[tor-talk] Tor-friendly email provider

Oskar Wendel o.wendel at wp.pl
Sat Sep 24 12:53:04 UTC 2016

Hash: SHA1

Joe Btfsplk:

> I don't think GMX allows using Tor, but they don't offer anything 
> special - as to privacy, security.  They're not a lot different than 
> most others - anymore.

Hmm, I don't need extra privacy or security, a "normal" one would be 
enough :)

Anyway, I noticed that bitmessage.ch allows creating a meaningful alias to 
give out to people, so I registered there, gave the address to some people 
I talk to with email and I'm currently testing it. Seems promising...

> What is it about Riseup that you don't like?  Just curious.  I've not 
> used it, but most people seem to like it.

Riseup silently drops email with certain words in the subject. I have 
notified them and I'm still waiting for the response.

> Unseen.is - located in Iceland is a more privacy conscious provider.  
> I've created an acct using TBB in the past.  They don't - or didn't - 
> keep logs or store messages after you delete them.

Thanks, added to my "to do" list if bitmessage turns out to be unstable.

> I'm not sure that independent testing of encrypton or software is as 
> relevant today, if - - avoiding state players is a main concern. For 
> protection against _non-government criminals_ (see what I did there?), 
> independent testing is important.

Actually I'm more concerned with government criminals... but I hope that 
PGP encryption with a 4096-bit key will keep them away... because if not, 
then what else will?

Thank you!

- -- 
Oskar Wendel, o.wendel at wp.pl.REMOVE.THIS
Pubkey: http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB5E3846CD40F08E3


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