защиту прав человека, судебные исполнители, солдаты, корпорации, граждане стран с репрессивным режимом, и простые люди... а теперь готовы и вы!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time"> Вы успешно подключились к сети Tor, но это НЕ значит, что ваше устройство безопасно. Вы можете воспользоваться функцией 'Проверки' из меню, чтобы потестировать ваш браузер. \n\nПосетите наш сайт: или отправьте нам письмо на адрес:, чтобы узнать больше.</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">Вы успешно подключились к сети Tor, но это НЕ значит, что ваше устройство безопасно. Вы можете воспользоваться функцией 'Проверка' из меню, чтобы протестировать ваш браузер.\n\nПосетите наш сайт: или отправьте нам письмо на адрес, чтобы узнать больше.</string> <string name="tor_check">Это приведет к запуску веб-браузера, выбранного на вашем компьютере по-умолчанию, и подключению к сайту, с целью проверки правильности работы Orbot и определения, подключены ли вы к сети Tor.</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">Скрытые сервисы</string> <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot позволяет использовать Tor в Android!\n\nTor позволяет вам защититься от фильтрации контента, анализа трафика и наблюдения за сетью, что ставит под угрозу приватность, конфиденциальную информацию и личные отношения.\n\nЭтот мастер поможет вам настроить Orbot и Tor на вашем устройстве.</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot позволяет использовать Tor на Android!\n\nTor позволяет вам защититься от фильтрации содержимого, анализа трафика и наблюдения за сетью, которые ставят под угрозу приватность, конфиденциальную информацию и личные отношения.\n\nЭтот мастер поможет вам настроить Orbot и Tor на вашем устройстве.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">Предупреждение</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Просто установка Orbot не будет автоматически анонимировать ваш мобильный трафик.\n\nВы должны правильно настроить Orbot, ваше устройство и другие приложения, что бы успешно использовать Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Просто установка Orbot не сделает автоматически ваш мобильный трафик анонимным.\n\nВы должны правильно настроить Orbot, ваше устройство и другие приложения, что бы успешно использовать Tor.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Разрешения</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Вы так же можете по желанию дать Orbot права 'Суперпользователь' для доступа к продвинутым возможностям, типа Прозрачная Проксификация.</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Если вы не хотите делать это, пожалуйста, удостоверьтесь, что используете приложения созданные для работы с Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Похоже ваше устройство не имеет root прав и не предоставляет доступ 'Суперпользователь'.\n\nЧто бы использовать Tor, вам надо использовать приложения построенные для работы с Orbot или те, которые поддерживают настройку HTTP или SOCKS прокси.\n\n -</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Похоже ваше устройство не имеет root прав и не предоставляет доступ 'Суперпользователь'.\n\nЧто бы использовать Tor, вам надо использовать приложения построенные для работы с Orbot или те, которые поддерживают использование HTTP или SOCKS прокси.\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="wizard_tips_title">Приложения, работающие с Orbot:</string> <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: приложение для безопасной переписки с конфиденциальным шифрованием</string> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Только для версии Android 1.x) - Браузер, разработанный для обеспечения безопасности и для Orbot</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Прозрачное Проксирование</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Это позволяет вашим приложениям автоматически работать по сети Tor без какого-либо конфигурирования.</string> <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Отметьте данный пункт, если вы не знаете о чем идет речь)</string> @@ -113,8 +122,9 @@ <string name="pref_entrance_node">Входные узлы</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Отпечатки, ники, страны и адреса для первого прыжка</string> <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Введите входные узлы</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Использовать WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Использовать проприетарный NetFilter APIs предоставленный WhisperSystems (требует устройство с установленным WhisperCore)</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Исходящая прокси сеть</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Тип Прокси</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Протокол для использования прокси-сервером: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Введите Тип Прокси</string> @@ -150,7 +160,9 @@ <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Использовать *только* эти заданные узлы</string> <string name="bridges">Мосты</string> <string name="use_bridges">Использовать Мосты</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Обфусцированные Мосты</string> <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Включить альтернативные входные узлы в сеть Tor</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Заданные мосты обфусцированы</string> <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP адреса и порты мостов</string> <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Введите Адреса Мостов</string> <string name="relays">Ретрансляторы</string> @@ -194,4 +206,12 @@ <string name="error_installing_binares">Бинарные файлы Tor не смогли установиться или обновится.</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Всегда отображать иконку в панели задач когда Orbot подключен</string> <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Уведомления о постоянной работе</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Мосты включены!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Задать локаль</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Выбрать локаль и язык для Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Выбрать Язык</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Оставить по умолчанию или переключить текущий язык</string> + <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project </string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Сохранить Настройки</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-sv/strings.xml b/res/values-sv/strings.xml index c01c197..2c4f2d9 100644 --- a/res/values-sv/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-sv/strings.xml @@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ <string name="status_activated">Uppkopplad till Tor nätverket</string> <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot är inaktiverad</string> <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot avslutas</string> - <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> - <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> - <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> <string name="not_anonymous_yet">VARNING: Din trafik är inte anonym än! Vänligen konfigurera dina apps att använda HTTP proxy eller SOCKS4A/5 proxy</string> <string name="menu_home">Hem</string> <string name="menu_browse">Browse</string> @@ -29,168 +26,66 @@ <string name="button_close">Stäng</string> <string name="button_about">Om</string> <string name="button_clear_log">Rensa logg</string> - <string name="menu_verify">Check</string> - <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string> - <string name="powered_by">drivs av Tor-projektet</string> - <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string> + <string name="menu_verify">Kontrollera</string> + <string name="menu_exit">Avsluta</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- tryck länge för att starta -</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxy (Kräver Root)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxy</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatisk Torifiering av Appar</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor:a Allt</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">VARNING: Kringgår vanliga portar (80, 443, etc). *ANVÄND ENDAST* om 'Alla' eller 'App'-läge inte fungerar.