richard pushed to branch tor-browser-115.7.0esr-13.5-1 at The Tor Project / Applications / Tor Browser
Commits: fd8ea798 by Pier Angelo Vendrame at 2024-02-07T12:13:26+00:00 Revert "Bug 42374: Check for spoof English in number conversions"
This reverts commit a7932fac62c8a955bdc3f08a9b81b7f2562a4eff.
We are instead backporting the uplifted commits.
- - - - - e750db60 by Pier Angelo Vendrame at 2024-02-07T12:13:26+00:00 Bug 1875306 - Localize numbers in the underflow and overflow error messages. r=emilio
Differential Revision: - - - - - f8f90f9f by Pier Angelo Vendrame at 2024-02-07T12:13:26+00:00 Bug 1875313 - Use en-US as a fallback when spoof English is enabled in ICUUtils. r=timhuang,tjr
Differential Revision:
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- intl/unicharutil/util/ICUUtils.cpp
===================================== intl/unicharutil/util/ICUUtils.cpp ===================================== @@ -47,15 +47,13 @@ void ICUUtils::LanguageTagIterForContent::GetNext(nsACString& aBCP47LangTag) {
if (mCurrentFallbackIndex < 2) { mCurrentFallbackIndex = 2; - // Else take the app's locale: - + // Else take the app's locale (or en-US, if spoof English applies): const bool spoofLocale = nsContentUtils::SpoofLocaleEnglish() && !mContent->OwnerDoc()->AllowsL10n(); if (spoofLocale) { aBCP47LangTag.AssignLiteral("en-US"); return; } - nsAutoCString appLocale; LocaleService::GetInstance()->GetAppLocaleAsBCP47(aBCP47LangTag); return;
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