I got an email saying that the snowflake bridge and broker VPSes need to be restarted to migrate them to a new storage backend. If we don't do it, it will happen automatically some time next week.
Is there a better time to schedule the restart?
----- Forwarded message from "eclips.is" support@eclips.is -----
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 11:52:08 +0000 From: "eclips.is" support@eclips.is
Dear eclips.is user,
We are performing an update on our virtualization platform, this requires a change in the configuration of the storage backend. Due to this update your VPS needs to be stopped/started. We will execute this for you next week.
If you prefer to plan this on your own, please feel free to stop/start your VPS yourself. By doing so, the VPS will be moved to the updated platform.
Note: A reboot from within the machine itself will not be sufficient.
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