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port-lista</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Lista över portar att köra genom proxy. *ANVÄND ENDAST* om 'Alla' eller 'App'-läge inte fungerar</string> <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string> - <string name="pref_has_root_summary">&gt;Request root access for transparent proxying</string> - <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string> - <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify</string> - <string name="title_error">Application Error</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">>Request root access for transparent proxying</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Tor-binärer installerades utan problem!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">Tor-binärfilerna kunde inte installeras. Kontrollera loggen och underrätta</string> + <string name="title_error">Applikationsfel</string> <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string> - <string name="btn_next">Next</string> - <string name="btn_back">Back</string> - <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string> - <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> - <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string> - <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string> - <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n - The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible. - \n\n - You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: - </string> - <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> - <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> - <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> - <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> - <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string> - <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> - <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> - <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> - <string name="status">Status</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> - <string name="error">Error</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> - <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> - <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> - <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> - <string name="project_urls"></string> - <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Om Orbot</string> + <string name="btn_next">Nästa</string> + <string name="btn_back">Tillbaka</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Slutför</string> + <string name="btn_okay">OK</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Avbryt</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">Orbot-information</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot är en öppen källkods-applikation som innehåller Tor, LibEvent och Privoxy. Den tillhandahåller en local HTTP-proxy (8118) och en SOCKS-proxy (9050) in i Tor-nätverket. Orbot har också möjligheten, på en rootad enhet, att skicka all internet-trafik genom Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy-inställningar</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="tor_check">Det här kommer att öppna din webbläsare mot för att se om Orbot är rätt konfigurerad och du är uppkopplad mot Tor.</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">Allmänt</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <!--Warning screen--> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Det här är avancerade inställningar som kan minska din anonymitet</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">Ingångsnoder</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy-typ</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protokoll att använda för proxyserver: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy-värd</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy-servernamn</string> + <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Ställer in full transparent proxyfiering...</string> + <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Ställer in app-baserad transparent proxyfiering...</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Kunde inte starta Tor-process:</string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy körs på port:</string> + <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Ställer in port-baserad transparent proxyfiering...</string> + <string name="error">Fel</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">Utgångsnoder</string> + <string name="enter_or_port">Allmänt</string> + <string name="project_home">Projektets hemsidor:</string> + <string name="the_tor_license">Tor-licensen</string> <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10:</string> - <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13:</string> - <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> - <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> - <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> - <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="third_party_software">Tredjepartsprogramvara:</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Välj språk</string> + <string name="powered_by">drivs av Tor-projektet</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/res/values-tr/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aac14cd --- /dev/null +++ b/res/values-tr/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> +<resources> + <string name="app_name">Orbot</string> + <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> + <string name="default_web_url"></string> + <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> + <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> + <string name="control_permission_label">Tor'u başlat ve durdur</string> + <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot başlatılıyor...</string> + <string name="status_activated">Tor ağına bağlandı</string> + <string name="status_disabled">Orbot devre dışı bırakıldı</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot kapatılıyor</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">UYARI: Bağlantınız henüz anonim değildir! Lütfen uygulamalarınızı HTTP veya SOCKS4A / SOCKS5 vekil sunucusu kullanacak şekilde yapılandırınız.</string> + <string name="menu_home">Başlangıç</string> + <string name="menu_browse">Göz At</string> + <string name="menu_settings">Ayarlar</string> + <string name="menu_log">Günlük</string> + <string name="menu_info">Yardım</string> + <string name="menu_apps">Uygulamalar</string> + <string name="menu_start">Başlat</string> + <string name="menu_stop">Durdur</string> + <string name="menu_about">Hakkında</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">Sihirbaz</string> + <string name="button_help">Yardım</string> + <string name="button_close">Kapat</string> + <string name="button_about">Hakkında</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">Günlüğü Temizle</string> + <string name="menu_verify">Kontrol Et</string> + <string name="menu_exit">Çıkış</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- başlatmak için uzun basın -</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparan Vekil Sunuculuğu (Yeniden Başlatma Gerektirir)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparan Vekil Sunuculuğu</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Uygulamalar için Otomatik Tor Uyarlaması</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Herşeyi Tor ile Uyarla</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Tor'a uyarlanmış uygulamaların vekil sunucu bağlantıları</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Vekil Sunucu Yanıtsız Kalma Bildirim Portu</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">UYARI: Genel portlardan (80,443, v.b.) kaçınınız. SADECE 'Hepsi' veya 'Uygulama' modu çalışmadığında kullanınız.