On Mon, Apr 09, 2018 at 08:52:00PM +0000, Rafael Bonifaz wrote:
Hi again,
I see there are two projects in the trac page of Global South team[1]:
- Tor Relay Campaign in Latin America
- Global South Tor Trainer Support
There isn't much information of the status of those projects. What actions are being taking for the Tor Relay Campaign? Where do you need help?
Thanks for the interest.
I am involved in the first one. It is not actually a tor relay campaingper se but it can be seen that way. We (Derechos Digitales) have been coordinating with local organizations and people in a set of countries in Latin America to promote privacy and anonymity online by helping to enhance the Tor network. For this there are two main tasks considered:
2) Mapping of legal aspects related to the operation of exit relays and the use of the Tor network. This is being coordinated with local lawyers with experience in this matters.
1) Setup of new exit relays. This should be done with the help of technical people in place.
The set of countries so far include Mexico, Argentina and Costa Rica. We just contacted someone in Nicaragua to help us find organizations interested in this. If you think we can do this in Ecuador, please contact me so we can talk :)
Together with this we've been (and would be) working in techincal and non-technical documentation in Spanish, including graphical material as well.
We hope to release a draft of the mapping and a first version of the documentation by the end of this month/beginning of the next.
That is all I can summarize for now. Hope it answers your question, and again if you are interested in doing this in Ecuador let's talk.
Saludos. --i