[tor-talk] Making TBB undetectable!

Spencer spencerone at openmailbox.org
Mon Oct 12 21:40:44 UTC 2015


>> Spencer:
>> You should draft this into a proposal...
> behnaz Shirazi:
> if you write it for me i appreciate that :)

I will write it with you.  Hit me up.

>> Yes, but discrimination is unsupported and avoidable.
> sh-expires-12-2015 at quantentunnel.de:
> Discrimination happens between you and your endpoint,
> not between you and Tor.

Destinations discriminate against Tor :)

> Can be done without TBB already.

Might be the way to go, and be part of a security behavior protocol 
instead of contained in one package, similar to Tails' Unsafe or Portal 

> It would be a discussion, if...

Interesting limitations and perspective.  Thanks!


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