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port Listesi</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Vekil sunucu port listesi. SADECE 'Hepsi' veya 'Uygulama' modu çalışmadığında kullanınız.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Vekil sunucu portlarını giriniz</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Yönetici Erişimi Talebi</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Transparan Vekil Sunuculuk için Yönetici Erişimi Talebi</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Tor binarileri başarıyla yüklendi!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">Tor binari dosyaları yüklenemedi. Lütfen günlüğü kontrol ediniz ve adresini kullanarak bilgilendirme yapınız.</string> + <string name="title_error">Uygulama Hatası</string> + <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Orbot Hakkında</string> + <string name="btn_next">İleri</string> + <string name="btn_back">Geri</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Bitir</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <!--Warning screen--> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">Süper Kullanıcı Erişimi Talebi</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps">Uygulamaları Seç</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Tor Üzerinden Yönlendirilecek Uygulamaları Seç</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration">Nokta Konfigürasyonu</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Bu ayarlar bağlantınızın anonimliğini azaltabilecek gelişmiş ayarlardır.</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">Giriş Noktaları</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="powered_by">The Tor Project tarafından desteklenmektedir.</string> +</resources> diff --git a/res/values-uk/strings.xml b/res/values-uk/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..461bf86 --- /dev/null +++ b/res/values-uk/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> +<resources> + <string name="app_name">Orbot</string> + <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> + <string name="default_web_url"></string> + <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> + <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> + <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string> + <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot is starting...</string> + <string name="status_activated">Connected to the Tor network</string> + <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot is Deactivated</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot is shutting down</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string> + <string name="menu_home">Home</string> + <string name="menu_browse">Browse</string> + <string name="menu_settings">Settings</string> + <string name="menu_log">Log</string> + <string name="menu_info">Help</string> + <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string> + <string name="menu_start">Start</string> + <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string> + <string name="menu_about">About</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> + <string name="button_help">Help</string> + <string name="button_close">Close</string> + <string name="button_about">About</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string> + <string name="menu_verify">Check</string> + <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify</string> + <string name="title_error">Application Error</string> + <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string> + <string name="btn_next">Next</string> + <string name="btn_back">Back</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string> + <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n\n The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.\n \n\n\n You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: </string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> + <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> + <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Service Hosting</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> + <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> + <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> + <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Outbound Network Proxy</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Outbound Proxy Type</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Outbound Proxy Host</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Outbound Proxy Port</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> + <string name="status">Status</string> + <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> + <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> + <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> + <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> + <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> + <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> + <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> + <string name="error">Error</string> + <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> + <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> + <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> + <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> + <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> + <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> + <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> + <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> + <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Obfuscated Bridges</string> + <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Enable if configured bridges are obfuscated bridges</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> + <string name="relays">Relays</string> + <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> + <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> + <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> + <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> + <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> + <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> + <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> + <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> + <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> + <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> + <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> + <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> + <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">Hidden Service Hosting</string> + <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">allow on-device server to be accessible via the Tor network</string> + <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> + <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> + <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> + <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> + <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> + <string name="project_urls"></string> + <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> + <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> + <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.17:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v2.1:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v0.9.8h:</string> + <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> + <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> + <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> + <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> + <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> + <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> + <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Bridges enabled!