great to see you're on top of things!
It'd be nice to coordinate times somehow. Examples:
- it's better if tails workshop happens after Tor and Tails intro talks so people that got interested during the talks can show up in workshop.
- it's better if users and volunteers meetups don't collide with any of the above, and with eachotehr, so everyone interested can go in all of them.
There's a place in the form called "Submission note" which i think is for info like this. Maybe we want to add a standardized text so it's clear these activities are coordinated?
Excellent idea! I'm happy to paste that text into the event I've submitted once you've written it (I don't speak pt_BR). What you wrote above is a pretty good start IMO.
By the way, if someone could translate into pt_BR the description of the event I've submitted already, I could update it on the website:
- title: "Tails and Tor users meetup" - abstract: "You're using Tails or Tor? Meet contributors to these projects, tell us what you like and what you dislike, help us prioritize our work!"
Feel free to improve the text along the way. Thanks in advance :)