I've written a initial wiki page with our meeting schedule and communication norms at https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/wiki/Communication.
Other notes: * All ooni-related mail should either go to the ooni-dev list or CC me. If you're sending something to the list and there's a specific ask for me, you can also CC me to get my attention. * All M-Lab-related mail should CC Meredith. * It's expected that an email directed to one of us with a specific ask will be answered within 24 hours on week-days. * Email expecting a response or action should indicate this in the subject line.
# Next Actions
* Subscribe to the ooni-dev mailing list at: https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ooni-dev. * Edit that wiki page to add your public contact info, including an email address and your Github handle. If you have other communication preferences or foibles, this is a good place for them too.
# Optional Actions
* Look through the issues, and assign them to yourself if needed. * File new issues for things you think aren't covered. * Write wiki pages documenting other agreements or knowledge captured this week.
Thanks, -Tom