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Set Locale</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Choose the locale and language for Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Choose Language</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Leave default or switch the current language</string> + <string name="powered_by">powered by The Tor Project </string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Save Settings</string> +</resources> diff --git a/res/values-v11/styles.xml b/res/values-v11/styles.xml deleted file mode 100644 index d408cbc..0000000 --- a/res/values-v11/styles.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -<resources> - - <style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light" /> - -</resources> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/res/values-v14/styles.xml b/res/values-v14/styles.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 1c089a7..0000000 --- a/res/values-v14/styles.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -<resources> - - <style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar" /> - -</resources> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/res/values-zh/strings.xml b/res/values-zh/strings.xml index 3e90dbc..964adb0 100644 --- a/res/values-zh/strings.xml +++ b/res/values-zh/strings.xml @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string> <string name="menu_verify">检查</string> <string name="menu_exit">退出</string> - <string name="powered_by">由 Tor 项目强力驱动</string> <string name="press_to_start">- 长按以启动 -</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">透明代理(需要 root)</string> <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">透明代理</string> @@ -55,6 +54,7 @@ <string name="btn_finish">完成</string> <string name="btn_okay">确定</string> <string name="btn_cancel">取消</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="wizard_details">一些 Orbot 详情</string> <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot 是包含 Tor、LibEvent 和 Privoxy 的开源软件。它包含了一个本地 HTTP 代理(8118)和 SOCKS 代理(9050),使您接入 Tor 网络。Orbot 在可以获得 root 权限的设备上接管所有流量经由 Tor 网络。</string> <string name="wizard_permissions_root">已赋予权限</string> @@ -73,118 +73,46 @@ <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">代理设置 - 学习如何配置应用程序使用 Orbot</string> <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">代理设置</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">如果您正在使用的 Android 应用程序支持使用 HTTP 或 SOCKS 代理,您可以配置它连接到 Orbot 并使用 Tor。\n\n - 主机设置为 或 localhost。对于 HTTP,端口为 8118,对于 SOCKS 端口为 9050。如果可能,应当使用 SOCKS4A 或 SOCKS5。 - \n\n - 您可以通过 了解更多 Android 上使用代理的知识。</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">如果您正在使用的 Android 应用程序支持使用 HTTP 或 SOCKS 代理,您可以配置它连接到 Orbot 并使用 Tor。\n\n\n 主机设置为 或 localhost。对于 HTTP,端口为 8118,对于 SOCKS 端口为 9050。如果可能,应当使用 SOCKS4A 或 SOCKS5。\n \n\n\n 您可以通过 了解更多 Android 上使用代理的知识。</string> <string name="wizard_final">Orbot 已就绪!</string> <string name="wizard_final_msg">数以万计的各国人们因为各种原因使用 Tor:记者、人权工作者、法律工作者、士兵、公司、迫于实际情况使用的市民,当然也有普通的市民。现在你也即将成为其中的一员!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> <string name="connect_first_time">您已成功连接至 Tor 网络 - 但这并不意味着您的设备安全。您可以使用“检查”选项测试您的浏览器。\n\n访问 或发送邮件到 以了解更多信息。</string> <string name="tor_check">这将启动默认浏览器并访问 以测试是否正确配置了 Orbot 并确认您是否已经连接到 Tor。</string> <string name="pref_hs_group">隐藏服务</string> <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_title">开机启动Orbot</string> <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">当您的 Android 设备开机时自动启动 Orbot 并连接至 Tor 网络</string> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <!--Warning screen--> <string name="wizard_warning_title">警告</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> <string name="wizard_permissions_title">允许</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (仅 Android 1.x) - 着重隐私设计的浏览器</string> <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> - <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> - <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> - <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> - <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> - <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> + <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> <string name="status">状态</string> - <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> - <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> - <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> - <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> - <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> - <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> - <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> - <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> <string name="bridge_error">网桥错误</string> - <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> - <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> <string name="error">错误</string> - <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> - <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> - <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> - <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> - <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> - <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> - <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> <string name="bridges">网桥</string> <string name="use_bridges">使用网桥</string> - <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">网桥的IP地址和端口</string> - <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> - <string name="relays">Relays</string> - <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> - <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> - <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> - <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> - <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> - <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> - <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> - <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> - <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> - <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> - <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> - <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> - <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string> - <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string> - <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> - <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> - <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> - <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> - <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> <string name="project_urls"></string> <string name="the_tor_license">Tor许可证</string> <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> - <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> - <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> - <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> - <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> - <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> - <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> - <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> - <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f:</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="powered_by">由 Tor 项目强力驱动</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values/strings.xml b/res/values/strings.xml index 34be55c..35837d8 100644 --- a/res/values/strings.xml +++ b/res/values/strings.xml @@ -1,288 +1,224 @@ -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <resources> - <string name="app_name">Orbot</string> - - <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> - <string name="default_web_url"></string> - <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> - <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> - <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string> - <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string> - -<string name="status_starting_up">Orbot is starting...