For the benefit of the mailing list archive, here is the merge request:
Add covert-dtls to proxy and client
On Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 10:34:48PM +0100, Theodor Midtlien wrote:
The patch on my GitLab fork is outdated. I have a new patch that I had some issues with and haven't looked at it for a while.
Problems with connectivity in Russia are unfortunate news, and now that the new webrtc version has been merged, I am motivated to work on this ASAP. I will look at it this week, hopefully I will have a patch ready for testing over the weekend.
I will keep everyone posted.
Cheers, Theodor
tor. 21. nov. 2024 kl. 17:37 skrev David Fifield
Recently there have been problems with Snowflake connectivity in Russia. WebRTC data connections are being established, but then stop working after some amount of traffic is exchanged. cohosh has investigated and whatever the cause is, it's not straightforward DTLS fingerprinting. Theodor, what's the status of your covertDTLS patch to Snowflake? Is it ready to be run as a test client? If so, can you provide brief instructions on how to do it? Snowflake recently updated to pion/webrtc/v4, which I seem to recall was a blocker for covertDTLS integration. Here's where we discussed this topic in the team meeting today. P.S. I Cced the mailing list.