[tor-talk] Open link from command line in running tor browser

l.m ter.one.leeboi at hush.com
Thu Jan 15 22:31:13 UTC 2015

You can try running Tor Browser by issuing the command:

firefox --class "Awsum It Works" -profile
path-to-torbrowser-default-profile www.site.ru

If you get an error 'Couldn't load XPCOM' you need to set your 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the location of the libstdc++.so.6 included with
your  Tor Browser download.

The default path to the profile is in
/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default (specify relative to
current working dir)
The default path to the included libstdc++.so.6 is in
/Browser/TorBrowser/Tor (export relative to root dir)

-- leeroy

jonas wrote:Hello,

This might be the wrong place to ask this but I looked at
and could not find a more suitable list. Please direct me away if I'm
in the wrong place.

I also suspect that this might be a little stupid but here we go.

I'm running debian and I've got very used to open urls from command
line by something like '$ iceweasel www.site.su'
and then iceweasel opens the site in a new tab.Now I'm slowly
migrating to using tor browser as my standard browser and 
I really miss this feature.

When trying the same "trick" out of the box then I just get an error
saying that firefox is already running.

Is is possible to tweak tor brower in some way to make this work?


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