</string> -<string name="status_activated">Connected to the Tor network</string> -<string name="status_disabled">"Orbot is Deactivated</string> -<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot is shutting down</string> - -<string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> -<string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> -<string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> - -<string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string> -<string name="menu_home">Home</string> -<string name="menu_browse">Browse</string> -<string name="menu_settings">Settings</string> -<string name="menu_log">Log</string> -<string name="menu_info">Help</string> -<string name="menu_apps">Apps</string> -<string name="menu_start">Start</string> -<string name="menu_stop">Stop</string> - -<string name="menu_about">About</string> -<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> - -<string name="main_layout_download">Download</string> -<string name="main_layout_upload">Upload</string> - -<string name="button_help">Help</string> -<string name="button_close">Close</string> -<string name="button_about">About</string> - -<string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string> - - -<string name="menu_verify">Check</string> -<string name="menu_exit">Exit</string> -<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> - -<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string> -<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> -<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string> - -<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string> -<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string> - -<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> -<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> - -<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string> -<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> -<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string> - -<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string> -<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string> - -<string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string> -<string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify</string> - -<string name="title_error">Application Error</string> - -<string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> - -<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string> -<string name="btn_next">Next</string> -<string name="btn_back">Back</string> -<string name="btn_finish">Finish</string> - -<string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> -<string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string> - - - <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) --> - <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string> - <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> - - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> - - <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> - <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> - - - <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later on Google Play, at website or via</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> - - <string name="wizard_tips_duckgo">DuckDuckGo Search Engine app</string> - <string name="duckgo_apk_url"></string> - - <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Proxy Mobile add-on for Firefox (</string> - <string name="proxymob_setup_url"></string> - - <string name="wizard_tips_twitter">Set Twitter proxy to host "localhost" and port 8118</string> - <string name="twitter_setup_url"></string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> - <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n - The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible. - \n\n - You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: - </string> - - <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> - <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> - - <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) --> - - <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> - - <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> - - - <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Service Hosting</string> - - <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> - <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> - <!-- New Wizard Strings --> - <!-- Title Screen --> - <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> - <!-- Warning screen --> - <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> - <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> - <!-- Permissions screen --> - <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> - <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> - <!-- TipsAndTricks screen --> - <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> - - <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> - - <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> - <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> - - <string name="wizard_tips_play">Find all Guardian Project apps on Google Play</string> - <string name="wizard_tips_play_url"></string> -<!-- - <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> + <string name="app_name">Orbot</string> + <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string> + <string name="default_web_url"></string> + <string name="secure_default_web_url"></string> + <string name="tor_check_api_url"></string> + <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string> + <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string> + <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot is starting...</string> + <string name="status_activated">Connected to the Tor network</string> + <string name="status_disabled">"Orbot is Deactivated</string> + <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot is shutting down</string> + <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string> + <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string> + <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string> + <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string> + <string name="menu_home">Home</string> + <string name="menu_browse">Browse</string> + <string name="menu_settings">Settings</string> + <string name="menu_log">Log</string> + <string name="menu_info">Help</string> + <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string> + <string name="menu_start">Start</string> + <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string> + <string name="menu_about">About</string> + <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string> + <string name="main_layout_download">Download</string> + <string name="main_layout_upload">Upload</string> + <string name="button_help">Help</string> + <string name="button_close">Close</string> + <string name="button_about">About</string> + <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string> + <string name="menu_verify">Check</string> + <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string> + <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> + <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work.</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if 'All' or 'App' mode doesn't work</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string> + <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string> + <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string> + <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string> + <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify</string> + <string name="title_error">Application Error</string> + <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string> + <string name="btn_next">Next</string> + <string name="btn_back">Back</string> + <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string> + <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> + <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string> + <!--Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string> + <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string> + <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We've detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don't have root access or have no idea what we're talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string> + <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later on Google Play, at website or via</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_duckgo">DuckDuckGo Search Engine app</string> + <string name="duckgo_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Proxy Mobile add-on for Firefox (</string> + <string name="proxymob_setup_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_twitter">Set Twitter proxy to host "localhost" and port 8118</string> + <string name="twitter_setup_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string> + <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n\n The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.\n \n\n\n You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: </string> + <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string> + <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string> + <!--END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH)--> + <string name="connect_first_time">You've successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the 'Check' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at or send an email to to learn more.</string> + <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string> + <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Service Hosting</string> + <string name="pref_general_group">General</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string> + <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string> + <!--New Wizard Strings--> + <!--Title Screen--> + <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string> + <!--Warning screen--> + <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string> + <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string> + <!--Permissions screen--> + <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot 'Superuser' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide 'Superuser' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string> + <!--TipsAndTricks screen--> + <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string> + <string name="gibberbot_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string> + <string name="orweb_apk_url"></string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play">Find all Guardian Project apps on Google Play</string> + <string name="wizard_tips_play_url"></string> + <!--<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string> <string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string> <string name="firefox_apk_url"></string> - <string name="proxymob_url"></string> - --> - <!-- Transparent Proxy screen --> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> - <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> - - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> - <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> - -<string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> -<string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> -<string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> - -<string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> -<string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> - -<string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> -<string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> -<string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> - -<!-- -<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> -<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string> - --> - - <string name="pref_proxy_title">Outbound Network Proxy</string> -<string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Outbound Proxy Type</string> -<string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> -<string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> - -<string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Outbound Proxy Host</string> -<string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> -<string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> - -<string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Outbound Proxy Port</string> -<string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> -<string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> -<string name="status">Status</string> -<string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> -<string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> -<string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> -<string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> -<string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> -<string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> -<string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">"Couldn't start Tor process: "</string> -<string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> -<string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> -<string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> -<string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> -<string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> -<string name="error">Error</string> -<string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> -<string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> -<string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> -<string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> -<string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> -<string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> -<string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> -<string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> -<string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> -<string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> -<string name="bridges">Bridges</string> -<string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> -<string name="bridges_obfuscated">Obfuscated Bridges</string> -<string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> -<string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Enable if configured bridges are obfuscated bridges</string> -<string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> -<string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> -<string name="relays">Relays</string> -<string name="relaying">Relaying</string> -<string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> -<string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> -<string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> -<string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> -<string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> -<string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> -<string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> -<string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> -<string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> -<string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> -<string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> -<string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> -<string name="enable_hidden_services">Hidden Service Hosting</string> -<string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">allow on-device server to be accessible via the Tor network</string> -<string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> -<string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> -<string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> -<string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> -<string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> -<string