Hi ilv,
On 18 Jun 2017, at 06:10, ilv@torproject.org wrote:
I wanted to let you know that at derechos digitales we wrote a basic tor exit notice in spanish. You can find it in [1] and a mirror in [2].
This is great! There are a lot of relays in Spanish-speaking countries.
We look forward to receive feedback from the community to improve it (content, ui, etc), hoping that it could be useful to other relay operators.
You can make a pull request to https://github.com/chgans/tor-exit-notice which has US, FR, and DE at the moment.
You can also email tor-relays@lists.torproject.org to tell relay operators about the notice.
We have also added legal info of some countries. Feedback and contributions in this matter are welcome as well :)
[1] https://0xacab.org/tortola/exit-notice [2] https://github.com/derechosdigitales/tor-exit-notice
Saludos. --i
-- Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B ricochet:ekmygaiu4rzgsk6n xmpp: teor at torproject dot org ------------------------------------------------------------------------