Tom Lowenthal transcribed 0.9K bytes:
Hello fine folks,
On Monday, we will once again meet in a hangout at 0900 to discuss the future of network measurement, and our contribution thereto. Especially if you had any difficulty joining last week, I entreat you to be in #ooni at 0850 so that we can try to get up to code and properly grounded before 0900.
Here's my proposal for an agenda. If you have suggestions for additions or subtractions let's wrangle by email, but not not at 0830 on Monday.
0900 Convene: how are folks feeling, how's it going. 0910 Report: core team, what did you do this week, and what are you planning? 0940 Assess: how close are we to our nearest deliverable, what does each of us have to do to get there? 1000 Adjourn
No homework this week. Enjoy your weekend!
I made a Google Calendar event for this which is repeating, is public, allows adding/inviting guests, and (I think? Not really sure how to use the Googles) since there is a video call attached to it and an alarm, that the following will automatically occur:
0825 PST / 1525 UTC / 1725 CEST Reminder: popup on whatever (if any) device with an attached Google account that has been configured to accept reminder notifications.
0830 PST / 1530 UTC / 1730 CEST It should automagically video call anyone confirmed on the guest list (not exactly sure how/if this works).
I have a rather frightening looking link, as well, which claims it will "automatically add this event to your Google Calendar": https://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=Mm8yNG51bmhj...
Tempted to say hello to the NSA here, but I'll leave my trolling out of it. Let me know if I should tone down or remove some of the Googly automagics.
Tom, Aaron, Arturo, and Jake, I've already invited you, whatever that means.
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