[ux] Feedback on my usability evaluation of tor launcher wiki page

Linda Naeun Lee linda at torproject.org
Fri Feb 10 13:55:08 UTC 2017

Hi all,

I would like some feedback on my writing. I've gotten my paper accepted 
into PETS under the condition that I add a section explaining my design 
considerations[1], which the shepherd thinks it's arguably the most 
valuable part of my paper. Since it doesn't exist before yesterday, I 
would like feedback on 1) if this is helpful 2) if it is accurate and 3) 
if I should add anything.

If you have time, I would love for you to read the whole wiki page[2] 
and give me feedback on the outline! I've ordered things in the wiki 
differently than my paper, but I think this makes more sense. But let me 
know if it doesn't!


P.S.: Yes, it's long-ish, but it's much, much shorter than my 21-page 
conference-style paper. ;)

[2] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorLauncherUX2016
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