commit 2cec8e015c7be24a7c5919ab4ddc9b40a7d8745a
Author: David Fifield <david(a)>
Date: Thu Mar 7 01:25:39 2013 -0800
Remove facilitator-reg-url, replaced by facilitator-reg-daemon.
facilitator/facilitator-reg-url | 157 --------------------------------
facilitator/init.d/facilitator-reg-url | 118 ------------------------
2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 275 deletions(-)
diff --git a/facilitator/facilitator-reg-url b/facilitator/facilitator-reg-url
deleted file mode 100755
index 591c0f1..0000000
--- a/facilitator/facilitator-reg-url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import base64
-import getopt
-import traceback
-import socket
-import time
-import os
-from M2Crypto import RSA
-import fac
-DEFAULT_RSA_KEY_FILE = "/etc/flashproxy/reg-url.key"
-DEFAULT_LOG_FILE = "/var/log/facilitator-reg-url.log"
-LOG_DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
-# M2Crypto RSA object
-rsa = None
-class options(object):
- log_filename = DEFAULT_LOG_FILE
- log_file = sys.stdout
- debug = False
- daemonize = True
- safe_logging = True
- pid_filename = None
-def usage():
- print """
-Usage: %(progname)s
-Helper daemon for registration by indirect URL. Receives
-client addresses from facilitator.cgi, decrypts them and
-registers them with the facilitator.
- -h, --help print this help message and exit.
- -d, --debug don't daemonize, log to stdout.
- -k, --key=KEYFILE read the RSA private key from KEYFILE.
- -f, --facilitator=ADDR register with facilitator listening at ADDR.
- -p, --port=PORT listen for registrations on this port (default %(port)s).
- -l, --log FILE write log to FILE (default "%(log)s").
- --pidfile FILE write pid to file after daemonizing.
- --unsafe-logging don't scrub IP addresses from logs.
-""" % {
- "progname": sys.argv[0],
- "port": DEFAULT_PORT,
-def safe_str(s):
- """Return s if options.safe_logging is true, and "[scrubbed]" otherwise."""
- if options.safe_logging:
- return "[scrubbed]"
- else:
- return s
-def log(msg):
- print >> options.log_file, (u"%s %s" % (time.strftime(LOG_DATE_FORMAT), msg)).encode("UTF-8")
- options.log_file.flush()
-def register(reg):
- try:
- ciphertext = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(reg)
- client_spec = str(rsa.private_decrypt(ciphertext, RSA.pkcs1_oaep_padding).decode('UTF-8'))
- except:
- log(u"Error occurred while decoding and decrypting registration:")
- traceback.print_exc(file=options.log_file)
- return False
- try:
- client_addr = fac.parse_addr_spec(client_spec)
- except ValueError:
- log(u"Registration of %s failed because of parsing error:" % safe_str(client_spec))
- traceback.print_exc(file=options.log_file)
- return False
- if not fac.put_reg(options.facilitator, client_addr):
- log(u"Regstration of %s failed at the facilitator." % safe_str(client_spec))
- return False
- log(u"Registered %s" % safe_str(client_spec))
- return True
-def loop():
- sock = socket.socket()
- sock.bind(('', options.port))
- sock.listen(5)
- while True:
- client, _ = sock.accept()
- reg, buf = "", ""
- while True:
- buf = client.recv(4096)
- if buf == "":
- break
- reg += buf
- if register(reg):
- client.send("\x00")
- else:
- client.send("\x01")
- client.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
- client.close()
-def main():
- opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hdl:p:k:f:", ["help", "debug", "log=", "port=", "key=", "facilitator=", "pidfile=", "unsafe-logging"])
- for o, a in opts:
- if o == "-h" or o == "--help":
- usage()
- sys.exit(0)
- if o == "-d" or o == "--debug":
- options.daemonize = False
- options.log_filename = False
- if o == "-l" or o == "--log":
- options.log_filename = a
- if o == "-p" or o == "--port":
- options.port = int(a)
- if o == "-k" or o == "--key":
- options.key_file = a
- if o == "-f" or o == "--facilitator":
- options.facilitator = fac.parse_addr_spec(a, resolve=True)
- if o == "--pidfile":
- options.pid_filename = a
- if o == "--unsafe-logging":
- options.safe_logging = False
- if options.daemonize:
- log(u"daemonizing")
- pid = os.fork()
- if pid != 0:
- if options.pid_filename:
- f = open(options.pid_filename, "w")
- print >> f, pid
- f.close()
- sys.exit(0)
- if options.log_filename:
- options.log_file = open(options.log_filename, "a")
- log(u"Starting on port %s" % options.port)
- # Load RSA key.
- try:
- global rsa
- rsa = RSA.load_key(options.key_file)
- except:
- log(u"Failed to load RSA private key:")
- traceback.print_exc(file=options.log_file)
- sys.exit(1)
- loop()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/facilitator/init.d/facilitator-reg-url b/facilitator/init.d/facilitator-reg-url
deleted file mode 100755
index c6c129a..0000000
--- a/facilitator/init.d/facilitator-reg-url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Provides: facilitator-reg-url
-# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
-# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
-# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
-# Short-Description: Flash proxy URL registration helper.
-# Description: Debian init script for the flash proxy URL registration daemon.
-# Author: Alexandre Allaire <alexandre.allaire(a)>
-# Based on /etc/init.d/skeleton from Debian 6.
-DESC="Flash proxy URL registration daemon."
-DAEMON_ARGS="--key $CONFDIR/reg-url.key --log $LOGFILE --pidfile $PIDFILE"
-# Exit if the package is not installed
-[ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0
-. /lib/init/
-. /lib/lsb/init-functions
-# Function that starts the daemon/service
- # Return
- # 0 if daemon has been started
- # 1 if daemon was already running
- # 2 if daemon could not be started
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON --test > /dev/null \
- || return 1
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON -- \
- || return 2
-# Function that stops the daemon/service
- # Return
- # 0 if daemon has been stopped
- # 1 if daemon was already stopped
- # 2 if daemon could not be stopped
- # other if a failure occurred
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --pidfile $PIDFILE
- RETVAL="$?"
- [ "$RETVAL" = 2 ] && return 2
- # Wait for children to finish too if this is a daemon that forks
- # and if the daemon is only ever run from this initscript.
- # If the above conditions are not satisfied then add some other code
- # that waits for the process to drop all resources that could be
- # needed by services started subsequently. A last resort is to
- # sleep for some time.
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry=0/30/KILL/5 --exec $DAEMON
- [ "$?" = 2 ] && return 2
- rm -f $PIDFILE
- return "$RETVAL"
-case "$1" in
- start)
- [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
- do_start
- case "$?" in
- 0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
- 2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
- esac
- ;;
- stop)
- [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
- do_stop
- case "$?" in
- 0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
- 2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
- esac
- ;;
- status)
- status_of_proc "$DAEMON" "$NAME" && exit 0 || exit $?
- ;;
- restart|force-reload)
- log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
- do_stop
- case "$?" in
- 0|1)
- do_start
- case "$?" in
- 0) log_end_msg 0 ;;
- 1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
- *) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
- esac
- ;;
- *)
- # Failed to stop
- log_end_msg 1
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}" >&2
- exit 3
- ;;