[ux] Tor Configuration Dialogue User Study Update

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Tue Dec 1 22:54:56 UTC 2015

Linda Naeun Lee:
> My name is Linda Lee, a cs security researcher at Berkeley looking to make
> Tor more usable for censorship circumvention. My colleagues (David Fifield,
> Nathan Malkin, Ganesh Iyer) are looking at the configuration interface with
> regarding bridges and proxies.

Great work!

For the record, there was some discussions on how to improve the
situation for Tails as well:

For Tails it's more complicated because they are more aspects that could
prevent users to reach the Tor network. On top of my mind: bad Wi-Fi
password, MAC address spoofing getting in the way, DHCP server being
down, wrong system clock… But the test framework is probably reusable to
assess if future improvements make sense.

Lunar                                             <lunar at torproject.org>
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