commit c7ed801b14df4d1114c056d85d9f6e6e1f64f58f
Author: Matt Traudt <sirmatt(a)>
Date: Wed Aug 1 19:51:44 2018 -0400
Remove sbws cleanup tests
tests/unit/core/ | 236 ----------------------------------------
1 file changed, 236 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/unit/core/ b/tests/unit/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index 63735e2..0000000
--- a/tests/unit/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-import pytest
-from sbws.globals import touch_file
-import sbws.core.cleanup
-from tests.unit.globals import monotonic_time
-from unittest.mock import patch
-import logging
-import os
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def test_cleanup_no_dotsbws(caplog, args, conf):
- caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
- try:
- sbws.core.cleanup.main(args, conf)
- except SystemExit as e:
- assert e.code == 1
- else:
- assert None, 'Should have failed'
- assert 'Try sbws init' in caplog.records[-1].getMessage()
-def test_cleanup_no_datadir(sbwshome_config, args, conf, caplog):
- '''
- An initialized but rather empty .sbws directory should fail about missing
- ~/.sbws/datadir
- '''
- try:
- sbws.core.stats.main(args, conf)
- except SystemExit as e:
- assert e.code == 1
- else:
- assert None, 'Should have failed'
- assert '{}/datadir does not exist'.format(
- os.path.abspath(sbwshome_config)) == caplog.records[-1].getMessage()
-def test_cleanup_small_stale(sbwshome, caplog, args, conf):
- conf['general']['data_period'] = '1'
- conf['cleanup']['stale_days'] = '2'
- conf['cleanup']['rotten_days'] = '3'
- try:
- sbws.core.cleanup.main(args, conf)
- except SystemExit as e:
- assert e.code == 1
- else:
- assert None, 'Should have failed'
- assert 'cleanup/stale_days (2) must be at least 2 days larger than ' +\
- 'general/data_period (1)' in caplog.records[-1].getMessage()
-def test_cleanup_small_rotten(sbwshome, caplog, args, conf):
- conf['general']['data_period'] = '1'
- conf['cleanup']['stale_days'] = '5'
- conf['cleanup']['rotten_days'] = '4'
- try:
- sbws.core.cleanup.main(args, conf)
- except SystemExit as e:
- assert e.code == 1
- else:
- assert None, 'Should have failed'
- assert 'cleanup/rotten_days (4) must be the same or larger than ' +\
- 'cleanup/stale_days (5)' in caplog.records[-1].getMessage()
-def test_cleanup_medium_stale(sbwshome, caplog, args, conf):
- args.dry_run = False
- conf['general']['data_period'] = '10'
- conf['cleanup']['stale_days'] = '19'
- conf['cleanup']['rotten_days'] = '50'
- sbws.core.cleanup.main(args, conf)
- assert 'cleanup/stale_days (19) is less than twice ' +\
- 'general/data_period (10).' in caplog.records[-1].getMessage()
-def test_cleanup_only_compress_stale(time_mock, sbwshome, caplog, args, conf):
- args.dry_run = True
- caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
- conf['general']['data_period'] = '1'
- conf['cleanup']['stale_days'] = '10'
- conf['cleanup']['rotten_days'] = str(365*2)
- now = 1041379200 # 1,041,379,200 is 1 Jan 2003 00:00:00 UTC
- time_mock.side_effect = monotonic_time(start=now)
- j = os.path.join
- dd = j(sbwshome, 'datadir')
- sub_a = j(dd, 'a')
- sub_b = j(dd, 'b')
- sub_ab = j(dd, 'a', 'b')
- for dname in [sub_a, sub_b, sub_ab]:
- os.makedirs(dname, exist_ok=True)
- should_compress_fnames = [
- j(dd, '2002-01-01aaaa.txt'),
- j(sub_a, '2002-10-01bbbb.txt'),
- j(sub_b, '2002-10-10-cccc.txt'),
- j(sub_a, '2002-10-10.dddd.txt'),
- j(sub_ab, '2002-11-30.txt'),
- ]
- should_ignore_fnames = [
- j(sub_b, '2002-10-10.nottxt'), # wrong ext, should be ignored
- j(sub_a, '200j-10-10.txt'), # not YYYY-MM-DD*.txt, should be ignored
- ]
- for fname in should_ignore_fnames + should_compress_fnames:
- touch_file(fname)
- sbws.core.cleanup.main(args, conf)
- should_compress_fnames = [f + '.gz' for f in should_compress_fnames]
- expected_fnames = should_ignore_fnames + should_compress_fnames +\
- [os.path.join(dd, '.lockfile')]
- existing_fnames = []
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dd):
- for fname in files:
- existing_fnames.append(os.path.join(root, fname))
- expected_fnames.sort()
- existing_fnames.sort()
- assert expected_fnames == existing_fnames
