Pier Angelo Vendrame pushed to branch main at The Tor Project / Applications / tor-browser-build
Commits: 06902e0b by Pier Angelo Vendrame at 2025-03-03T17:53:17+01:00 Bug 41384: Fix the way we fetch OpenSSL sha256.
OpenSSL used to have only the hash of the source archive in their .sha256 file, without the archive name. At a certain point, they moved to the format generated by sha256sum, so we need to update relprep.py to take that into account.
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1 changed file:
- tools/relprep.py
===================================== tools/relprep.py ===================================== @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class ReleasePreparation: hash_url = f"https://github.com/openssl/openssl/releases/download/openssl-%7Bversion%7D/o..." r = requests.get(hash_url) r.raise_for_status() - source["sha256sum"] = r.text.strip() + source["sha256sum"] = r.text.strip()[:64] self.save_config("openssl", config) logger.debug("Updated OpenSSL to %s and config saved.", version)
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-build/-/commit/06...