Tom Lowenthal transcribed 2.2K bytes:
I intend to meet in the pixellated video realm that is Google Hangouts.
Hey everyone,
It seemed like I wasn't the only cause for delay, but since I contributed: apologies!
It was really good to hear/see everyone, are there plans to be make this a weekly occurrence? (Not that I *like* the NSA seeing me on camera when I've just woken up, but I don't know of any open source, secure, video chat services that actually work.)
0910: Berlin takeaways: what's on your plate that isn't captured on Github?
We did a lot of ticket triage, and not much discussion of this, which is fair because Jake had to take off early.
I'm still a bit confused. I was under the very strong impression that someone (honestly couldn't figure out who) *really* didn't want me to work on OONI, so I started preparing other things to work on. From the way things were discussed in the call, it seemed that it is expected that I *will* be working on OONI -- which just makes me more confused.
I thought I'd done something so horribly wrong that no one even wanted to tell me what I did. (Enter sneaky paranoia spiral.) It's not productive, nor healthy, for me to be burning cycles trying to figure out whether my help is wanted. If anyone hates my guts, please, please just say it and save my time. Or, if I am being way too paranoid, and I've totally interpreted this the wrong way, feel free to say that too.
tl;dr: You all should say whatever you want to me, whenever. It will be way less annoying than trying to figure out who thinks what and why.
Not to end on a negative note, it really was good to talk to everyone.
That's all for now. I'll see all your gorgeous smiling faces on Monday.
Thanks for organising and facilitating, Tom!
- -- ♥Ⓐ isis agora lovecruft _________________________________________________________ GPG: 4096R/A3ADB67A2CDB8B35 Current Keys: https://blog.patternsinthevoid.net/isis.txt