I'm Tim (or teor), and I live in Australia.
I'm not really part of the global south. But I know what it is like to be a long way away in a different timezone.
Here are a few of the action items we discussed during our two Global South sessions at the Amsterdam Tor Meeting:
- More Tor infrastructure in the Global South (relays, DirAuths,
BWAuths, etc)
I am helping micah and ilv work on this, starting with bandwidth servers.
One thing I'd like to prioritize personally is holding the Tor Meeting in the Global South. We discussed some possible locations and some of the metrics we'd need to consider in identifying good places. Those metrics include:
- overall cost
- visa requirements
- length of travel from the EU and the US/Canada (though we will
consider this, we discussed how people in the Global South have had to deal with long travel times to the EU for all past meetings, so if we find a good place that is a great distance from the EU, so be it)
- internet speeds
Tor will be slower anywhere in the global south, because most guards are in North America / Europe. (It amazed me how fast Tor was in Amsterdam compared with Canberra.)
But it will be good for people to know what it is like.
Any other data points that we should consider? Anyone want to throw out some initial ideas for host cities? Some of the cities already discussed a bit include Quito, Mexico City, São Paulo, and Lima. There was some rough consensus that South America is the best first place for a meeting in the South, but it would be great to hear from people who disagree on that.
I think South America is a great first place.
Some countries in South-East Asia have excellent internet, and cheap and good hotels. But they are a long way away from both the EU and North America. And I'm not sure of the visa requirements.
T -- Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B ricochet:ekmygaiu4rzgsk6n xmpp: teor at torproject dot org ------------------------------------------------------------------------