name="project_urls"></string> -<string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> -<string name="https_torproject_org"></string> -<string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> - - <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.4.3-alpha:</string> -<string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v2.1.1-alpha:</string> -<string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> -<string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> -<string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v0.9.8h:</string> - -<string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> -<string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> -<string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> -<string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> -<string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> -<string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> - -<string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> -<string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> - -<string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> - -<string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> -<string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> - -<string name="notification_using_bridges">Bridges enabled!</string> -<string name="default_bridges"></string> - -<string name="set_locale_title">Set Locale</string> -<string name="set_locale_summary">Choose the locale and language for Orbot</string> - -<string name="wizard_locale_title">Choose Language</string> -<string name="wizard_locale_msg">Leave default or switch the current language</string> - -<string name="powered_by">powered by The Tor Project </string> -<string name="btn_save_settings">Save Settings</string> + <string name="proxymob_url"></string>--> + <!--Transparent Proxy screen--> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string> + <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string> + <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string> + <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string> + <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string> + <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string> + <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string> + <!--<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string> +<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>--> + <string name="pref_proxy_title">Outbound Network Proxy</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Outbound Proxy Type</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Outbound Proxy Host</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Outbound Proxy Port</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string> + <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string> + <string name="status">Status</string> + <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string> + <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string> + <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string> + <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string> + <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn't start Tor process: </string> + <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string> + <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string> + <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string> + <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string> + <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string> + <string name="error">Error</string> + <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string> + <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string> + <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string> + <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string> + <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string> + <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string> + <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string> + <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string> + <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string> + <string name="bridges">Bridges</string> + <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string> + <string name="bridges_obfuscated">Obfuscated Bridges</string> + <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string> + <string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Enable if configured bridges are obfuscated bridges</string> + <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string> + <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string> + <string name="relays">Relays</string> + <string name="relaying">Relaying</string> + <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string> + <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string> + <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string> + <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string> + <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string> + <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string> + <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string> + <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string> + <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string> + <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string> + <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string> + <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string> + <string name="enable_hidden_services">Hidden Service Hosting</string> + <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">allow on-device server to be accessible via the Tor network</string> + <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string> + <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string> + <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string> + <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string> + <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string> + <string name="project_urls"></string> + <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string> + <string name="https_torproject_org"></string> + <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string> + <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.4.3-alpha:</string> + <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v2.1.1-alpha:</string> + <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12:</string> + <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7:</string> + <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v0.9.8h:</string> + <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string> + <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string> + <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string> + <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string> + <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string> + <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string> + <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string> + <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string> + <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string> + <string name="notification_using_bridges">Bridges enabled!</string> + <string name="default_bridges"/> + <string name="set_locale_title">Set Locale</string> + <string name="set_locale_summary">Choose the locale and language for Orbot</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_title">Choose Language</string> + <string name="wizard_locale_msg">Leave default or switch the current language</string> + <string name="powered_by">powered by The Tor Project </string> + <string name="btn_save_settings">Save Settings</string> </resources> diff --git a/res/values/styles.xml b/res/values/styles.xml deleted file mode 100644 index bc024be..0000000 --- a/res/values/styles.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -<resources> - - <style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Black.NoTitleBar" /> - -</resources> \ No newline at end of file