-def test_cleanup_only_delete_rotten(time_mock, sbwshome, caplog, args, conf):
- caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
- args.dry_run = False
- conf['general']['data_period'] = '1'
- conf['cleanup']['stale_days'] = '10'
- conf['cleanup']['rotten_days'] = str(365*2)
- now = 1041379200 # 1,041,379,200 is 1 Jan 2003 00:00:00 UTC
- time_mock.side_effect = monotonic_time(start=now)
- j = os.path.join
- dd = j(sbwshome, 'datadir')
- sub_a = j(dd, 'a')
- sub_b = j(dd, 'b')
- sub_ab = j(dd, 'a', 'b')
- for dname in [sub_a, sub_b, sub_ab]:
- os.makedirs(dname, exist_ok=True)
- should_delete_fnames = [
- j(dd, '2000-01-01aaaa.txt'),
- j(sub_a, '2000-10-01bbbb.txt'),
- j(sub_b, '2000-10-10-cccc.txt'),
- j(sub_a, '2000-10-10.dddd.txt'),
- j(sub_a, '2000-10-11.eeee.txt.gz'),
- j(dd, '2000-10-12.txt.gz'),
- j(sub_ab, '2000-11-30.txt'),
- ]
- should_ignore_fnames = [
- j(dd, '2002-12-31.txt'), # too new, should be ignored
- j(dd, '2003-01-01.txt'), # today, should be ignored
- j(dd, '2003-02-10.txt'), # in the future, should be ignored
- j(sub_b, '2000-10-10.nottxt'), # wrong ext, should be ignored
- j(sub_a, '200j-10-10.txt'), # not YYYY-MM-DD*.txt, should be ignored
- j(dd, '1999-1*-11.txt.gz'), # not YYYY-MM-DD*.txt.gz, should ignore
- ]
- for fname in should_ignore_fnames + should_delete_fnames:
- touch_file(fname)
- sbws.core.cleanup.main(args, conf)
- expected_fnames = should_ignore_fnames + [os.path.join(dd, '.lockfile')]
- existing_fnames = []
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dd):
- for fname in files:
- existing_fnames.append(os.path.join(root, fname))
- expected_fnames.sort()
- existing_fnames.sort()
- assert expected_fnames == existing_fnames
-def test_cleanup_nothing_to_do(sbwshome, caplog, args, conf):
- caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
- args.dry_run = False
- try:
- sbws.core.cleanup.main(args, conf)
- except Exception as e:
- assert None, 'Nothing bad should have happened, but this did: {}'\
- .format(e)
-def test_cleanup_compress_barely_stale(time_mock, sbwshome, caplog, args,
- conf):
- args.dry_run = False
- caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
- conf['general']['data_period'] = '1'
- conf['cleanup']['stale_days'] = '10'
- conf['cleanup']['rotten_days'] = '30'
- now = 1443571200 # 1,443,571,200 is 30 Sep 2015 00:00:00 UTC
- time_mock.side_effect = monotonic_time(start=now)
- dd = os.path.join(sbwshome, 'datadir')
- fname_compress1 = os.path.join(dd, '2015-09-19.txt')
- fname_compress2 = os.path.join(dd, '2015-09-20.txt')
- fname_leave = os.path.join(dd, '2015-09-21.txt')
- touch_file(fname_compress1)
- touch_file(fname_compress2)
- touch_file(fname_leave)
- sbws.core.cleanup.main(args, conf)
- expected_fnames = [
- fname_compress1 + '.gz',
- fname_compress2 + '.gz',
- fname_leave,
- os.path.join(dd, '.lockfile'),
- ]
- existing_fnames = []
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dd):
- for fname in files:
- existing_fnames.append(os.path.join(root, fname))
- expected_fnames.sort()
- existing_fnames.sort()
- assert expected_fnames == existing_fnames
-def test_cleanup_delete_barely_rotten(time_mock, sbwshome, caplog, args, conf):
- args.dry_run = False
- caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
- conf['general']['data_period'] = '1'
- conf['cleanup']['stale_days'] = '5'
- conf['cleanup']['rotten_days'] = '20'
- now = 1443571200 # 1,443,571,200 is 30 Sep 2015 00:00:00 UTC
- time_mock.side_effect = monotonic_time(start=now)
- dd = os.path.join(sbwshome, 'datadir')
- fname_rotten1 = os.path.join(dd, '2015-09-09.txt')
- fname_rotten2 = os.path.join(dd, '2015-09-10.txt')
- fname_leave = os.path.join(dd, '2015-09-11.txt')
- touch_file(fname_rotten1)
- touch_file(fname_rotten2)
- touch_file(fname_leave)
- sbws.core.cleanup.main(args, conf)
- expected_fnames = [
- fname_leave + '.gz',
- os.path.join(dd, '.lockfile'),
- ]
- existing_fnames = []
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dd):
- for fname in files:
- existing_fnames.append(os.path.join(root, fname))
- expected_fnames.sort()
- existing_fnames.sort()
- assert expected_fnames == existing_fnames