[TWN team] Help desk roundup

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Tue Jun 24 18:33:02 UTC 2014

Matt Pagan:
> Lunar, I saw that my help desk roundup wasn't so clear. I'm responding
> to you on this list because I currently can't get on OFTC (tor-banned,
> thanks Bob, etc.).

Ah, sorry… :(

> Should I clarify some part of it?
> Should I write up a different topic?

Sherief suggested writing about the clock synchronization issue.
I thought that was a good idea and I thought that we could always run
your text next week. Sorry I had a look so late.

So your paragraph read:

    The help desk has gotten asked about the "ethics behind Tor". Tor's
    technical design decisions are laid out in our various design
    documents [XXX]. Videos like Roger's talk at Internet Days [XXX] or
    Jake and Roger's talks at the Chaos Communications Congress in
    2011 [XXX] and 2013 [XXX] remain good resources on the  social and
    cultural motivations for Tor.

I am not sure I understand what the user question was, and what it was
about. “Ethics” is a really broad theme… The first part of the answer
mentions technical design decisions. To my understanding, technical
decisions are not usually viewed as being part of a group's ethics.
So this got me confused about the whole paragraph.

Lunar                                             <lunar at torproject.org>
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