Did report_ids get regenerated when reports were converted from YAML to JSON? I think they did but I want to make sure.
For example, I have a copy of the old YAML report 20140428T232415Z-AS1241-http_requests_test-v1-probe.yaml.gz. It has a report_id ending in "zuj":
report_filename: 20140428T232415Z-AS1241-http_requests_test-v1-probe.yaml report_id: 2014-04-28aqfgmdfzxjwmreodmroptzeugvanvtznhclirzuj
The new corresponding JSON file seems to be https://ooni-public.s3.amazonaws.com/json/2014-02-28.json (requires an access key). Its report_id instead ends in "ois":
"report_filename": "20140428T232415Z-AS1241-http_requests_test-v1-probe.yaml", "report_id": "2014-04-28nltgjbivffrtkqsvpoaudhgsgyafkbfldqncrois"